I'm not going to lie - I was mad at myself for a solid five mintes while writing this. Anyway, I don't own any art or the characters! Just the plot, which I hope you like! If I made any typos or mistakes please tell me! I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Nico POV
About five hundred years ago, the world was filled with monsters, but they never called themselves that. There were werewolves, vampires, witches, sirens, mermaids, the list goes on.
But between the species, there were two that absolutely loathed each other. And, no. It wasn't the vampires and the werewolves. They fixed their problems about a thousand years ago. This time, it was the witches and the vampires.
Apparently vampires wrack up a lot of hate.
Anyway, the two species were basically at war, blood, corpses, spells, and much more war stuff. Most other species, including humans, had to hide in order to keep themselves safe. Sometimes there were alliances, like when werewolves teamed up with the vampires, and sirens helped out the witches.
The more peaceful species, like the fairies, mermaids and satyrs, stayed out of it all together.
Anyway, you know that old saying, "there is a fine line between love and hate"? Well that's true, because during all this, two people fell in love. Isn't that nice?
Because one was a vampire, Hades, and the other was a witch, Maria. They fell in love and they kept it a secret. They were doing a pretty good job until Maria got pregnant. But the good news was, when their daughter was born, she was born a witch. So no one found out about Hades and Maria's affairs. They named their daughter Bianca.
The problems started when their second child was born.
They thought that he was going to end up being just one species, like how Bianca turned out. But they were wrong. Very wrong.
You see, even before the war broke out, it was unheard of to fall in love for a species outside of your own. And it was practically illegal to have a kid.
So when their son was born, and they realised he was a witch and a vampire, they were scared. Very scared.
Despite that, they named their son Nico. They managed to keep everything under wraps until he turned ten. That's when his fangs showed, and when his witch powers began.
To keep it short, all of the species found out. And they were mad. They started with killing Hades, Maria, and Bianca. They tried to kill Nico, but that's when they learned the young hybrid was indestructible. He couldn't be hurt.
They tried everything, stakes, hanging, fires, drowning, garlic, and even holy water. Nothing worked. He just kept crying.
When they finally decided they weren't getting anywhere, they just settled on cursing him. First, the vampires made him blood thirsty, so anyone he tried to get close to, he would only end up killing. The werewolves made him temperamental, and gave him the eye for destruction. The witches made him immortal, so he could endure his punishment for all eternity. And finally the sirens turned him into a monster. They made it so when he was in water, his lower half would resemble that of an octopus, and they made it so he had the urge to drown people, giving him the power of the sirens.
They banished the now scared, cursed, and outcasted boy into the ocean, closer to the human world rather than the monster world.
For days Nico cried. Anytime he got hungry he would find something like vegetables, fruit, or fish, and eat it. Hopefully satisfying him. It never did. He knew why, his body now had a hunger for human flesh. He hated it. He just wanted to die. But he simply couldn't. He was starving himself, and his own instincts telling him to go onto land, and find himself a snack.
He was miserable, living in his cave in the ocean. Hungry, scared and alone.
He continued growing until he was fourteen, then he just stopped. Never aging, never growing, never eating.
He kept in his dark cave, until one day, about fifty years later, after the war stopped, several yards outside of Nico's "home", he saw something swimming in the distance. It had four limbs, and a head. It took Nico a hot second to remember that's what humans looked like.
He swam up to the entrance of his cave, getting a closer look. Then, he felt a tugging feeling in his gut. He felt his eyes flash and his fangs itch. Even though they were underwater, and the person was a long ways away, Nico could smell it.
And it smelled delicious.
He subconsciously licked his lips, his mouth watering. His vision turned red as he swam as fast as lightning until he was right underneath the person. He realised it was a boy, with a muscular build. All Nico noticed was that he was the perfect size to satisfy his hunger.
Unknowing to the human, Nico let one of his tentacles make it's way up to the boy, his instincts and need for food over taking him.
The boy looked like he was talking to someone on shore, but before he had a chance to scream, the boy had a inky black tentacle wrapped around his ankle, and was dragged to the ocean floor.
Nico looked right into the person's terrified eyes, his own letting a few tears slip.
He barely had time to mutter a single "I'm sorry", before he ate him whole.
Well I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! Please don't kill me for for doing this to Nico! I promise it WILL get better! See what I did there? No? Okay, I'll stop.
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