17 // Kihyun (1)
Your P.O.V:
I'd been waiting here for hours.
How long was it compared to how long it seemed?
My phone battery was getting lower, my wallet was becoming lighter, and my head pains only grew increasingly worse. It was unfathomable that he'd have the nerve to pester me all week about letting him take me out on a date. Then after all of that, he never makes the effort to make an appearance?
So what? Did you just decide you didn't want to anymore?
Had something better to do?
Was it all a goddamn joke?
And so I sat. For hours and hours; waiting for a guy who would probably never come. I fondled with the rustic spoon, tracing the carved in design on the handle with my nail. Pushing my hair away, my head hit the back of the booth seat as I crossed my arms, enraged with the fact that I, yet again, had been stood up.
The door opened; I looked up..just a young couple
I sighed.
The door swung ajar again, my eyes shifted..just a bunch of little kids.
Then the door again. And he was there.
But you weren't alone.
Shownu. I hope you realize this. When you say that you love me, are you even serious. I mean; I find it actually unbelievable that you ask me on a date, you show up almost an hour later than you'd planned, and your with your friends, only one of which I can stand.
On Christmas Eve.
How thoughtful, you dumb fuck.
"Sorry I was so late, I uh- got caught up with some shit when I was with the guys" Shownu defended innocently.
He shot me a nice closed smile and his dark eyes softened. I couldn't help but feel guilty for envisioning slapping the asshole-act out of Shownu after that damned smile. I felt his hand brush my fingers. Unlike my hand, his gave off a warm sensation that send a nerve racking box of feelings throughout my body. It was almost as if the Shownu that was both praised and feared by everyone in town, had become a totally different being.When his hand moved away, he got up from his seat across from me. I looked up and watched his every move. He looked over to his left where the other booths were and made eyes with his other 6 friends. Shownu eventually ended up sittinf back down beside me, and took a long good look back to his friends before putting his an arm around my shoulder and crept his other arms hand on my knee. It shot an uncomfortable feelings down my neck as its hairs stood up straighter than I could ever get the hair on my head.
His hand went up farther.
"Shownu, what are you doing?"
His cold fingers trailed even farther up my leg.
And I froze for a moment. In time I had no further self control over my body and what it was going to try and do to react. I was just-stiff. Unable to stretch a single muscle. But after a few moments I tore from my trance of shock.
"STOP! Get away from me!!!!!" I screamed throughout the restaurant.
I used all the power I could and pushed his chest back, and Shownu had stumbled out of the booth to the floor. He picked himself up quickly, "Hey, what the fuck!" he yelled at me, and I flinched at his voice, tears burning my eyes.
"Get. Out." I growled, turning my face away from having to look at him best I could, but his eyes pierced right through me, burning the victim of his malicious stare.
"I thought you were easy" Shownu insulted scoffing.
"I said get the fuck out!"
He rolled his eyes, and cocked his head towards the door and all 6 of his friends soon trailed out behind Shownu, who's exit was loud and aggressive. I could hear it in the door as it slammed.
First Wonho left, who had a shocked look on his face. Then Minhyuk's face was emotionless. Jooheon and Changkyun (I.M.) chuckled under their breath, the young immaturity of them was blinding. Hyungwon mouthed "Sorry" my way. Lastly, Kihyun, whom was the only one out of all of them who I found decent. In fact, more than decent; I guess you could collect from bits and pieces of our interactions that we kind of lowkey have a thing. He is one of the nicest people I've ever met, even after having become acquainted with the "bad boys".
He didn't look happy. In fact the opposite of happy; disgusted, perplexed, angered, in disbelief, all of that all in his eyes, which I'd loved so much.
He started at me for a while before he too, seemingly unwilling, had left the building.
And yet again, I found myself alone.
About 15 minutes later, I had already cried a river so it seemed, but it was muted, as I was still in public space and was marked to have been part of causing a disruption in the restaurant. It was almost 12:00 AM *midnight* and the place was near empty. Just a few workers cleanig the place up, one other occupied table, and then me; me myself and I.
The door opened; I fearful, fearful that Shownu had comw back to give me a run for his money. Or finish was he started. But that ominous feeling ran from my head once I looked up.
He eyed me for a while before running to me and trapping me in his arms. His comfort was inevitable, you'd never want to leave it if you had the chance to get it in the first place. He crushed me gently, but his hold around my body was firm indefinitely.
"I'm so sorry" Kihyun whispered as he began pulling me closer.
He inhaled the scent of my hair, his each and every breath shaky. He, himself, had to have had some self blame for "leaving" me after what Shownu had done. It wasn't nearly his fault, not even close.
He had picked me up, as my weak limbs attempted to stay stable enough to cooperate with his strength that couldn't hold all of me up by himself. I locked my arma strictly around his neck, same for my legs around his waist. Kihyun seemed to have carried me to his car effortlessly, and it was quite impressive considering he wasn't the tallest guy in the world, but he was certainly quite strong. Despite the time of day, he made it back home to his place fairly quick. I almost fell asleep in his car. The whole atmosphere was vanilla. The air smelled of it strongly, and it was one of the significant ways I could point out Kihyun to myself if I couldn't see him directly. Vanilla.
"It's still Christmas Eve..I uh-..was gonna get you something but then Shownu did all of our stupid shit today. I'm sorry again.."
"You did nothing wrong. You came back for me at least. Thank you."
He smiled, "Of course", all of a sudden his eyes lit up, "Oh! I do have this for you".
His fingers started shuffling through the glovebox in front of my knees. After a long while of digging through it, a ling silver chain was revealed. He placed it gently on my thigh and took the keys from the ignition, sitting back in his seat as he watched me turn the jewelry over. It was a onyx heart shaped necklace with our initials carved into the silver covering on the edges. My heart jumped out of my chest and into my throat as I farther examined the jewel.
"Kihyun.." I muttered as he grabbed my face to make me look up at him.
He traced my jawline, his fingers outlining the more defined features in my skin. Both his eyes and lips wore a sweet loving smile. And he was only looking at me. I felt his eyes heavily staring at my lips and I felt a rush of nerves make my body recoil. I hadn't known how to react in any way.
"Can I kiss you" he asked, still not breaking eye contact, "I-...I think I'm in love with you Y/N.."
With wide eyes I convinced myself to nod. His face inched closer and closer to mine until their was close to no space between the two of us. Kihyun's lips were a couple seconds from meeting mine when I flinched.
"I'm sorry I didn-"
I cut him off.
"I love you Kihyun.." I managed to whisper.
"You don't know how happy it makes this man right now" he referred to himself, "and, I love you Y/N".
He stepped out of the car and went to my door, opening it ever so kindly. With an offering hand, I extended mine, and when he took it, he only ended up picking me up. I gasped, but his response was only a mere deeply toned giggle as he pet my head that rested against his built chest.
"It's too cold out here Y/N"
He struggled for his keys and eventually got the door unlocked, and when he did, he kicked it open running though with me in his grasp.
"Kihyun!!" I yelled, afraid he might drop me, "Don't let go of me!!!"
"Never, babygirl"
I shivered at the sudden new nickname, but I kind of liked it.
He set me on the couch gently and accidentally toppled over, tripping and landing on top of me. I placed my hands on his chest in attempts to not completely be crushed, but luckily Kihyun was light and gentle. Yet once again, our lips were only moments away from being pressed together.
"Now can I kiss you?"he requested.
I giggled, grabbing his shoulders, "Yes".
And with that he brought his lips over mine. It was soft, but was without much thought, lustful and deep. I could tell that he wanted me, and I sure as hell wanted him. Kihyun's sweet tongue lapped against my lip, begging for entrance and I allowed immediately. It would come as a surprise if Kihyun told me that this-no; me, was his first kiss, because from the way it appeared, I'm not convinced that these skillful lips haven't had some sort of previous practice. Or maybe it was, and Kihyun had the miraculous magic touch when he kissed; for an irrational and arrogant person would only ever push away.
Still, our kiss was sealed, and it grew rougher as Kihyun pushed my back against the wall harshly, which I responded with a mixture of different sounds to. I felt soft but one hundred percent frigid finger tips brush along the skin right above waistband of my jeans, which he'd gained access to having pushed the hem of my shirt up ever so slightly that it had been unnoticed until recent discoveries. His hands went to my rear end, giving it a fairly hard squeeze, and as expected, my reaction came out as a squeal. My arms had somehow made their way up his neck and to his pastel pink layers of hair, letting my fingers tug at it lightly. Kihyun growled against my mouth as I felt him bite my lip hardly, earning a fairly loud moan that rolled off my tongue, and as our lips parted from one another(s), his tongue was still lingering along mine. Once we we're finally fully apart, he eyed my lips for a moment before glancing up at me, who had grown slightly nervous and ill at ease as to how he'd think that went.
"W-was it bad..." I questioned warily, hiding my shame when I looked down.
Kihyun grabbed the side of my face with one hand making me look directly into his eyes, as for his other hand still randomly placed on my rear end. His lips pecked my neck that later formed a sweet gentle smile, and he shook his head.
"Far from bad, the opposite of it, Y/N.. that was just- I can't even explain it. Umm.." he scratched his neck, breathless and apparently at a sudden loss for words.
As for me, I had fallen under his complimentary ways and it had made me turn red, almost as if it was mandatory when Kihyun spoke so sweetly as he was.
"Y/N..I love you so much. I like you so much more than for just whatever Shownu was gonna try and get in your pants for. None of that matters to me, not a piece of it. You, as a person, that's all I needed to know I had a significant connection with you. Your beauty and extras are just another advantage I'd get, because your perfect no matter what. Even in the dim of light..", he paused, "Even if your no longer an acquaintance or decide to leave my side someday..you, will, always be the most beautiful thing I've ever gotten the experience to lay eyes on" just when I thought he had run out of breath, his lips continued to speak sweet and descriptive feelings.
"Your voice, jesus, like..when I hear that shit, even just your damn voice gets my heart goin' a little faster than it already does at just the thought of my beautiful baby" he clicked his tongue and let it graze over his lips as he placed and gripped his hands firmly on my shoulders "Y/N. Your body. Oh my god... The first, second or last person that ever would have the stupidity imbedded in their mindset to insult you at all, let alone your sexy body, would have to hear an earful from me before they even thought of doing something like that ever fucking again. Each and every damn inch of your skin, is beautiful, and it's all mine. Your so sexy. The look in your eyes when your overly stressed about something is so attractive, it makes you look so intense and seductive. Everytime I see you, whether it's just me thinking of you on a daily basis or looking at you in person, I just wanna touch you all over. I would have given anything to anyone to have been able to tell you that when I first realized I was so in love. You make me feel..you make me feel like I can't breath, but yet I could never and I'd refuse to live without you. You make me feel absolutely freezing because I get so damn nervous when I'm around you that I start shivering and trembling in my seat, yet whenever you barely brush your hand over mine, I feel like it's summer all of a sudden. Then my face gets hot and I start sweating, and then I'm scared that my hands will get clammy so I pull my hand away. And I see the look that you give me when I do. It's bad. Cause I know how much it hurts. I shouldn't worry so much, but even after all of that.." he finally finished.
"I got you. I finally got you babygirl. And I'm never, and I mean never ever", he smirked to himself, knowing his got7 puns would only make me fall in love with him even more, "going to let you go. Your mine. I've waited far to long to do this".
He threw his arms around me and by now, I hadn't even noticed that I had began bawling. I coughed into Kihyun's shoulder aggressively, hoping I didn't get snot on his seemingly expensive-branded blazer. He placed his grip under my thighs and picked me up, effortlessly wrapping my legs around his waist. Kihyun cautiously backed himself to the couch, sitting down gently. Grabbing my shoulders to have me look at him, he played with the necklace he gave me in the car. He laughed quietly under his breath and hummed a single tone, which was followed by a sigh.
"Kihyun, I'm so in love with you", I started to tear up again before I coild even get more than a few words out, "I-I can rarely ever let myself express actual feelings because I'm af-fraid t-that it's all in my head. B-but I know I love you Kihyun. Th..-thank you".
He giggled and pressed a small kiss to my lips as he pet my head, his rested on my shoulder perfectly.
"Ahh, I've always wanted to hear my babygirl say that. Your amazing love".
He went to my ear and I both felt and heard his every breath against my skin. He said, "Now what".
JesUs chRiSt alMost 3,000 wOrDs hEck I tHinK thiS is oNe of the moSt lonG imAGineS ivE eVer wRiTTeN asdfGhjKl
as always sorry for grammer, punct, and spelling malfunctions
Feelin a little more eMo than usual today so I decided to bust out some motley crue mah bOis :'))))
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