It was a typical morning my alarm clock woke me up with its loud and annoying beeping. I rolled over to face the clock and hit it but it still continued the horrible sound. After a few more trys I gave up and just pushed it off my night stand and just starred at the ceiling like it had one of my favorite shows on.
I looked out the window and all I saw was darkness "ugh its way to early for this" I groaned and rolled over again I heard my door creak open and immediately ducked under my covers to protect my eyes from the blinding light. "Honey you awake I heard a crash and I." by the pause I knew she saw the broken alarm clock. "Another one broken! You need to stop breaking these things when their doing their job." "Hey its not my fault I hit the stupid thing like twenty times and it would not shut up, if they were doing their job they would know when to stop once your awake." I yelled from under the covers still not wanting to move and me blinded. Once I finally got the courage I came out from my covers "OW!" I yelled "Why does light always have to be so painful in the morning its really annoying." My mom just looked at me as if I was a crazy person "what!?!" I asked " Nothing your just so over dramatic."
"I am not mom!" I said as I was getting out of bed "Whatever you say dear, breakfast is ready for you whenever your ready I have to get going or I will be late to help get the kids off the buses love you sweetheart see you after school." "Love you too mom have a good day." I watched my mom leave my room. I started walking down stairs to get breakfast and then walked back up. I sat down on my bed to watch TV while I ate. During a comerical break I heard my phone vibrate. I picked it up took it off the charger to see who texted me "Oh hey its Sara." I said to myself "Hey Abby did you study for the history test cause I didnt and I could really use some cheat codes." I rolled my blueish greenish eyes at the the text. "Typical Sara always forgetting to study lol." I said to myself "So whats your excuse for not studying this time?" I asked it didnt take long for her to reaspond "I had family plans dude, and my dog died then my fish man it was an awful night bruh so EXUSE ME IF I DIDN'T STUDY FOR A STUPID TEST ABBY GOD WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO JUGEMENTAL!!!!!!" "Okay dile it back a bit Sara and I already know thats crap so now tell me whats the real reason huh?" "Okay okay fine the truth is I just didnt want to study but now I relize that was dumb because I don't know a single thing thats going to be on that test, so PRETTY PLEASE HELP ME OUT!!!!! I mean we have the same teacher can't you just slip me a cheat sheet and if we get caught I wont let you go down with me so please for meeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!" "I don't know Sara..." "Oh don't tell me you have gone soft on me now bruh." I took a while to think then I started typeing again. "Okay fine but JUST THIS ONCE!!!!!" "okay now I have to start getting ready or I'll miss the bus love you see you at school ttyl." "Love you too see you at school."
I got up and started getting ready for the day I started with my makeup then I put on my favorite blue T-shirt, high waisted black pants, brown Ugh boots, and then my favorite black lether jacket. I pulled my thick blonde hair up into a high poney tail. "Well here goes another day of Hell yay..." I said to myself I turned my TV off and started walking to school.
I made it to school "Hey Abby wait up" I turned around to see who it was "Oh hey Glecilyn" I stopped and waited for her to catch up to me "have you heard if the others are coming today or not?" I asked as me and Glecilyn started walking to our place were we meet the others. "No not yet but Sara texted me begging for me to give her a cheat sheet for the test today." "She did that to me too typical Sara but I love her anyways so what did you say?" "I told her that I would try but not promises." Me and Glecilyn made it to the spot and saw one of the others "Hey Zoriaya" I said "Sup bitch lol Just kidding." She said "Hey have you heard if everyones coming today?" I asked "No but I heard Justins defenitly will be here." she winked at me "I'm sorry but do you have something in your eye because it looks like you do." "Oh shut up its obvious you like him." She nugged my sholder " yeah..." I paused "as a friend" She looked at me the same way my mother had this morning "I call BS I have seen the way you've looked at him and bitch that ain't no " I like you just as bestfriend look" and you know it so don't go acting like it was." I looked at Zoriaya "Shes right Abs its easy to tell you like him like him." Glecilyn said I then turned my head to her "you two are so annoying I don't like anyone." "Emhm sure you don't." Zoriaya said while taking a sip of her Orange Juice "you can shut up now Zoriaya." The bell rang and it was time for our history class good news most of us had it first period but our teacher hated us she always seperated us cause we talked to much.
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