What are We in for
After the whole call me and Justin decided to call Carly and ask her questions then turn off our phones tell we knew whats truly going on it was for the best. We also decided to make a meeting with the others that went to our school because we knew we were not the only ones scared about what that message was about.
"Hello?" "Hey Carly um I have a question for you and it might be a little wired." I said "Okay shoot I live for wired." Carly said " "okay so today the wiredest thing happend in my last period and not just me all my friends had the samething happen to them as well everything shut down that gave us work so we got a free day... generally I wouldnt be upset but then my phone kept getting the same call from the same unknown phone caller and wouldnt stop calling me so I finally answered the phone and they said a lot of a wired things including my full name they said me you and the others were chosen to be monster hunters and I was wondering if the samething happend to you." I said "Yeah it happend to me too its really scaring me I don't even know how they know that stuff about me and my phone number dude I never give my number out to anyone." "This is freaking me out more than dolls which is a lot because I am hella scared of those well not the cute ones those are actually lovable but the antique ones scare the hell out of me....But still." "They said theres even more information coming our way..." Carly said in a bit of a shaken voice. "I know its unsettling and it makes you want to throw up but we cannot tell anyone but the ones on that list if we break that rule I don't even want to know what will happen to the person we told or to someone we want to tell they might... I am not going to even go there... we can ONLY TALK TO EACHOTHER AND THE OTHERS NO ONE ELSE YOU UNDERSTAND!" I exclaimed "I understand but still... no no your right no one can know about this its for the best I think we need to go away tell we know more about this." Carly said "That is definitly a bad idea then our familys will worry about us ask a ton of questions and not to menchin call the police on us telling them we ran away and how we were acting wired then the police will start asking us why we were acting wired stuff like "we will protect you from whatever you got yourselfs into but you have to tell us who is threataning you." Which would cause us even more trouble." there was a long pause over the phone "Um... Carly?" still no answer "CARLY!" I yelled " Yeah sorry I am here just that was oddly specific... a simple no would have done the trick." I sighed out of relief knowing she was okay. "Well I watch a lot of cop shows and there is always a line or two about that." "Well okay... but Abby I am scared and a little excited about it." " I know Carly I feel the same way you do" I said in a calming voice I then took a deep breath in " But right now our best bet is to stay calm and act like there is nothing wrong also we need to keep in touch with eachother ,to let eachother know when there is somthing new about whatever this we got our selfs into some how..." Our call ended on that.
The final bell rang me and the others decided to meet then. I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed to the meet up spot. Once I got there everyone who needed to be there was there they all looked white as ghost. I feel the color from my face slowly fade too as I approched to the group. I sat next to my closest friend Emma we all sat in a circle and ate our snacks quitely tell someone broke the silence that was sucking the color from everyone here. "Well we might want to address the big fat elephant in the room." I said breaking the silence everyone stopped eating and looked up I took another deep breath in and out. "Look I know we all got this scary phone call that shook us all up and made us feel unsafe now and trust me I get why we all want to be silent and shut everyone out cause they would not understand the shit we are into but we do have people who understand what we are into... well for the most part, and thats us we all know what we are going through so I know not all of us get a long with eachother but right now we need to put all of our differences behind us and I know its not going to be easy! But we are all in the same shit and we have to stick together we cannot run away or talk to anyone and I MEAN ANYONE! Not to alarm you all more then we are, but if we tell anyone I don't know wht will happen... This is between us and whatever the hell monster hunters are and with this group I know we will make it." I ended my speech there everyone was quite for a long time. "Abbys right this is between us and no one else but the other people on that list we might not understand right now... or ever but regardless we have each other and we will get through this together it will be hard but who knows it might be an adventure that we will never forget..." Emma said I looked around and they all began to knod at each other "We got this!" Said Justin then followed by everyone else minus Austin instead he said "LET GO KICK ASS!" everyone just looked at him with disappoinment "No Austin we don't even know who we are even up agenst." Remy said with a roll of her eyes we all began to laugh.
I don't know what we are up agenst or better yet who I don't know a lot of things about this I don't know whats ahead I just don't know, but whatever it is we are all in this together no matter what happends to us. With this group who knows what will happen but one things for sure we will all survive but I don't know.
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