f o u r t e e n
Infuriated would totally be the word to describe my state when I opened the fridge. I was presented by an empty fridge with one fricking cracked egg with the whites spilling out. And a box of empty milk.
Jenna obviously is on a diet and since she's on a diet, she forgets all about the other human beings living with her. She literally has three human beings in the house and she doesn't care to get us food. She's doing wonderful for a guardian if you ask me.
Anyways, I decided to take a trip to the grocery store using Jenna's credit card. Ha, that's what she gets.
Of course Elena kept begging me to get her out of the house since Bonnie casted a spell. Elena's stupid actions got her into this punishment and she knows it. She apparently turned to Rose for help and they left town. Damon has saved her and apparently Elijah is alive.
To top it off, Stefan is stuck with Katherine in the tomb because Bonnie and I couldn't get Jeremy out. Well Bonnie did the spell while I threatened Katherine. Jeremy was bait all along and Katherine got what she wants; Stefan.
Also, my trip to the grocery store was dashing. Never mind the fact that Damon Salvatore, former enemy, gave me a ride there. Apparently, he cares. Newsflash. I know.
Damon thinks that Elijah will come after me and since Elena is safe in the house, I won't be if I roamed around town shouting for somebody to kidnap me and I quote Damon. But all I am is an innocent girl buying groceries using her aunt's credit card, that is stolen by the way.
"Okay, first on the list. Eggs." Damon says, reading off the paper. "Yeah, okay. How about you carry the eggs on your head, I carry the milk under my armpits, the fruits inside our clothes, and maybe bread in our shoes?" I say sarcastically.
"Oh, the trolley." He pauses, realizing. "Yeah." I nod my head, pursing my lips as I snatch the grocery list out of his hands, a list I wrote.
"Okay," Damon sighs, "Where's the egg aisle?"
"There's no egg aisle, Damon. It's in the refrigerators." I corrected and he sent me a playful glare. "Isn't Jenna supposed to go grocery shopping?"
"She is, but since her diet she forgot about us. Though, I'm not sure if it's the diet or Alaric."
"Definitely Alaric." Damon replies, clicking his tongue as he takes a box of eggs. I grab the milk and place it on the trolley.
Damon leans on the trolley and pushes it forward to the snacks aisle. We grab some snacks and walk past the aisles. But suddenly Damon grabs my arm and pulls me into the party aisle.
I roll my eyes as he takes a cowboy hat and places it on his head. "Do I look like I'm from the countryside?" He asks, posing in front of me. "Other than the invisible mustache, no." I reply and Damon glares at me.
I scan the aisle and suddenly feel something being placed on my hand. My eyes furrow in confusion and I take the object. I chuckled when I see that it's a tiara, and I place it back over my head.
I turn to Damon who has a lei around his neck, the Hawaiian flower necklaces. I gasp when I see him doing the dance while swaying his hips.
I fall into a fit of laughter and he pauses, turning to me with a questioning eyebrow. "Uh, excuse me. You're interrupting." I grasp on the aisle for dear life but it was not trusted, and I ended up landing on the floor on my ass.
Tears brimmed my eyes with laughter and I couldn't shake the image I've witnessed. "Oh come on, I totally rocked it." I sighed dramatically and wiped my tears.
I struggle to my feet, laughter still in my system and I dust off my pants. I look at Damon who was returning the items back into their places. He then turns to me but then his head tilts.
I furrow my eyebrows and he steps closer to me. My breath automatically gets stuck in my breath as he focuses his gaze on my tiara. I look up at him as he fixes the tilted tiara. He pats my brown curls to calm them down, then he steps away and I can finally exhale a breathy sigh.
Damon's gaze falls to my eyes and he motions to the trolley behind me. "Let's continue before Elena starts breaking the house down." I nod and I couldn't help agree with him more.
"Shall we, princess Lia?" He asks politely, holding out his hand. I chuckle and slip my hand in his, smiling at the nickname that I haven't heard in a while.
♡ ♡ ♡
Damon and I struggle with all the groceries to the front porch of my house, oh wait I mean I was struggling. The gentleman Damon just opened the door while I walked back and forth between my house and his car.
"You should really lock your door." Damon says, pointing at our front door. "You should really be a gentleman and help me with the groceries." I grumbled, crossing my arms.
"That's arm exercise for you."
"Well, I don't wanna exercise my arms." I called back. He just smirked at me and I groaned, taking the last groceries and slammed his trunk hard on purpose.
Damon gasped and I walked to the porch, placing the groceries on it. "You didn't just do that." He licks his lips, looking at his car over my shoulder.
"Oh, I just did. And now you're going to take the groceries to the kitchen. You seriously need to work on your biceps." I stated, feeling his really strong and hard biceps. Damon raised an eyebrow and looked at me in amusement.
I cleared my throat and patted his bicep awkwardly before I walked into the house. "Kill me now." I whisper to my self, pulling my hair out.
"Hey, sister, there's an endless road to re-discover." I sang, leaning against the living room wall. "You think this is funny?" Elena asks, standing up from the couch.
"Oh, come on, of course it is." I reply and Elena glares at me. Her face then turns into confusion as she stares at something over my head.
"What's that tiara doing over your head?"
"Oh, Damon got it-" I paused, "Or did we steal it?" I shrugged, "Meh, I don't know."
"So, what does Stefan say about this?" Elena asks, looking at Damon. "We had a good laugh." He answers, his hands at his sides. "And what did he say about Elijah still being alive?"
"Yeah, that. . .I didn't tell him." Damon answers as I fall down on the couch.
"Why not?"
"Well A, he can't do anything about it; and B...what I just said."
Jeremy enters the living room as Elena sits beside me. "Where is Bonnie?" Damon asks my brother. "I thought she was meeting you." Jeremy replies.
"No, she's on moonstone duty and I'm on Elena patrol."
"And who's on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?"
"Vampire Barbie asked me if she could handle it, and I said, why not? Figured if she screwed up, he'll bite her and then I'll be rid of two of my problems."
"Hold on a second. Tonight's the full moon?" I ask, my eyes widening. The three of them look at me in surprise and I groan.
"Great, I'm on Emilia patrol too." Damon sighs as his phone rings. He gets up and leaves the room to answer it. "I can't believe it's my third full moon." I mutter, sighing.
"You'll be alright." Jeremy replies. "Alright? Alright?" I scoff, "Alright is going to change into torture if you get to see what I go through every fricking month."
Jeremy holds his hands up in surrender as Damon renters the room. "Change of plans. You babysit." He points at Jeremy, "Emilia let's go."
I nod and stand up just as Jeremy fells back on the couch, laying his head on Elena's lap.
"Hey you know, you should get out, enjoy the sun. Oh wait, you can't." Damon chuckles as Elena throws a cushion at him. Jeremy and I laugh, and Elena pushes Jeremy off of her lap and he rolls onto the floor.
♡ ♡ ♡
Damon and I arrived at the Mystic Grill for this mystery girl. Apparently, she has everyone in a tizzy by asking where Mason Lockwood is and that he isn't in Florida.
Now he was killed by Damon and no one knew about that. And this girl is ruining his plan of keeping it a secret.
"Mason's mystery woman." Damon hums as the three of us stare at her. "Where is Mason anyway?" Alaric asks and I turn in my stool to face him.
"Decomposing in his truck." Damon answers. "So you think she is a werewolf?" I ask, tapping my fingernails on the bar. "Well I hope not, being that it's a full moon, Ric, but we should definitely find out." Damon replies, pulling wolfsbane from his pocket.
My eyes widen and I groan in pain when I feel the heat of it. "Oh sorry." Damon mutters, moving the poisonous plant away from me.
A few minutes later, the girl is alone at the bar and Alaric joins her, pretending to be drunk. Damon and I watch while he talks with her and she just laughs awkwardly.
"My turn now." Damon mutters, walking to the bar. I sigh and shove a fry into my mouth while I watch the scene unfold in front of me.
Suddenly, a pain strikes my body and I clutch onto the table. I look out the window and sure enough the full moon is pointing at me. I look at Damon and he looks deep in conversation.
I groan silently and stand up, clenching my fists as I walk to the bar. I plop beside Damon and clutch his thigh. Damon turns to me and he and the girl both look at me weirdly.
"I knew I sniffed a werewolf when you first came in." The girl whispers but it is loud and clear.
"You think I'm afraid of you?" Damon asks, placing his hand on mine.
The girl replies, "No, I don't. That's your vampire arrogance. You should be. I sniffed you out the moment you entered this bar, along with your pathetic wolfsbane. I've been at this a long time, and any other night of the month, the situation would be reversed, but tonight is not the night to pick a fight with me. Oh, and your friend doesn't look very well. You've been marked."
The girl stands up and leaves the bar. I feel my limbs spasm and more bones break. I cry out and clutch tightly onto Damon's jeans. "Damon," Alaric reminds.
"C'mon Emilia." Damon says, helping me down from the stool. Damon helps me till we're out of the grill and then he vamp-speeds me to his house.
We're now at the cellar under their house and he instantly tied me to the chains on the wall. I scream at the agonizing pain as my bones ache and break.
I spot Rose at the doorway with a shocked face. "Emilia, calm down." Damon soothes, stepping back as I jump forward. I flare my fangs at him and my eyes turn vibrant blue.
Sweat drips down my face and my eye sight gets blurry. "Lia, you'll be okay." I heard Damon's soothing voice as my head fell. I felt dizzy and all the pain suddenly stopped.
My bones stopped aching and everything just stopped. And I don't know what happened but suddenly I felt this starvation come back to me.
It wasn't painful, it was just empty waiting for me to fill it. My wrists ached as I tried to break out of the chains.
I was in a calm facade but if was all just an act. I chains around my wrists broke and the two people in front of me stared at me.
I growled and lunged forward at Damon, but he sped away. I looked at Rose and walked to her slowly. Her eyes widened and Damon yelled at me to stop.
I jumped on Rose and she fell on the ground with me in top of her. I flared my fangs and dug in on her shoulder. I bit at the flesh and she screamed.
Two arms wrapped around me and threw me on the floor in the cellar. I stood up instantly just as Damon closed the cellar door and locked it.
I growled and jumped at the door, scratching at it. Damon stares at me weirdly through the hole in the door and I push against it.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Lia."
Boring chapter but I just wanted to upload😊
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