Chapter 15 : smile. Smile. SMILE!
Jeremy's POV :
Me and Mike pulled away when we heard noises going on.
“ I'll be right back . ” Mike says then leaves.
“ Wait-!” I couldn't say anything else. I slipped on something and fell to the ground with a loud thud.
Fritz POv ( Cause why not ) :
Me and Scott stayed Frozen in place .
Vincent stood with a Knife in hand. He had this reeeeaaaaallly creeeeeepppy smile.
“ Friends. ... Don't be afraid. Smile for me! ~”
Ok yeah. He's creepy.
Scotts POV :
Vincent took a step towards us.
We then heard footsteps. It was Mike. He looked just as scared as we were.
“ I told you to SMILE! ”
Vincent yells before jumping onto Fritz. He stabs him in arm. Fritz's Screams where heard through out the room. OmG what to do! He's gonna kill us all! Vincent then plunges towards Mike. I can't let this happen. I ran over and try to pull Vincent off of Mike. He trys to push me off ,but I wouldn't let him. He growls “ Let Go Scott! I don't ----- I want to hurt You. ”
Jeremy's POV In jeres head :
(My mind was all over the place.
Then flashes of memory's came Crashing in. I remembered. My old friends as a small child. And the feeling of happy ness and Love. I remember my parents. . . Loving me? They were smiling and hugging me.
What happened?
They got scared on day when... I woke up with green eyes instead of brown. That's not it. I also was a bit strange. Ever since that day .. They called me Monster.
The feelings always been here. I've felt it all . Love , Happy ness , Fear, Sadness. Im no Monster. )
My eyes open slowly. My head really hurts. I got up and walked to my living room to see Fritz laying on the ground with blood coming from his arm and Mike, Vincent, and Scott fighting. Vincent pushes Scott and was now about to stab Mike with a Knife. “s-STOP! ” I yelled.
They all looked towards me.
Vincent let's go off Mike.
“ They are not like us Jeremy. We're freaks. Monsters that they want locked up. We can't be silenced. Join me ” Vincent says as he held a hand near me. “ We are not Monsters. ” I say as I shook my head.
Vincent growls.
“ Fine. .. You'll regret it. ”
Was all he said then ran out.
(( Sorry for not Updating daily like I should. Life is sooo busy and very hard. I would love if you checked out that15yearold story's. They are awesome and really deserves more reads. Thank chus ))
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