I am so sorry for taking so long to update! So, to make up for it, I made this longer-than-usual-kind-of-fluffy-chapter. I hope you like it! I also don't own any characters or fanart in this fanfic.
Will POV
Will really couldn’t believe it.
Seriously, who gets an immortal, some-what murderous being a Happy Meal from McDonald’s?
Percy. That’s who.
Luckily, Nico didn’t seem to notice that Percy was teasing him, because, to Will, Nico didn’t seem like the kind of person to take being poked fun at well. In fact, to Will’s surprise, Nico loved the Happy Meal, and practically demanded another one.
In retrospect, eating human bodies for a hundred-something years would’ve made you have low expectations for any other food that might taste good. Well, at least without the right seasonings.
So now that they had left the McDonald’s, they were standing at the park where this whole kind-of-but-not-really catastrophe started. It was quiet, and very awkward. Everyone knew why, though, they were figuring out where Nico would be sleeping while he was...uh…visiting.
Piper, Jason, Leo and Thalia we’re back, and Leo was snickering at the fact that they got Nico to eat a kid’s Happy Meal.
“So, you can’t stay on the streets, it wouldn’t be safe,” Reyna started off, confident as usual. Everyone silently agreed with the underlying tone of if it would be dangerous for Nico, or the civilians around him.
“He could rent a hotel?” Jason suggested, though it sounded more like a question.
Nico shook his head. “No. Too many people.”
Then, the awkward silence returned as soon as it left. Nico didn’t seem to notice the fact that every time he moved, everyone would flinch. Will felt bad for the boy, was he really so used to people being scared of him that it was how he expected people to act? Then again, he did hold them prisoner, but on the other hand, he saved them. But on the other, other hand, he broke their bones and kidnapped Hazel. Then but on the other, other, other hand he had healed them.
Will was cut off from his thinking by one of his friends talking. “God, he isn’t hazardous, he could just stay at one of our houses.”
It was Thalia, and to be completely honest, Will wasn’t surprised. That girl wasn’t afraid of anything.
Just as Thalia finished talking, everyone gave her a look like, “are you sure about that?”, even Nico.
“He can stay at my house, my mom is really nice and won’t mind and my, I mean you can stay with me Nico,” Will said out of the blue.
He didn’t really know where it came from, but he had no hesitation or regret after he’d said it. Nico looked up at Will curiously with his deep brown eyes. Will looked back, and he didn’t see a monster. Nor did he see anger, or sadness, or fear. He saw a glimmer of hope shining. His once broken soul was slowly repairing itself, slowly, but surely.
Will soon realized he was staring, and quickly looked away, feeling his face getting hot. What? He couldn’t help that Nico’s eyes were the perfect shade of chocolate brown to be both mesmerizing and beautiful.
“Are you, um, sure?” Lou asked, carefully stealing glances at Nico to make sure she was not offending him.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Will said. “I have a bunk bed in my room that my, er, brother used to stay in. You can stay there Nico.”
Nico looked at Will once again, studying him, then nodding in approval.
~~~~~ Time Skip ~~~~~
Explaining the entire situation to Will’s mom had been an effort, and he genuinely believed he deserved some kind of reward for coming up with such a good excuse. The rundown version of it was that Will and his friends went camping the other night, and went a little too deep into the forest. That explained the whole, “monster kidnapping” ordeal. His explanation for Nico was that he was an exchange student from Italy staying with them for the year.
It was about ten o’clock at night, Kayla and Austin were in their shared room, and Will and Nico were in Will’s room.
“”Why did you do it?” Nico had said. It was so quiet, Will almost missed it.
“Do what?”
Nico sighed in exasperation. “Everything. I kidnap your friend, break your bones, and keep you prisoner. Yet you let me stay in your home. Why?”
The other boy’s eyes were slightly watering, but only barely. He was sitting on the top bunk of Will’s bunk bed, his legs dangling off the edge, his fingers gripping the comforter so tightly Will was surprised it wasn’t already torn.
“Well, for one, stop looking at yourself like you're some sort of monster. But, the thing is, you aren’t human either. You’re Nico. Nico di Angelo, if I remember correctly. I’m not a genius but I know enough to know that you have your own beliefs, dreams, and ideas. Everyone does. You probably have so much to offer if you’d only let yourself out of the mindset that you’re this terrible beast. You probably have talents, and passions, you’re probably clever, and creative, and you’re...beautiful,” Will immediately felt his face turn red as he let his last words slip. “I-I mean, you are amazing, and everyone will see that, not just me. But before anyone else can see it, you first have to let yourself.”
Will looked at Nico, seeing the small boy’s eyes wide and still watery, and his mouth slightly agape. He looked down, his raven hair in his eyes.
“Th-thank you,” he mumbled. “But I-”
“It’s okay Nico, you can talk to me,” Will assured, not ignoring the fact at how right Nico’s name sounded in his mouth.
Tears started falling down the boy’s cheeks as he hugged his legs to his chest. “I-I can’t, I’m sorry,” he whispered, slightly rocking himself back and forth.
Will smiled kindly. “It’s okay. You can tell me when you're ready. I’ll be here for you, Nico. I promise.”
Nico nodded his head, and nestled himself in the bed, falling asleep almost immediately. It was like he’d never slept on something so comfy, the thought made Will sad for the boy.
Will stood on his toes to reach the top bunk, and, without thinking, tucked Nico in under the covers. Will couldn’t help but notice that he looked like an angel, and couldn’t decide whether he looked more beautiful awake or asleep.
He went to turn off his light in his room, before going to sleep himself, only to be woken up again at four am by a scream.
I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you liked reading it! Thank you guys for all the love and support and I still can't believe my stroy reached over a thousand veiws! I mean, that's amazing and I'm so greatful, I hope you have a great day!
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