She didn't know how, much less why she got wrapped up into this. "Sit still before I make it worse," Amethyst stated as she held onto Monroe's thigh. "Amethyst." Bellamy said sternly making the women roll her eyes. "Please, sit still," Amethyst corrected as both blake siblings hovered over her shoulder. "Octavia hand me my bag," Amethyst ordered, holding her hand out waitingly. The familiar feeling of the hide fabric met her fingertips and she gripped it tightly before grabbing the container of water Octavia had drank out of previously.
Without warning she poured the water onto Monroe's wound from a grounder arrow which made the girl gasp in pain. "No warning?" Bellamy asked in favour for the girl. Amethyst never answered. "Your lucky there was no poison," the women told the teenager. "How do you know?" Monroe asked unsure. "There's no lingering taste on your blood," she informed her before grabbing the hot knife from Octavias offering hand. "Bellamy hold her," Amethyst ordered making Bellamy wrap his arms around Monroe while Octavia held down her leg.
Again, with little warning Amethyst pressed the hot blade to Monroe's leg making her scream in pain. Once the wound was sealed, Amethyst placed a cool wet cloth to the wound and tied it tightly. "Thanks." Monroe finally said through a locked jaw. The women nodded and turned to Finn and Murphy, the two other boys in the group. "What happened to your face?" Amethyst asked looking to Murphy. The boy looked to the women shocked.
"Grounder torture camp," he responded. Amethyst nodded and reached into her bag. "You probably want me no where near you then," she said making the boy shrug. "I have no reason not to," he replied. "Then sit," she said gesturing to the stump Monroe was sitting on just moments ago. "We don't have time for you to take care of him too," Finn snapped making Amethyst turn around to face the teenage boy who was taller than her.
"Listen here mister. Your friends are probably in mount. Weather, if they're there and have lasted this long they can last a little longer. If they aren't? Well they're either where Murphy was or dead. So if you want anyone to be able to take you in and out it will be him, but he can't do that if his face gets infected and his face swells up to the point where he cant open his eyes. So sit down, shut up and give me five minutes before I put an arrow between your eyes. You've really been testing my patients Sky boy." Amethyst growled making everyone fall silent. Everyone looked around and shared shocked expressions, no one uttering a single word. "Murphy, please sit down." She finally said making the boy sit without hesitation.
Ripping a piece of her shirt she soaked it with water and gently cleaned Murphy's face of dried blood and dirt before she reached into her bag and pulled out a small vial of liquid. "What's that?" Murphy asked before she even opened the bottle of pink liquid. "It'll clean out any infection and help these heal faster," she explained before gently dabbing some onto his wounds. "There, that's a lot better," she said softly with a small smile. Amethyst stepped back and allowed Murphy to stand.
"Now you better go, the others will be back soon and I need to be gone before they arrive," Amethyst said grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulders. "Take them back to camp," she added in turning to Bellamy and gesturing to Monroe and Mel who needed more medical attention then what the grounder could provide. Finn and Murphy disappeared after Bellamy handed Murphy a gun, and Amethyst would come across the two sooner than she thought.
"I can't get them home without your help," Bellamy said turning to his sister. Octavia sighed. "Of course you can't," she said with a huff. "Amethyst come with us," Octavia begged turning to her friend. Amethyst wanted to tell her so badly that she couldn't, that she needed to go look for Lincoln; but the truth is she didn't know where to look. She had no idea where the reapers took her people so she didn't know where to even start. Amethyst looked to Bellamy who nodded his head encouraging.
"I'll stay with you for a bit, you can put these two on my horse," Amethyst said before leading the group to the trees where her horse was resting. When they got close she clicked her tongue making the horse perk up and bow his head. Bellamy and Amethyst helped both girls crawl up onto the horse and Octavia grabbed the reins leading the horse towards the camp. "How are there more people still alive, there were so many dead around there..." Amethyst trailed off looking up to Bellamy who walked beside her with his gun ready to go incase of an emergency.
"The Ark was built of 12 different stations," Bellamy said after a few moments of silence. It looked like it almost pained him to talk about the Ark. "The station you just saw was Factory station, my home when I was on the Ark," he said quietly making Amethyst look up at him shocked. "I'm sorry Bellamy Blake, i know it's hard to see a place you loved be destroyed," she said quietly in return.
Amethyst watched her village burn to the ground when she was a child. Azgeda was angry that Amethyst defeated their prince during a training practice, and they wanted to see the compitition burn. Her family was lucky enough to be one of five that escaped that night. Her Clan burned to the ground that night, along with all it's elders. So Trikru took her family and the other five in when Amethyst was five years old. They were welcomed with open arms and made their way to the top of the food chain. Amethyst spent her life trying to prove herself to the elders of Trikru and she worked harder for her title.
"It's not that I didn't feel at home on the Ark, I just feel like I belong here on Earth," Bellamy said finally which made Amethyst nod her head in understanding as she listened to what he had to say. "I don't lead, I don't cook or gather, but I feel like I can breathe," he added on, finally taking his eyes off of the trees around him and to the women beside him. Amethyst looked up to Bellamy and gave him a smallest smile he had ever seen in his life.
"Earth has a funny way of doing that," she replied softly.
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