Chapter 1- River?
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Sky's P.O.V_-_-_-_-_-_-_
Dipper and I sat by the crystal river, looking in Journal 3. We had seen a page that was overlooked hundreds of times. The page was called: Gobblewonker. As much as we'd fought the fake one before and never found the real one; we never FULLY read the pages on it.
We were discussing whether there even is a REAL Gobblewonker when a certain yellow dorito popped up in front of us.
"Heya Pine Tree! Hey Flame!" the annoying yellow triangle said loudly scaring both of us. We fell backwards and landed in the river.
"HOLY SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA! THAT IS COOOLLLDDD!!!" I exclaimed. Dipper squealed loudly.
"Did ya miss me? Admit it you missed me!" Bill continued. By the time we got out of the river, we were freezing. Our teeth were chattering and we couldn't stop shaking. It was a very hot day though so we warmed up in a matter of seconds. "No we did not miss you Illuminacho." Dipper said teeth still chattering and Journal 3 in hand. Bill looked 'sad' before I splashed him with the freezing water. He was furious. We laughed and ran away as he bellowed at us with rage. "FLAME! PINE TREE! YOU SHALL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS!"
Eventually, we reached the Mystery Shack with soaking wet clothes. We were suprised they didn't dry off quicker. Mabel came in and looked at us.
"What happened to you two?"
"Bill, river. " I said. She processed what I meant and laughed.
"It's not funny! It was freezing!" Dipper retorted. Grunkle Stan also walked in and questioned us then told us to change and fetch as much of the water as we could so he could sell it to customers on this scorching hot day. Dipper didn't think this a good idea though. "But Grunkle Stan! We found it in the woods! There could be diseases in that water! Heck! It could even be enchanted!" Grunkle Stan just told him to do it without hesitation. Dipper sighed in defeat and went to get some buckets.
Soon enough, Dipper, Mabel and I fetched over 30 buckets of water EACH! We sat in the Mystery Shack out of breath before deciding to get a bottle of the water ourselves. Not even Dipper refused. He was so worn out that he couldn't say no.
We stole a bottle each and glugged it down. Feeling refreshed; we outside went to play with the Nyerf guns.
Eventually, the score was :Dipper- 7
Mabel- 8
Me - 13. They gave up and, seeming as it was now dark, we decided to go to sleep.
Unbeknownst to the town, there was something up with the water they ALL had drunk.
E'yup! Another story! *laughs nervously* Stupid ideas...
But yeah! A 'Monster Falls ' story! You can be added into the book! Only 3 spaces tho'! P.M me details and you shall be added into the book! You can be a 'Monster' or a human. Up to you! I don't need characters, I want to get you guys involved!
Remember ; no matter who you are, your gender, race, age, religion, what others think, you are YOU.
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