I'm A Monster
I don't know if you've noticed, but this is a very weird fic. Guess that's my not-so-logical way of thinking. Anyway, I don't own any of the art or charactors that appear in this fanfic! If there are any typos or mistakes, please tell me! I hope you like this chapter!
Nico POV
Nico sat in his cave. The night before, he had eaten a guy who should have kept him full until midnight today. But the sun hadn’t even started setting and Nico’s stomach had already started growling furiously.
“What do you want?!” He yelled at nothing in particular. His voice sent all of the crabs scuttling away, and all the fish left within a matter of seconds.
He’d tried making friends with some of the nearby sea life, but that was a mistake. He had found a shark that seemed to be the only animal that wasn’t scared of him, but within a few days, Nico had killed his new friend. His eyes had turned red and he’d sucked it’s blood right out of it’s body with his fangs. He’d cried for weeks.
That day, he remembered one of his curses, “You will never have any companions. Anyone you try to befriend, will die at your hands,” the vampire had said to ten year-old Nico.
Nico blinked away the tears forming in his eyes. Why was this happening to him? What did he do? It wasn’t his fault he was born! But that’s not how anyone else saw it.
He felt his chest burn with anger. Hot tears streamed down his face even though he was underwater. His vision turned a murky red as he punched the wall with his hands. Letting out a blood-curdling scream he knew no one could hear. He felt everything around him shake.
When his vision returned he saw that the wall of his cave was now cracked and dented. Just like the other walls.
He sat back down on his rock and cried. Letting out weak sobs as he felt his hunger grow.
“No, no, no! It was only one a night! ONE A NIGHT!” He screamed, making his throat feel raw.
He knew that his instincts were demanding that they go and get more food. Was this how it was going to be now? Was he going to have to take two lives every night?
He would much rather starve but his stomach and his instincts roared in protest. It was already weighing down on him that he had taken so many people, ruined so many lives.
What if it didn’t stop there? What if the numbers just kept growing?
How many lives would have to be taken every night just to satisfy the bloodthirsty monster inside of him? He sobbed uncontrollably. He hated himself so much.
“I’m a monster.”
I really liked writing this chapter, I know it's short but I still think it's good! I hope you like it too!
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