Let's Go Talk To A Sea Monster
Yay! Another chapter done! Anyway, I don't own any of the art or characters in this fanfic! If there are any typos or mistakes please let me know! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Will POV
“Did you hear that the sea monster got Ethan last night?” said one of Will’s friends, Leo. He and his friends were currently having lunch in the cafeteria of their school.
“Really? Ethan Nakamura? Wasn’t he the one who went to juvie?” Lou Ellen asked.
“Yeah, I remember him. He was a bully but he had a good heart. He didn’t deserve to die,” Percy said, picking at his food. Percy never picked at his food.
You're probably wondering how they could be so calm about all of this. The answer is actually quite simple. It’s all they’ve ever known. Ever since the day they were born people disappeared every night. Of course they grieved, but by now it was normal.
“I just wish the monster would die already,” Thalia growled, stabbing at her mac n’ cheese.
“We all do, Thalia. But the monster has been around for five hundred years or so. We have reasons to believe it’s immortal. And last time people tried to kill it, they didn’t come back, and the people who did came back insane,” Reyna reasoned sternly.
“Besides, we don’t even know what the monster looks like, how would someone kill it?” Jason asked.
“Well, I help out at hospitals. Some of the people who went insane, they muttered stuff like “he was so beautiful” or “fangs” or “so many tentacles”. It’s not much but it’s something,” Will contributed.
“So we have reason to believe the monster’s male, most likely resembling an attractive human. And they said “fangs”. That could mean werewolves or vampires. But I have no idea what “tentacles” mean. Maybe part Octopus?” Annabeth put together.
It still amazes Will how smart that girl is. But one thing caught his attention.
“Wait, vampires and werewolves? Like they’re real?” Percy said, voicing Will’s thoughts.
“Yes, Seaweed Brain. If you paid attention in our history class, we did a segment on monsters. Apparently, years ago, monsters like vampires, werewolves, sirens, etc., lived on Earth. They died off a few hundred years ago, when the humans fought back. There was this whole war. But there’s no record of monsters having both fangs, tentacles, and the power to curse people,” Annabeth stated, puzzled.
“Okay, so let me get this right: There were monsters, but not anymore. Our town’s monster is something that doesn’t even exist in the monster world. Oh, let’s not forget that it feeds off human flesh,” Cecil summarised.
“I think we’re forgetting one very vital detail,” Reyna said, “If this monster is immortal, indestructible, and eats at least one person every night, doesn’t that mean that will eventually lead to the human race’s inevitable destruction?”
Everyone let that sink in. Will began to think. She did have a point, if the monster ate someone every night, eventually there would be no one left in the town. Does that mean the monster will move on to the next town until that one’s empty too?
“Remind me again why we’re talking about this in the cafeteria at school?” Leo said, breaking the silence. Will understood he was trying to lighten the mood, but that didn’t change the oncoming storm of tension that made it’s way around the table.
“Yeah, I mean, I don’t understand how people could just eat dead animals,” Piper who was vegetarian, said, eyeing her boyfriend's cheeseburger, “much less a human being.” She laughed, trying to help Leo in getting everyone’s minds cleared.
“What if…” Will started, grabbing everyone’s attention, “what if they just tried talking to him? They describe him as human-like, he could possibly have human feelings too. Maybe if we convince him not to eat people all this stuff wouldn’t happen.”
“And I get the ocean back,” Percy smiled. He loved the ocean almost as much as he loved blue cookies.
“As good of an idea as that sounds, people have thought about it before,” Annabeth pointed out.
“Well, yeah, but has anyone tried it?” Will questioned.
“No, I don’t think so,” Annabeth said, scrunching up her eyebrows.
“But wouldn’t he kill you before you even get a word out?” Hazel asked.
“Not to mention he sounds like the kind to eat first, talk later kind of guy,” Lou Ellen said.
“Well let’s just try it. Meet at the docks at sunset, we’ll try talking to it, and we go home before the sun goes down,” Will tried. He had a sneaking suspicion that there was more to the sea monster then what people think.
“I say we do it. What better way to pass time than to talk to the ocean,” Leo laughed.
Everyone agreed after that. So it was settled, they were going to try and reason with a sea monster.
I really liked writing this one! Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, thanks for reading!
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