War had struck and Amethyst found herself in the middle of it all. On one hand, she was a commander, the head hunter of her clan. But on the other hand she had grown an attachment to the sky people and wanted to see them survive this. A familiar scream echoed through the air and Amethyst made her decision quickly. Soon she found Octavia, Lincoln and Bellamy all ducking behind a tree was the grounder shot their arrows in any direction possible.
"We have to get her out of here," Lincoln said to Bellamy. The man looked down to his little sister and then to the man as he nodded his head. "No, I have to see this through!" Octavia protested, the pain clear in her face. "You won't be seeing anything through if you don't let Lincoln treat that wound soon," Amethyst said gaining the attention of the three. "Lincoln take her to the sea, I will join you as soon as I can," Amethyst said making Lincoln nod his head.
Bellamy and Octavia shared a hug before Octavia turned to her teacher and best friend. "What are you going to do?" she asked with worry. Amethyst gave the girl a small smile and wiped a bead of sweat from the teenagers brow. "I'll keep your brother safe," she told her. The women nodded to Lincoln who picked up Octavia and ran away from the battle. "Thank you for keeping my sister safe," Bellamy finally said.
Amethyst took her bow off her back and notched and arrow. "Now I shall do the same for you," she told the man before shooting an arrow at a grounder that ran towards Bellamy while he had his back turned. "You should go back to your dropship where it's safe for you," she said turning to run away before Bellamy caught her arm in his hand. "Why are you helping us?" he asked before she could leave to continue fighting off her own people.
"Now is not the time to have this conversation Bellamy Blake. Go save your people, I'll watch your back," she said before pushing the man toward the dropship so he would get back in time before the doors closed. Octavia had warned Amethyst about the ring of fire the Sky people were planning on making, and she wanted Bellamy to be safe so she could keep her promise to the teenage girl. Bellamy rushed back to his people, shooting grounder as he went.
Amethyst climbed a nearby tree and started to pick off anyone who got close to the man, or even the other sky people. Soon there was a sound of metal creaking that echoed through the area and then fire started to fill the area killing anyone on the ground. Amethyst could feel the fire on her face, the heat was overpowering but she stayed far enough away to not be hurt by it. "Yu gonplei ste odon," Amethyst whispered before the fire ceased and she jumped down from her spot and ran through the forest away from the dropship full of safe teenagers.
She ran through the forest quickly weaving in and out of the trees gracefully, she was going to go to the sea to help Lincoln and Octavia when she heard a voice calling Bellamy's name. The brunette woman stopped in her tracks and sighed. "Branwada," the women groaned before turning and running in the direction of the voice.
When she found what she was searching for she was shocked, her second in command was dragging Bellamy and another sky person behind him while he sat atop his horse. She notched an arrow in her bow and stepped out of the trees. "Teik em go!" she shouted aiming her arrow at the man's heart. A smile grew on the man's face as he saw the head hunter of the Trikru clan and the Commander of light. "Heda gon soncha, emo killed our kru." he replied shaking his head.
"I said, let them go," Amethyst warned once again pulling the string to her bow back tighter. Bellamy looked at the women shocked, she was really keeping up to her promise. "I'm taking them to the commander," he told her. "No, you take orders from me. You are my second not hers," Amethyst told him, dropping her bow and pulling out her sword. "You are not going anywhere without getting through me first," she challenged.
Fear flashed through her seconds eyes before he grinned and jumped off his horse, grabbing his sword as he went. "Disha ste nou training. Ai will nou go easy." Amethyst said in a taunting tone. Without a thought, he foolishly ran at her which she doged skillfully. "You act on instinct, have I taught you nothing?" she asked kicking him in the stomach which sent him flying to the ground. She stood over him, her foot on his chest and her sword to his neck.
"Heda, beja," he begged for his life. Amethyst shook her head, no second of her would be so quick to try and battle her. "Yu gonplei ste odon," she said before cutting his throat. She walked over to the two men who watched the entire thing play out before cutting them lose.
"Your people have come down from the sky," she informed them, handing the one with long hair a knife from her boot and Bellamy a cloth to wipe up the blood on his face. "If you head east you will find them there. Take this horse, you'll get there faster. Anything you should need, food and water should be in the pouches," she explained opening on of the pockets on this horses side and pulling out a canteen of water. She soaked the cloth she gave to Bellamy and started to scrub his face clean almost in a motherly way. "Stay out of trouble for the time being okay? I'm going to find your sister and see to it that she is better the next time you meet," she said to Bellamy.
"Take me with you, I need to see her," he said making her shake her head. "You're weak. You need to rest and be with your people. I will bring her back," Amethyst promised making Bellamy nod his head. "Thank you," the boy from beside Bellamy said, Amethyst gave him a small smile and nodded her head.
"Go, the both of you. I don't want to see either of you in a situation like this again," she said before assisting them onto the horse. "Get help, and then go to the dropship and collect the rest, if you need me... follow the scent of the sea," she said before hitting the rear of the horse sending it galloping through the forest.
With that, Amethyst took off in the direction of the sea to find her closest friends, and have the Blake siblings reunite once more.
Yu gonplei ste odon - your fight is over.
Branwada - foolish
Teik em go! - let them go
Heda gon soncha, emo killed our kru. - Commander of light, they killed our people.
Disha ste nou training. Ai will nou go easy - this is not training, i will not go easy
Heda, beja. - commander, please.
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