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I had totally forgot about the picture I stole from Isobel's office at Duke. It had flew out of my mind with all that has happened last night, it was an unforgettable one.
Expect this morning when I had threw everything out of my backpack, that I saw it slip past the other items. The framed picture was pretty clear through the scattered objects across my bed.
I had pulled it out and stated at the picture once again. The frame was scratched and dusty, and I had scoffed down at my backpack. I didn't care to look at the picture, but I had immediately pulled the paper out of it's frame.
I stared at it and anticipated wether the twins were me and Elena, or just two tumblr babies. The corners of the paper were folded to fit it inside the frame and I played with it a few times, rocking it back and forth with my index finger.
I flipped the picture and looked at the back of it, hoping for a name or who the babies were. But the back was crystal clear and I let out an irritated sigh.
I had slipped it back into it's wooden frame and locked it inside the drawer of my bedside table. I scratched my head irritably and walked to my closet, changing into black spandex and a sports bra.
Today was my deal with Mason to train me into becoming an actual werewolf. I had mixed feelings of excitement and fear all at once running through my body.
But I had pushed them aside and met Mason at the Lockwood cellar, where I was supposed to have my training.
Now I was forcefully drinking water, cause apparently it helps practice and I quoted the beloved Mason Lockwood.
I squeezed the empty bottle and threw it on the ground, groaning. "That's 3 liters of water, Mason. I didn't know they sell that big of a water bottle." Mason chuckles, "This is for beginners. I drink 8 liters."
"Beginners?" I scoff, "God, I can't even drink 3 liters. This practice is already failing."
"Don't let your self down easily, Emilia." Mason says, "I promise it'll get easier once you get used to it."
"I'm holding you on to that."
"Ok, let's begin with the most important technique. Hearing." Mason states, rolling up his sleeves. "In order to hear things from far away, you need a lot of focus. The key is to focus on the words, whether they're whispering or not."
I nod as he continues, "This is how we're going to do it. I'm going behind that cellar and I'm going to whisper something. You're job is to stand here and focus on you're hearing, and you have to figure out what I was whispering. Okay?"
I nod, "Okay."
Mason walks to the cellar and pulls it open, slipping inside and closing it. He walks to a corner and turns his back to me. He gives me a nod and he starts to whisper.
I take a deep breath, letting it out as I close my eyes. Focus, Emilia, focus. I listen around but hear nothing but silence, the gust of wind outside, and Mason's whispers. I try to focus on his voice but I can't reach it.
I let out a defeated sigh, "Ugh, I can't hear you."
"Focus, Emilia, try again." Mason demands and I sigh, nodding. It goes silent again and I close my eyes as I try to figure out his voice.
I suddenly hear the word you and I focus more, trying to figure out the rest of the sentence. "Focus Emilia." Mason says loudly before going back to whispering. "I'm trying." I reply, groaning.
I bite my lip harshly as his whispers become clearer, more louder. "You can do this." I hear his whisper and a small smile breaks onto my face. "You can do this." He repeats, whispering.
I let out a low squeal and my eyes fly open. I turn to Mason and smile, "I heard you." Mason turns to me and raises an eyebrow, "Really?" I nod, "Yeah, you were saying you can do this."
"That's right." Mason nods, "Now we're going to step up our level."
"And how so?"
"I'm going further. I'm going out to the woods and you figure out what I'm saying okay?" Mason explains and I nod, "Okay."
Mason walks out of the cellar and up the stairs to the woods. "Are you ready?" He calls back. "Yes." I reply loudly. "I'm starting." He mentions and I get into position.
I close my eyes and without a doubt, I hear his voice once again. "Emilia Gilbert." He says, repeating it. "Got it! It's Emilia Gilbert!" I call out and he instantly comes back down.
"Good job, Emilia. You just passed your first test." Mason congratulates, smiling. "Now, we're going to work on your growl." I nod, smiling excitedly.
"That's easy, I know how to growl." I stated, shrugging. "Well, show me what you got." He muses, smiling.
I chuckle before flashing my blue eyes at him, growling loudly. Mason smiled in amusement as I flared my fangs at him. I then stood up straight and shifted back to normal, smiling proudly.
"WereCoyote. Cute." He says, amusingly. "WereCoyote?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "Yeah, you're a werecoyote." He repeats, chuckling.
"What the hell is a werecoyote?" I ask, my eyes widening. "Werecoyotes are similar to werewolves. The difference is that werecoyotes can shift into a coyote form, while werewolves only can evolve at full moons."
"So, I'm a werecoyote not a werewolf." I repeat and he nods. "How do you know that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Well, you were bitten right? If you were a werewolf you'd have yellow eyes. But you have blue ones, and werecoyote always have blue eyes."
I nod, "Okay, I think that's it for today. I mean I have a lot of things on my calendar tonight, you're lucky I squeezed my training in between my run and lunch. But thank you Mason for helping me today, I can't wait for the rest."
Mason smiles, "Of course, Emilia, take care."
And with that being said, I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the cellar.
♡ ♡ ♡
I moan at the rich taste of the cream stuffed strawberries and savor it with delight. I lick the whip cream off my lips and walk through the public park. There are a lot of stands around me whether they were a lemonade stand, fruit stand, dessert stand, or any kind of stand.
There were a bunch of activities and my friends were scattered everywhere. And here I am, skipping through the park and enjoying the busy atmosphere.
Today was like a free day for me to feel and live like a human being again. I want nothing to do with the outside world, that's why I'm trying to keep away from everyone who knows about it; basically half of the park.
Automatically, my eyes meet with familiar blue ones and he immediately sends me a small wave. I roll my eyes and head towards him. I know I said I want nothing to do with the outside world, but here I am walking towards the supernatural itself.
Unanticipatedly, someone knocks me off of my feet and I end sprawled on the ground. I groan at the spiking pain at the back of my head and my eyes fly open. I glare at the source of human being and he looks down at me angrily.
"Watch where you're going, woman." He spat and just at that moment I notice the smeared whip cream across my chest, making it wet and clear for everyone to see my black lacy bra.
I move my gaze from my chest and up to his face. My face heats up in anger and I stand up straight instantly. "Excuse me?" I ask, growling. "Great," He scoffs, "She's deaf." He says, "I said, watch where you're going, woman."
"Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out." I spat, curling my right hand into a fist. My fist flies towards his jaw but unfortunately a hand wraps around my elbow, pulling my arm back.
I fight against the person and the man in front of me rolls his eyes before he walks away.
"Leave. Me. Alone." I growl against the person behind me, but they wrap a strong arm around my waits. "Don't let the anger take over you." Mason says, whispering into my ear.
I groan and push my elbow into his stomach, but he doesn't react. "Stop it, Emilia. You're creating a scene." He groans, tightening his grip around my waist.
I notice a few people staring at us and I sigh, pushing Mason away from me. He stepped away and I turned around facing him. I notice him looking down at my chest before he looks away.
I groan and snap my fingers carelessly, "I don't care anymore. It's not like no one has seen a bra before." I scoff, turning around and walking away.
Damon is still standing in the same position, his face filled with humor as he stared at me. I rolled my eyes at him and stomped to where he stood in front of the lemonade stand.
I take the cold lemonade from Damon's hand and I sip at it. Suddenly, Damon steps closer to me and wraps a protective arm around my waist. I furrow my eyebrows but then realize the ogling eyes that were staring at my chest.
I roll my eyes at Damon's behavior but lean into him, sipping the cold beverage. "You might wanna rethink about wearing a black bra under a white t-shirt." Damon states, muttering curses under his breath as he glares at the guys around the stand.
"I'm sorry, Damon. I didn't know someone would knock me right off of my feet." I mutter sarcastically, throwing the empty plastic cup in the bin.
"The dude deserved a punch." He says, chuckling. "He did," I reply, "But Mason wouldn't let that happen. Apparently, anger taking over me is not a good thing." I mutter, scoffing.
"Why does Mason care?"
My eyes widen as realization hits him square in the face. "Unless-" I cut him off, "I have to go, haven't spoke to Elena since this morning." I turn around and rush away from him before he has a second chance to talk to me.
"Holy shit, Emilia! He was just going to figure out that Mason knows about me being a werewolf — wait, I mean werecoyote — and if he did, he'll kill him. And if Mason dies, I won't be able to train anymore. And if I don't train anymore, I wan't be an actual werecoyote. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!"
I take a deep breath after the long speech I just gave myself. "Oh, thank god!" I sigh in relief when I spot Elena by the fruit stand. I jog towards her and she turns to me with a smile, but the smile falls when she notices the accident.
"What happened?" She asks, raising an eyebrow as she points at my revealing chest. "It's nothing." I reply, sighing as I run my fingers through my hair.
"So," I cut her off, "How's that plan going on?"
"What plan?"
"Y'know, the plan about you and Stefan fake fighting." I reply and Elena groans, "You weren't supposed to know that." I scoff, "I heard you guys talking from my shower, and the water was on. That's took like nine walls to hear you."
"Why were you even listening? And how did you learn to do that."
"I've been listening all day because it's my new learned ability, so why not use it. And I learned it myself." I answered, the second one a lie.
Elena nodded, "That's cool."
"So, did Caroline and Damon believe it?" I ask, crossing my arms. "Yeah, it seems like it." She replies, nodding.
Suddenly, I hear loud ring shots and my head snaps towards the woods. "Did you hear that?" I ask Elena. "Hear what?" She asks, looking at me confused.
I hear the gun shots once again and I fling, a shiver running down my spine. I hear groans and familiar voices. I realize the groans belong to Damon and Stefan, and I instantly sprint towards the woods.
"Emilia!" Elena calls out after me, but I just charge through the woods, following the noises.
I come to a stop when I take in the scene in front of me. Stefan and Damon are on the floor. Liz and another deputies are holding guns. Mason is smirking. And I just stand in front of the scene.
"Liz, what are you doing?" I ask the Sheriff, looking at her confused. "You're better of without knowing." Liz answers, injecting Stefan and Damon with vervain.
My eyes meet Mason's and I instantly glare at him. He just shrugs with the same smirk still on.
They carry Damon and Stefan and start walking away. I huff out and follow them but Mason grabs my arm and pulls me back. "You can't save them." He mutters.
"I can, and I will."
"I am not letting you do that." He says, tightening his hand around my arm. "Watch me, Mason, just watch." I growl, yanking my arm from his grasp.
I stomp after their tracks and catch them walking down to the Lockwood cellar. I rush down after them and enter the cellar just as they throw Damon and Stefan on the floor.
"Liz, don't do this."
"You should leave, Emilia." Liz says, giving me a look. "You're going to kill them, aren't you?" I ask, tightening my fists. "Yes, that's why you should leave."
"I'm not leaving. And I'm not letting you kill them." I say, grumbling. "Emilia-" I cut her off, "I am not leaving, Liz."
"Fine," She huffs, "Suit yourself." She says just as a groan comes out of Damon. Liz instantly shoots him in the leg and he cries out. "This is how it's gonna work. Answer me and you don't get shot, understand? How many of you are there?"
"Liz, please." Damon begs, groaning. I flinch when Liz shoots him again and he screams. "How did you fool us? How do you walk in the sun?"
Damon doesn't answer and Liz shoots Stefan this time, but he's still unconscious. "I will drag this out painfully."
"But you're my friend."
"Our friendship was a lie. Answer me and I'll kill you fast."
"Liz," I begin, "Please don't do this. They're not like all vampires. They don't kill, they save people. I mean, I can't count how many times they've saved my life."
"They're vampires, Emilia. All vampires are monsters."
"No, not them." I state, shaking my head. "He's not gonna tell us anything. Kill them both." Liz tells the deputy, putting her gun back in.
"Let's do this. Each with a stake in the heart, then burn them both." Liz says before we bear a metallic creaking sound. "Check it out." Liz tells one of her deputies.
All of a sudden, Elena goes into the main cell and Liz points the gun at her. "Elena, what the hell are you doing here?" I ask, my face alarming. "You can't kill them. I'm not gonna let you." Elena says, looking at Liz.
From behind Elena a deputy comes up and points the gun at Elena. I growl and run towards him, yanking his gun and hitting him square in the head. He falls onto the floor knocked out as someone vamp speeds around us.
I realize it's Caroline as she bites one of the deputies neck, and knocking the other. She reveals her vampire self to her mom, "Hi mom."
♡ ♡ ♡
After what happened, we were all now sitting in the cell away from each other. Damon was feeding on a deputy, Stefan and Elena are in a corner, Liz and Caroline in a corner, and I'm sitting beside a dead deputy.
I look at his bashed up head and the blood oozing out of his neck. I gaze at his neck a little longer and this weird sensation shoots through my body. I stare at the red liquid as it runs down his neck.
I automatically lick my lips and move closer to him. I don't know what I'm doing but I kneel down in front of him. I hesitantly bring my finger up his neck, covering my index finger in blood.
I hold up my finger in front of my face and stare at it in starvation. My insides growl in hunger and next thing I know, I'm licking my finger clean. I groan in delight and move go get more of his blood, but someone's voice stops me.
"Emilia, what the hell are you doing?"
Log ass chapter!!!! I hope you guys enjoy it:)
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