Amethyst walked with the group until the tree line. "This is where I leave you," Amethyst spoke making the four stop and look at her sadly. They all knew she couldn't come back with them, no one here would understand that she wasn't a threat. "Stay close, we'll come get you soon," Bellamy said making Amethyst shake her head.
"I'm going to gather supplies and then i'm going to figure out where the reapers took Lincoln," she said helping Mel and Monroe off her horse. Octavia hugged the women before she got on the horse. Bellamy looked up to her with wide eyes and nodded his head in return to her. "May we meet again," he said making her smile. "We will, Bellamy Blake of the sky people," she said before clicking her tongue and rushing into the forest.
Bellamy stood and watched as she disappeared into the depths of the forest, not once looking back at the group of four. A small smile lingered on his lips before he shook his head and turned around to help the two injured girls to the camp. Bellamy looked over his shoulder to see a wisp of brown hair behind some trees, and that was the all he saw of Amethyst before keeping his eyes forwards.
Once she was sure no one was looking, Amethyst pulled her horse to a stop and looked over her shoulder to watch as Bellamy wrapped his arm around Mel and helped to steady her as she walked. A ghost of a smile lingered on her lips as she watched the man encourage the weak women to keep walking. Her eyes moved over to see Octavia standing still looking through the trees and at Amethyst, her arms crossed and a knowing smile on her face. Amethyst shook her head and gave Octavia a two finger salute which was returned, before Amethyst left.
The woman found herself back at the crash sight to what she remembered Bellamy saying was the factory station - his home. She sighed and opened a bin close to her and found old clothes and shoes. She reached into the bin and grabbed a old t-shirt, shoving it into her bag. Amongst her scavenging, she picked up a new cantine, some scrap metal she could use to make arrowheads and a few bits and bobs she would find use for in the future.
The sound of a branch snapping made Amethyst look up, her senses sharp. Carefully she pulled a knife out of her jacket and held it in a defensive position. The sound of a battle cry made her whip around and swiftly move out of the way as a reaper ran towards her. Gracefully she kicked the man's legs out from underneath him and held her knife to his throat, her knee pressing into his ribs. "Chon do yu serve?" she growled looking into the mans wild eyes. All he did was struggle to get out of her grasp, Amethyst grabbed either side of his jacket and slammed him down onto the ground beneath him. "Chon do yu serve?" she asked again, her vision growing spotty as an overwhelming amount of anger bubbled in her stomach.
"Nou yu, heda." he managed to get out. "Where is Lincoln? Where's my brother?" she asked desperately. Amethyst had no idea if reapers knew english, but she was growing weary from the lack of signs leading her towards her brother. Everything that she found lead her towards Mt. Weather and she wanted to stay as far away from that place as she could. "Where is he?" she shouted making the reaper let out a sinister chuckle. She knew he wouldn't talk, even if he wanted to, so with a glare, she ran her knife along his throat cutting it open leaving the reaper gasping for breath before he fell lifeless.
Wiping the blood off her hands, Amethyst stood up and grabbed the reins to her horse. She would go back to her village for the night and see her mother before she set out for Mt. Weather where she would risk her life trying to get into the walls. She was going to get the answers she wanted, if it was the last thing she did. From where she was it was almost a days trip to her village, she knew she would have time. All Amethyst had been doing was rushing from place to place trying to save one person after the next.
So, she slowly climbed onto her horse, and trotted away from the wreckage. This part of Amethyst was in no rush to get to her village, she was going to take her time for once and save her energy. When she got to the village she was going to sneak around to her mother hut on the outskirt of the perimeter and avoid everyone else. As much as she loved the people from her village, Amethyst wanted to see her mother and not have to worry about lingering people. She wanted to sit by the fire in the furs of her game and listen to her mother's old tales, like when she was a child.
But as the hours past and the sky grew darker, an unsettling feeling grew in her stomach. It felt as though someone was begging her to not go any further, like they were tugging at her heart as as a warning. But she needed to go, she need to know. She rode through the night, only ever stopping to feed her horse and let him rest when needed. But with the unsettling feeling in her stomach she felt like she now had a reason to hurry to the village.
When dawn broke Amethyst heard her name be called by a familiar voice. "You sky people seem to find me easier every time," Amethyst said with a small smile, jumping off her horse before turning around. Amethyst was met by the two Blake siblings and their blonde haired leader staring at her as if she was a ghost. "Another grounder?" Clarke asked Octavia with a weary look.
"Clarke, this is Amethyst. My teacher and friend, Amethyst, meet Clarke. She's been our leader since we got to the ground," Octavia introduced the two, Amethyst gave the girl a small nod before wrapping her arm around Octavia's shoulder and bringing her close. "You tell me this like it wasn't my job to keep an eye on your people those few months," she said making Octavia laugh. Bellamy reached out and patted Amethyst on the shoulder making the women give him a soft smile in return.
"How do we know we can trust you?" Clarke asked making Amethyst look to her once again. Amethyst showed no sign that the question had upset her, in face in the moment Amethyst felt as though she could smile. "Well," she said looking to the three around her. "You've all lived this long with me around," she said earning a chuckle from Bellamy who looked down to the blonde himself. "She's right. If Amethyst wanted us dead it would have happened already." he said earning a nod from Clarke.
"Where are you all headed?" Amethyst asked handing Octavia a container full of water, the girl only took a small sip remembering what Amethyst told her only a day prior. "To find Finn and Murphy," Clarke said as they all started to walk. Amethyst nodded and hardly paid attention to the fact they were walking alongside her as she headed towards her village. But Octavia didn't, it seemed like she was the only one who understood what was going on.
"Wait Amethyst," Octavia spoke, grabbing the grounders attention. "They were headed towards your village," she informed the women. Without thinking, Amethyst grabbed Octavia and pulled her onto her horse leaving Bellamy and Clarke behind as she raced towards her village. Finn was out for blood until he found Clarke, and Amethyst knew that. She knew that a village of people wouldn't stand in his way - he wouldn't let them.
Five minutes from her village Amethyst pulled her horse to a stop and slid off him. "What are we doing?" Octavia asked following her friends actions. Amethyst shushed the girl before the sound of rapid gunfire rang through the air. "Finn! Finn! We need to go now!" she heard Murphy yell. "Finn Stop!" the boy begged. Amethyst ran the rest of the way to her village, Octavia following her quickly. She stood on the outskirt of her village and let her eyes wander over what was left.
Bodies, young and old laid dead around the village making Amethyst hold her breath. Behind her she heard two heavy pairs of feet, and the sound of panting. But she didn't register any of that when she saw her mother's body shielding one of the nightbloods that lived in the village. Her mother was dead, a bullet between her eyes.
Without thinking, Amethyst angrily walked up to Finn and pushed him to the ground. His gun went flying in the opposite direction and he looked up to her alarmed. In a swift motion she pressed her foot to his chest and hand an arrow notched in her bow, aiming between his eyes. "Tell me why I shouldn't put this arrow between your damn eyes Finn collins because I don't think you understand how fucking close I am to doing so," she growled making the teenager look up at her with fear in his eyes.
A strong arm wrapped around her waist pulling her off of the boy. "Amethyst calm down!" Bellamy said sternly as the women struggled to get out of his arms. She attempted to kick him, elbow him, anything to get him to loosen his grip, but he never did. "He killed my mother! That bastard killed her!" Amethyst screamed, throwing the arrow in her hand so it landed right beside the boys head.
"So i'll be damned if I don't kill him!" she growled trying her hardest to escape the strong hold.
Chon do yu serve - who do you serve?
Nou yu, heda. - not you, commander.
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