t h i r t e e n
Killing Elena is probably the best idea I've ever thought of. She has known me for her entire life and yet she has the nerve to wake up me up in freaking 10 in the morning because Stefan said to meet him at his house.
I mean, last time I checked he is her boyfriend. But no, little soon to be dead missy had to wake up her poor sister that literally had black circles under her eyes. And yes, I'm talking about myself.
I mean if Prince Charming kissed me awake I would've taken a trip up the hills. But no, it had to be my unfortunate sister to push me off the bed. I had landed on my front not only hitting my face, but my boobs too. My nonexistent boobs were hit and she had a lot in her pocket to pay.
Now we were standing on the Salvatore porch, oh sorry I meant Elena was standing while I was sitting criss crossed with a granola bar and coffee in my hands. Apparently, my sister thoughts I'd forgive her if she got me some breakfast.
But a granola bar and a warm cup of coffee wasn't going to fix it. She needed to work harder on her forgiving skills.
"Ugh, what are they doing? Having sex? I can picture Damon as a gay person, he'd totally rock it." I mutter, sipping my coffee.
The front door flew open revealing a glaring Damon. And don't you bet that the glare was set on me.
"Ladies. Talking about me, are we?" He greeted bluntly, keeping his useless glare on me. "Actually, yes. We were just picturing you as a gay person. No hate to the gays though." I replied, grunting as I stood up.
"She. She pictured it." Elena added, walking into the house past Damon.
I rolled my eyes and walked to the door but Damon blocked my way. "Elena, I can't get in. There is this see through wall that's keeping me from getting in." I call after Elena, pretending not see Damon as I walk into him on purpose.
Elena's laughter faded away as she skidded through the hallway. "Gosh, what is this now? A ghost town." I mutter, taking a bite from the unwrapped bar.
"You're unbelievable." Damon mumbles, annoyed as he turns around and walks down the hall. "Oh, my god! Damon actually said two words. Two words. Is it me or did I just win the lottery." I chuckled, stepping into the house.
Suddenly, Damon sped from in front of me to behind me. And do you know what the jerk face asshole did? He bumped into my shoulder harshly on purpose, spilling the hot coffee all over my white tank top.
"Oops." Damon gasped, placing his hand on his mouth. I froze and glared at him as he sauntered away. "Son. Of. A. Bitch." I scream, stomping my foot.
Damon laughed and I entered the living room, my step halting when I spitted four eyes looking at me. Three confused ones and one filled with laughter. "Rose. Elena. Stefan." I greeted, nodding my head towards them. "Hold up. Rose?" I paused, snapping my neck towards the woman.
Rose pursed her lips and nodded. "Oh gosh, it's so good to see you. Now I could hang you upside down, right after I feed this idiot raw fish. The same raw fish I had for lunch when I was lost. As a coyote." I don't know why I said that, but I did.
"Emilia," Stefan begins, "As much as I'd like to see you shove raw fish deep down my brother's throat." That earned a glare from Damon. "Rose has some important information she has for us."
"And then can I shove raw fish deep down his throat?" I ask, hopeful as I raised a questioning eyebrow. Stefan nodded, "And then you could do that."
"Unbelievable." Damon scoffed, leaning back on the couch as he crossed his arms. I sat beside him and he scooted away, and I scooted towards him and it went one until Damon fell on his butt on the floor.
"What is it with me today?" Damon groaned. "Meh, it could be anything." I shrugged, "Maybe you're even suffering from a lack of Vitamin Me. It's normal." I paused, "I think."
Damon scoffed and stood up, walking past me and I swatted his butt, chuckling when he glared at me. He sat on a single couch and I sighed, draping my legs over the couch and laying on it.
"Can we get to business now?" I nodded at Elena and she sighed, turning to Rose. "Okay, so what is this about?"
"Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true. It's the problem with all this vampire crap but Klaus, I know he's real." Rose informs.
"Who is he?"
"He's one of the originals, he's a legend." Damon answers and I scoffed, "And here I thought the Salvatore brothers were legends."
"They're from the first generation of vampires." Stefan replies, looking at me. "Explains." I nodded, clicking my tongue. "Is he like Elijah?" Elena asks.
"No. Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus. He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal." Rose answers.
"Klaus is known to be the oldest."
"Okay, so you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?" Elena asks, her eyes widening. "No." Rose and Stefan both answered.
"He's coming after you and your sister." Rose corrects and I instantly sit up. "Why my sister?" Elena asks, her brows furrowing. "Apparently, I'm the experiment." I reply.
"The experiment?"
"Yeah, in order to break the curse they have to make the sacrifice, killing Elena. And then they're going to excitement Emilia to see if the curse broke."
"How are they going to know it worked?"
"They're going to do it on the day of a full moon."
"Great." I mutter, sighing. "Look , Elijah's dead, right? So no one else even knows that you exist." Stefan says, looking at Rose. "Not that you know of." She replies.
"That's not helping." Damon says. "Look, I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on him. I mean, we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don't know if he's real. For all we know he could just be some sort of stupid bed time story." Stefan adds.
"He's real and he doesn't give up. If he wants something, he gets it. If you're not afraid of Klaus, then you're an idiot."
"Alright, we're shaking. You made your point." Damon scoffs as Elena gets up. "Where are you going?" Stefan asks, looking at her. "School. I'm late. C'mon Emilia." She answers.
"I'm skipping." I replied. "No, you're not." Elena scoffs. "Yes. I am. I'm not going to school looking like I just swam in brown pee." I say.
"Caroline has an extra shirt, she always does."
"Well, I don't want to go to school. Plus, I've got to clean my room. I couldn't find a bra this morning, I had to wear the one I wore yesterday."
"Ugh, fine." Elena huffs, turning around and walking out of the room. Stefan follows her and I stand up, pointing a finger at Damon. "You're going to pay for this," I point to my stained shirt, "Just not today, I'm too tired."
Damon rolls his eyes and I walk to the front door. I pull it open and run down the porch steps. Deciding to walk home, I skipped down the sidewalk.
♡ ♡ ♡
I turn on the warm water and it instantly sprays down to the bathtub. I sigh and strip out of my clothes, throwing them in the basket. I huff and check the water temperature, smiling when I felt the warm sensation on my cold hand.
I opened the curtain wider and stepped inside the shower, pulling the curtain close. I sighed in delight as the warm water running down my back and I pulled my hair to the side of my neck.
I scratched my black chipped nail polish and cleared my nail out of it. I froze when a drop of blood fell on my hand. I looked up at the ceiling but there was nothin.
I pursed my lips and looked down, gasping when I saw what was on my body. Blood was running down between cleavage and down my arms, running down my body.
I looked at the shower head and sure there was blood spraying out of it. My eyes widened and I took step back, stopping when I saw the tub filled with blood.
I don't know how but it got clogged, and I bent down on my knees to pull it open. The blood reached my waist as I fought with the cover.
This was happening again. My fight with blood and the sensation of hunger. It was returning as I fought with the cover and watched more thick blood fall on me.
First, a dead body was in my room. Second, the box of milk was filled with blood. And now this? Who keeps doing that to me?
I felt the hot tears run my cheeks as I tried to pull open the drainer but it was stuck. The puddle of blood was now overflowing in the tub.
I pulled open the curtain and watched as the blood puddle down the floor. I groaned and pulled stronger, begging it to come off.
I banged my hand against the wall and just sobbed. I couldn't take it anymore. Someone out there wanted me to be the monster I hated. They wanted me to suffer and to torture my friends.
What was next?
Suddenly, the bathroom door flew open and my aunt Jenna came running in. She gasped when she caught the sight in front of her.
The overflowing tub, the blood on the floor seeping through the carpet, and then there was me. Sitting in a tub of thick blood while I sobbed my eyes out.
I watched as Jenna with widened eyes walked slowly through the thick blood on the floor, grasping at the objects in order not to slip.
Jenna stopped at the tub and grabbed a towel. "Come her." She said softly, helping out the bathtub. She wrapped the towel around me when I stepped out of the tub. She wrapped her arms around me as she helped into my room, that also had blood on the floor.
"Wait here, and don't go running off to the woods." Jenna softly said and I chuckled softly, nodding. She walked back in the bathroom and I slid down the wall, sitting on the floor.
I heard the water turn off before Jenna started cleaning the floor by sweeping it to the drain. I heard the bathtub go off as the water drained down and Jenna came back into my room, sweeping the blood out of it. There wasn't much blood in my room expect in front of the bathroom door.
"Okay," Jenna sighs, stepping back inside the room. "Wanna tell me what happened?" I shook my head and she huffed, sliding down the walk beside me. "You can trust me, you know that right?"
"I know, but it's not that."
"What is it then?"
"It's just," I sigh, "I don't want to discuss what I just witnessed." My eyes teared up, "Do you know I found a dead body in my room?"
Jenna's face turned into sadness immediately. "That box of milk was the second blood incident." I added, "And now a bathtub full of b-blood." My voice cracked and I was now fully sobbing.
"I'm so sorry." Jenna whispers, wrapping her arms around my blood neck and embracing me. I leaned my cheek onto her shoulder and cried silently.
"Why don't you go clean up in my bathroom? Then we'll go watch a movie okay?"
I nodded, sniffing as she helped me up to my feet. She helped walk into her bathroom and she turned on the shower head. "Call me if you need anything." I nodded and she wiped my tears away with her thumbs. "Thanks Jenna."
She smiled before leaving the room and I swear I felt like a child. I sighed and took a shower, hoping that this time no blood comes out.
"God, Damon still owes me ten dollars."
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