You know those Myers-Briggs personalty tests that everyone's talking about that gives you a personalty based on how compatible you are with certain categories? One of those categories, and probably the most famous, is the "Extrovert/Introvert" category.
For those of you who don't know, an extrovert is a person who gets their energy from being around other people, while introverts, on the other hand, get their energy from spending time alone. In other words, extroverts are the social butterflies while introverts tend to be more shy and socially awkward in long, drawn-out conversations.
One of the most common questions that someone will ask you when they meet you for the first time is "Are you an introvert or an extrovert?" This sets off a lot of curiously, information, and frankly, numerous stereotypes from what your answer is. Extroverts tend to be better leaders, more confident, friendly, humorous, outgoing, and can sometimes come off as nosy and annoying. Introverts are caring, thoughtful, quiet, honest, shy, insecure, and often have low self-esteem.
Anyone reading this who is either or is probably getting triggered right now, but hear me out.
Those who have known me for a while are probably thinking, "Stealthheart, this is a monologue. These things are meant to be rants about something that people think otherwise of. Where is your deep thinking? Where are you going with this?"
Okay, so those who have ever talked to me probably think I'm an extrovert, and I really don't blame you. I was actually really surprised to find out that quite a few of my friends think I'm an introvert, because I'm really not.
There is a third valid answer to this question that no one talks about. This option is the ambiverts.
As you are probably thinking, ambiverts are directly in between the two; not totally extroverts, but not completely introverts, either. They tend to filp-flop from one personality to the next.
Why does no one talk about the in between option, you might ask? Ambiverts tend to be more rare than either or, and most people in your life only see a small part of your life that you share with them. Either they see an outgoing, social, fun-loving person, or they see a shy, quiet person.
Yes, I am an ambivert. I may not seem like it, but if you were to read my mind and know what I'm actually thinking, you'd understand. When I took the Myers-Briggs test, I got 50% extrovert and introvert. I took the test on three different days and got three different results. Really, the only person that has called me an ambivert before they start to know both sides of my life (or all three, in my case) was my mom, which is no surprise at all because she's the only one who has known me my entire life besides my dad!
This may not be something that seems monologue-worthy, but there is something that I'd really like to bring to the table.
Ambiverts are people. They feel the pains and the triumphs of both introverts and extroverts.
I hate it when I tell someone I'm an ambivert and they tell me that I have to choose one or the other. I hate it when someone who is one or the other shares some problem that they have that relates to them being one or the other, and then brushing me off when I say that I can relate. Just because I can talk to people does not mean that I don't know what it feels like to feel socially awkward and want to leave the conversation. Just because I like my alone time does not mean that you have to leave me alone because I can survive without people around.
I was talking about this on YouTube, and someone reply and really summed up my entire life in two sentences:
"Ambiverts unite! For a little while anyways, at least long enough until we've got our extroverted batteries recharged, then we'll split up and charge our introverted batteries. Because who, in their right mind, designed us like a remote control that takes both AA AND AAA batteries?"
You introverts and you extroverts may call us confusing, but my question is, why are your lives so confusing? How can you survive for hours on end in a single conversation without running out of things to say or emotional support from yourself? How do you not get so utterly bored sitting in front of a computer screen all day? This one may just come from me having low self-esteem, but how do you keep talking and not doubt yourself on if you are talking too much?
So guys, for once, send a little love to those with a paw in two worlds. Yes, ambiverts may sometimes have the worst qualities from both personalities. In my case, I love to talk, but I worry that I talk too much, so I occasionally talk when no one wants me to and stay silent when no one wants me to. I love receiving phone calls and text messages, but I get so nervous when I have to reply and usually end up embarrassed the rest of the day whether I answer back or not. However, we are also special. Being able to talk and be alone means that we have sympathy and a deep understanding of both those who are introverted and those you are extroverted. If you say you've got to be alone, you've got to be alone. If you need someone to talk to, we're here to talk. If you're upset about something, we're your shoulder to cry on, no matter if you want us or not, because deep down, we know you want someone, and if you really don't want us, you're either lying to yourself, or we don't care because we care about you and we're worried about you.
So, spread a little love to us ambiverts. We act as a bridge between one world to the next. Besides, even if you are one way or the other, don't tell me that you haven't ever wanted a bit of alone time or time around with other people. We are all the same, and just because our minds work differently from others, we are still one people, and we can achieve so much together.
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