t w e n t y o n e
The starvation gets stronger by the second. The more I think about it, the more it grows. It's horrible but satisfying at the same time. I have mixed feelings about it and I don't even think before I do something.
It's after the action when guilt and realization both dawn into me. Mostly in these situations I turn to my friends for help. But here's the problem. I lost my friends.
So basically I have no one to turn to but myself. Literally.
Feeling lonely is painful and it tortures you from the inside. But the worst part is when you know it. It's when you know that you're alone that you start to cry. Cry for help. But guess what? No one comes to your rescue.
Why? Because you lost them. You lost your friends.
But then there's the starvation that always comes in the way. Don't get me wrong, the starvation never leaves. It just gets stronger that it starts to hurts from how much you just want. Or maybe even need.
I groan at the delicious taste and wipe the blood on my lips by the back of my palm. I push the body off of me and he falls on the floor. "Sorry bartender, but to make you feel better you tasted delicious." I mutter, staring down at the dead bartender.
"Dimples would look great on you."
I chuckle at my own comment before I walk out the closet and into the kitchen of the restaurant. "Oops. Did I do that?" I ask myself innocently, gasping as my eyes scan the kitchen.
Chef's bodies lay dead on the floor with their blood drained out of them. "Oh wait, I did." I chuckle to myself as I walk between the bodies.
I jump over a chef laying on the floor as I make my way to the double doors that lead out of the kitchen. I catch a Chef with a knife dived into his neck. "You're the owner, aren't you?" I ask, giving him an oops look.
I push open the double doors and step into the main room where tables are. "Oh, did I do that too?" I chuckle, staring at the bodies drained of blood.
"Nice ring." I say to a woman who sits on the chair with her dead body leaning forward on the table. I slip the ring off of her finger and slip it on mine.
"Seriously? First the club and now this?"
I turn to look at Damon who stands in the doorway of the restaurant. "Hotel's next." I reply, smiling smugly. He scoffs, "Something's seriously wrong with you."
"Sorry, Damon, I'm just thirsty."
"Water exists, you know that right?"
"Brains exist, you know that right?"
Damon rolls his eyes and steps over a dead waiter on the floor. "What is wrong with you?" Damon whispers, his eyes not believing the scene he's in. "Let me guess, this isn't me? I'm a better person? What do you have to say to me now, Damon? Huh?" I ask, crossing my arms.
"Come home with me, Emilia. We can help fix you."
"Fix me?" I scoff, "I'm not a f*cking machine, Damon. I'm not an object. You can't just screw with me and use hammers to fix me. You can't do that, Damon. I'm a freaking werecoyote. I get to do what I want whenever I want-"
"And you want this?" Damon asks, motioning his hands to the problem I did. "Yes." I answer and Damon replies instantly, "Why?"
"Because it stops the torture."
"What torture?"
"The starvation."
"That's why you're doing this?" Damon scoffs, shaking his head.
"Of course you wouln't understand, Damon, you're a vampire it's what you do. You drink blood and that's your habit-"
"I know, but that doesn't mean you can steal it."
"The only thing I'll steal is your heart when you follow me again."
I walk past him, making sure to bumps shoulders before I walk to the exit. Damon speeds in front of me and I run into his chest. I groan and step back, glaring at me.
"Out. Of. My. Way."
"No." Damon replies, leaning both his arms against the doorway to stop me from leaving. "Damon, get out of my way or I'll do something I'll regret." I mutter, gulping as I stare at his chest because I'm trying to ignore eye contact.
"Okay, but I get to ask one question."
"Fine." I sigh, finally looking him in the eye. Damon takes a moment for his eyes to roam my face, searching for something. I narrow my eyes at him and he sighs.
"Why are you really doing this?"
I scoff, "Damon, I already tol-"
"You told me a lie, Emilia. I want the truth."
I glare at him and he shrugs innocently. "What I said wasn't exactly a lie." I sigh, "It was part of the truth."
"What's the other part?"
"It hurts." I reply and he gives me a confused look. "The starvation hurts, Damon." I clear out and he nods, motioning for me to continue.
"I stopped eating for a while." I began, "Because I was afraid that something else would happen. I mean it was impossible to know when blood is just gonna appear right in front of me. I swam in blood, mixed fruit loops with blood, ate raw fish, washed my hands in blood, and found a dead body on my bedroom floor.
I didn't know when the next time it might happen. I was afraid I'd eat something and start tasting blood. I just drank water because I didn't want to die. I know the reason is silly but what's happening to me is silly after all. The blood situations where blood just appears out of nowhere.
Worst part is that Klaus was behind it all. All of it. He wants me to become a monster. He wants me to go against you guys. But I'm not with him nor you. This is also the third part of why I'm doing this. It's because I'm protecting you guys. I want Klaus to see me as a monster. A blood thirsty werecoyote that can't stop drinking-"
"No. I'm going to be exactly what he wants, and I'm going to make him regret it."
♡ ♡ ♡
"Another shot." I yell at the bartender as I massage my temple, groaning at the pain. A shot glass is slammed in front of me and the bartender sends me a wink. I roll my eyes and throw my head back, drowning the shot.
"What's a pretty lady like you doing here all by herself?" A guy asks, sliding into the stool beside me. "What's a guy with an old pick up line like you still doing on this world?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.
He chuckles, "I'm Mark."
I nod and down another shot that the bartender provided me, along with another wink. "Aren't you gonna tell me you're name?" Mark asks, sipping his beer.
"So, what do you do?"
I glare at him, "Rip annoying people apart."
"Great sense of humor." Mark says, laughing. I groan, "Listen Mark, I'd say I'm lesbian but then I'd be lying. I'd tell you I have a boyfriend but then again I'd be lying. So, I'll be straight honest with you and say leave."
Mark rolls his eyes and stands up before he leaves. I sigh in relief and take another shot, earning another wink from the hella annoying bartender.
"Wink at me one more time and I'll claw your eyes lids to shreds, and feed them to pigs."
A few minutes later I throw a pebble at the lake and it bounces three times before it sinks. I swing my legs from the fence I'm sitting on as I listen to the soothing music from my phone.
I stare up at the moon and let out a sigh. Tomorrow is the full moon and I'm scared out of my mind. It's going to be another day of torture and I'm not even used to it.
"There you are."
My head snaps to the person that spoke and my eyes furrow in confusion. A blonde haired guy stands behind the fence with his hands behind his back. He's looking out to the lake and I instantly turn off the music from my phone.
"Who are you?"
The guy turns to look at me and he walks on the wooden floor. He stands beside me expect that he's behind the fence and he's leaning forward on it. "Tell me, Emilia, how's life going for you?" He asks with an english accent.
"Are you compelled?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him. "No." He answers, staring ahead of him. "Then who are you and how do you know my name?" I ask, glaring at him.
The guy sighs and stands up straight, holding his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Klaus Mikaelson, nice to meet you." He smirks at me as my eyes widen.
"Is this how Satan looks like?"
Klaus raises a questioning eyebrow and I hesitantly shake his head. "Emilia Gilbert, and nice to meet you too." I mutter, clearing my throat.
"I know."
"Know what?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "I know who you are and what you are." He answers and I scoff, "Duh! You're the one who got me into this mess."
"Anyways," He rolls his eyes, "How is life going for you?"
"How so?"
"I feel so alone. Even though I'm betraying my friends, I still love them and would do anything for them. I feel weak, y'know." He nods and urges me to continue. "Life has never been tough for me before. Ever."
"Life is tough my darling but so are you."
I whip my head towards him and he continues to stare at the lake. I sigh, "You know I actually thought you were going to rip me in shreds last night?"
"And why so?" Klaus asks, an amused smile stretching his face. "You're Klaus, also known as Satan, and from what I've heard of you you really are Satan." I reply, sighing.
Klaus chuckles, "I'd be lying if I said that none of those facts are true."
"What's your weakness?"
"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."
I nod, "Emotions. Rage and anger to be namely specific. They make me reckless and act irrational by lashing out, and it feels like my anger increases my power. It's the worst on the full moons because I feel the most intense go the point of going blind with rage."
"What's yours?" I ask, turning to Klaus. He sighs, "Humanity is the vampire's greatest weakness. Even if you turn it off it still tries to fight it's way back."
I nod understandingly as I push a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Your friends and I had a little fight last night after you left." Klaus mentions and I turn to him, "What do you mean?"
"Bonnie is dead."
My eyes widen and he shrugs innocently. "Now I just need you and your pathetic sister." I snarl at him and go to attack him but pain pierces my head, and I fall from the fence to the dirt underneath me.
I grab my head at the pain vibrating in it and literal groans escape my mouth. My fingers dig deep into my hair as I cover my ears, but the pain is much louder.
"Greta that's enough." Klaus says and the pain suddenly stops. I take deep breaths as I groan at the aftermath. "What do you want for me?" I ask, my voice shaky as I look up at him still holding my head.
"You're the experiment, darling, I want a lot of things from you. I'll see you tomorrow."
♡ ♡ ♡
I let out an annoyed sigh as I pace in the small motel room. I've been hear for half an hour and she still hasn't showed up. I know this is her room since her stuff is probably scattered everywhere.
My eyes always kept getting bag to the black lacy bra that lays on her pillow. It keeps grabbing my attention like a magnet. I shake my thoughts as the door creaks open.
"What are you doing here?" She asks, narrowing her eyes at me as she closes the door. I stop pacing and immediately rush to her, sighing in relief that she's alive.
I place my hands on her shoulders as she looks at me like I grew a third head. "I know why Klaus wants to break the curse." I mutter, my voice breathy.
"Because he wants to kill werewolves? I know."
"No. It's not that." I reply, shaking my head. "Then what is it?" Emilia asks, raising a questioning eyebrow.
"He wants to break the curse to become a hybrid."
"A vampire and werewolf."
"That's a thing?"
"Yeah. In order to break this curse, Klaus has to kill a vampire and a werewolf. He has to drink the doppelganger's blood, Elena's. You're the experiment, which means he has to feed you his blood and he kills you. And when you wake up, you're one of his own. But we're going to save Elena."
"Okay, that's great." She say, sighing. "Great?" I scoff as she sits down on the bed. "Yeah, why shouldn't it be? You'll save my sister." She replies, shrugging.
"Yeah, we'll save her. Which means the curse won't go as planned. Which means you'll die."
She nods look like she doesn't really knowing what to say as I sit beside her on the bed. "To be honest I don't think that's a bad idea at all." She whispers, pursing her lips as her eyes tears up.
"Don't you dare say that." I scoff, not believing her words. "As much as I hate saying it, Damon, it's true." She whispers, not able to hold back the tears as one escapes her eye.
"Hey," I soothe, taking her hand in mine as a comforting manner. "That's not true."
"No, it's true." She replies, tears slipping past her brown eyes. "Look at me. I don't even know what I'm doing. I don't know if I'm trying to prove a point, or if I'm trying to save you guys, or if I'm trying to fix myself. I don't know."
"You don't need to be fixed, Emilia, you're perfect." I whisper, wiping a tear on her cheek away using my thumb. "I hate this." She whispers and I nod understandingly as I scoots closer to her.
"I really hate this, Damon."
"I know."
"No one ever said it would be this hard. Please take me back to the start. Please." My heart aches for her as she breaks in front of me. She sobs quietly and I can't help but wrapping my arms around her, pulling her closer to me.
She cried on my chest as I prop her in my lap. She straddles me as she cries in the crook of my neck. I run my hand down her hair and I can't help but pull her closer.
"It's alright." I whisper and my heart breaks for her. She has went through hell and survived. She's alone and feels like she's not worth it. She's confused and wants to get back to being normal.
"I regret it." She sobs, clutching my shirt. "Regret what?" I ask, softly. "Walking through the woods that night." Her voice cracks as she continues to sob.
"Don't do this to yourself, Lia." I whisper, begging her as I rock her on my lap. "I'm not doing anything." She whispers as hiccups escape her throat. "I'm just hurting." She says, pulling her face back to look at me.
Her eyes are bloodshot as more tears escape her. Her nose is red and so are her cheeks. Her lips are a light shade of purple from all the crying she did.
"I think you look really beautiful when you cry."
Ps this is one of my favorite chapters I've ever written and I hope you guys liked it.❤
If u did plz vote & comment about what you thought💜
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