o n e
Lives change sometimes with one wrong move, or one wrong mistake. People watch out to not make that mistake that can change their life. But sometimes that mistake happens without the person knowing.
My life changed for the worst and what I do and what I am is not what I excepted to be in the future.
My dream future was to graduate happy, be in a relationship with someone I cherish, and go of to college.
But that change with one single bite.
Going to the woods that night was my mistake that changed my life. I had walked through the woods to the Salvatore's house and expected to make it there alive. Honestly, I didn't even know something would happen.
The woods was always my enemy and will forever be. Whenever I walked through it, I either ended up followed, drowned, attacked, or bitten.
I can't see the future, which means I couldn't and would never know that there was a wolf roaming around somewhere in the woods. No one would even put that thought in their own mind.
That moment, that single second when I heard a low growl from behind me, everything literally stopped. My heart had fell down to my stomach and next thing you know I had turned around and caught the sight of two bright yellow eyes glaring at me.
It was a huge wolf animal who growled at me and his gaze was settled on me, so it means he was actually growling at me.
I had instantly turned around and sprinted away, running for my life. The wolf sprinted after me and he was animal, a damn fast animal.
It hadn't been 5 seconds when the wolf already jumped on me, and I ended up hitting my face on the harsh dirt. I had cried out and pushed him away, but he was faster and he ended up laying a big bite on my hip.
The wolf then just ran away after giving me the bite, and I stood up and continued limping to the Salvatore's house.
"This is way scarier than I thought."
"I'm the one who's getting chained up, Damon, not you." I replied, rolling my eyes as I tightened the chain through the hoop on the wall. "I'm the one who's going to have to watch you suffer." Damon replied, tightening the other chain.
"Do you even care?"
"Honestly? No, I just don't want to get bitten by a werewolf."
"You're a vampire, Damon, you'll heal." I mutter, rolling my eyes. "Uh...a werewolf bite can kill a vampire." Damon says, looking at me weirdly as if I was stupid. "Huh." I say, nodding as I took in the information.
"Well, good luck." I say, clicking my tongue as I push my back to the wall and wrap the waist chain around my waist. "Why do I even have to be here?" He asked, crossing his arms.
"So I don't run away."
"You're a big girl, Lia, I'm pretty sure you can control your self."
I stare up at him in disbelief and anger, "Contro-Damon I'm about to turn into a monster in like 10 minutes, literally. And you're here telling me to control my self? God knows what might I do, and I won't forgive myself. I might break out and literally become the new Mystic Falls villain. So, you're going to stay with me Damon and make sure I don't break out."
Damon gazes at me with a soft look on his face as I take deep breaths, tired from my speech. I then looked down and pulled the chain around my waist and tried locking it together, but my hands were shaking from anger and I couldn't focus.
It was another werewolf flaw, to be angry a lot and not be able to keep it in. I really wanted to shred Damon's face apart but I kept it in and tried to focus on locking myself.
"Here, let me help." Damon says, pushing my hand away gently and stepping closer. I huff and place my hands at my sides staring at the ceiling as Damon steps a little closer and tightens the chain around my waist, locking it.
Damon walks to the hoop chains and grabs the right one. He takes my wrist and wraps the chain around it, locking it. He takes my left wrist and wraps the chain around it, but he stops before locking it.
I furrow my eyebrows and look up at him, finding that he already was looking at me. I realized that our bodies were now pressed together and his hand was still frozen around the chain, with my hand high up too.
My mouth opens slightly as he steps closer, and I take a deep breath. "Damon, what are you doing?" I ask, whispering as I blink up at his face. "I don't know." He replies, whispering as he inches his face closer to mine.
My breath stops in my throat and I gulp nervously, gazing into his blue eyes. He inched closer and I automatically pushed my face higher, closer to his. I close my eyes as our lips get closer.
Suddenly, an unbearable pain rushes through my body and I groan out loudly as my face falls on Damon's chest. I cry out as Damon instantly locks the chain around my left wrist and steps back.
I scream from the pain in my teeth as I jump forward, trying to itch my body. A jolt of energies runs through my body and the pain gets stronger.
My mouth gapes open as I feel the fangs get out. I cry out as my eyes tear up from all the pain.
All of a sudden, my mind shuts down and it all changes.
The way I see things, the way I hear things, the way I feel, the way I move, and the way my mind works.
My vision is blue and I could see into the darkness. The moon shines on me from the window and it feels like all I want is to be free.
I jump forward, the chains rattling as I set my gaze on the nervous Damon. I growl loudly and move like a wild animal against the chains. "Lia, please calm down." Damon says, looking at me pleadingly.
I just growl as the pain rises more in my body and sweat rains down my face, wetting my hair. Pain is the key of this whole thing. When you feel pain and your chained up, you just want to break free. It's like the moon's torturing you, controlling you to break free and kill.
The pain gets stronger and my left wrist breaks free from the chain, and I claw at Damon. "Damon, go!" I growl, warning him. "No, no I'm not leaving." He replies, shaking his head.
"I'm going to kill you."
"I promised you that I won't leave, so I won't leave." He says, stomping his feet. "Leave!" I yell, growling as my right wrist breaks free. Damon jumps back and stares wide eyed at me, his mouth gaping open.
I lurch forward and try to break lose from the waist chain, but it wouldn't budge. Damon then slowly walked towards me and I took the chance to claw at him. But he hols my wrist with his quick reflexes. So, I open my mouth wide and hiss my fangs at him.
"Lia, calm down!" He growls, pushing me back against the wall and holding me there. I fight against him with my fangs but he pushes my face back against the wall, craning my neck. "Calm down." He whispers, tightening his hold on my wrists.
I stop moving and start taking quick deep breaths, maintaining myself. I felt the fangs slide back down and my eyes lose there color, leaving me in the dark. I slowly turn my head towards Damon and he releases his hold on my neck. "What's you name?" Damon asks, pushing a piece of wet hair from my face.
A chuckle bubbles out of my throat as Damon smiles, and I wrap my arms around his hip, nuzzling my head into his neck. "Thank you, Damon." I whisper, taking a deep breath. "For what?" He asks, whispering.
"For being so stubborn."
♡ ♡ ♡
"I thought this was over." I groaned, covering my face with the cushion. "I thought too, but apparently it's not." Elena mutters, sighing. "So, what are we going to do now? Katherine has been invited in this house." I say, crossing my arms. "Move." Damon answers, shrugging.
"Very helpful, thank you." Elena replies, rolling her eyes at him as she plops down beside me on the couch. "Katherine wants you both dead; there's zero you can do about it; you would be dead but you're not. So clearly she has other plans." Damon points put, leaning against the wall.
"Right and we need to find out what those other plans are and not provoke her in the process." Stefan says, "What happened tonight when you thought she was Elena?" He asks, turning to Damon.
"To risk another frown line encroaching on a very crowded forehead. We...kissed."
"And you thought it was me?" Elena asks, scoffing. "What do you mean you kissed?" Stefan asks, glaring at Damon. "Well, you know, when two lips pucker and they go." Damon replies, puckering his lips and makes kissing noises.
Stefan sneers and rushes to Damon with his super speed, but Damon speeds away and stops in front of the couch. "Don't be obvious, Stefan." Damon smirks, chuckling. Stefan glares at him before speeding again, but I stand and stretch out my arms between the two of them.
"Boys, boys, it's not the time to fight about my sister." I say before looking at Stefan, "And he kissed Katherine, not Elena. Elena would never even so that, and plus Katherine is out there somewhere so ain't nobody got time for that."
"She's right, you guys." Elena says, sighing as the boys separate and I fall back down on the couch. "John must know something. There has to be a reason why Katherine tried to kill him." Elena says, pointing out.
"She's Katherine, she loves to play games and you're fooling yourself if you think you're going to find out what she's been up to before she wants you to know."
"No, actually Elena's right, John could know something through Isobel." Stefan says before looking at Elena and I. "Your mother, she was in touch with Katherine so maybe we can go to the hospital and get him to talk."
"I've got a better idea." Damon says, smirking. "Yeah, and what is that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "I'm just gonna ignore the bitch." He says, shrugging. "Oh, and that's supposed to be smart?" I ask, snorting. "If Katherine thinks she's been ignored it will lure her out, she'll make a move."
"Yeah, and then what?"
"Stake her, rip her head off, something poetic. We'll see." Damon replies before turning around and walking out the front door. "So, how was the full moon?" Elena asks, turning to me. "Nuh, nope, not gonna talk about that." I say, shaking my head as I stand up from the couch and walk to the front door.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm getting sushi for my single woman movie night, while you enjoy your truce with Katrina."
FIRST CHAPTER OF THE SECOND BOOK! Yayo! How is it? Do you like it or nah?
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