Swapped A.u Macaque x reader
*so heads up. I made him a touch more forward and teasing. If you can't handle that mayyyybe skip this one?*
"She doesn't exactly act like a princess, does she?" The youngest of the monkey tribe asked with a tilt of his head.
The shadows had tied you to a tree despite your best efforts. You sucked in deep breaths in an attempt to regain the energy you had spent in your thrashing.
"Nah M.k that's how all women are, over hysterical and noisy." The Monkey King interjected leaning against M.k's shoulder. Before shooting you a smirk. "Not to mention weak."
Macaque entered just then rubbing his jaw.
"I'll have to disagree on that last point. I think she hits harder than you do."
Monkey King aimed a glare at his brother and folded his arms while M.k appeared to be stifling a laugh.
Your gaze flicked between them as you set to moving your wrists behind your back. If you were careful, you could untie yourself while they were talking.
"And what exactly do you plan on doing with her?" The Monkey King asked. "She wouldn't make a decent servant, she's not even scared of you."
You glanced around the lair while you worked the ropes cataloging your best path of escape. To your right was a doorway. And only a few feet to your left was a table with a few knives and other eating utensils. The silver of the blades in particular winked at you with the waning sunlight that spilled in from the door.
Macaque chuckled scattering your thoughts.
"Well now I'll just have to fix that." Macaque's eyes flicked to a dark purple and turned to you.
You stilled against the ropes as he walked over.
"What do you say, princess? How about we have a rematch?" He grasped the ropes around your middle and with a sharp tug they snapped.
Forcing yourself to move, you threw a punch only for him to side step and catch your fist.
The shock of it made you pause. Your shoulders tensed in preparation for his returning blow, only it never came.
He only raised an amused eye brow.
"Come on, princess. You've got more fire than that, don't cha?" He leaned far too close to you sending your heart to jumping in your chest. "Maybe I'm not giving you the right motivation."
In a panic you rammed your fist into his gut, then raced away from him toward the door only for M.k to catch your wrist.
His grip nearly forced a scream from your lips with how tight it was. Instead, you fell to your knees, only then did it lessen only slightly.
"Macaque!" He shouted worry lacing his tone. And though his gaze never fell on you, the bone cracking grip he had on your wrist told you well enough that if Macaque was hurt, then you would suffer in turn much more severely.
"I'm fine, kid." Macaque waved off M.k's concern breathlessly. "She's just knocked the air out of me is all." He assured turning his purple eyes onto you.
M.k pulled you to your feet only to throw you back at Macaque.
You stumbled but Macaque allowed you to fall against his chest.
"Thanks for grabbing her, kid. I was worried there for a second."
You wanted to struggle more but the pain in your wrist stole most of your attention. It ached horribly and even Macaque's gentle hold on it was painful.
Macaque smirked down at you.
"Aww is that it for tonight, spitfire?"
You glared daggers into his eyes but something behind them caught your thoughts.
Oh mockery lay within the violet depths, but something else burned there. Interest or perhaps curiosity. But whatever it was set your heart to pounding in your ears so you promptly looked away.
"She's probably tired, Mac." Monkey King shrugged. "The sun is going down after all. And after dealing with you and taking that grip-" he ruffled M.k's hair earning a happy laugh from his protege. "She's probably exhausted."
Macaque nodded.
"You've got a point. Come along, princess."
To your shock Macaque actually released you and began walking further into the mansion carved from stone.
Though he only took a few steps before glancing back at you over his shoulder.
When you didn't follow he sighed and caught your wrists in his tail and tugged you forward.
The tug forced a pained yelp from your lips as you stumbled forward.
Macaque paused.
"The kid actually did some damage, eh?"
You refused to answer him, only twisted your wrists against his hold in an attempt to free yourself all while putting the least amount of pressure you could on your injured wrist.
Macaque rolled his eyes and walked back to you, released his hold, then snaked an arm around your lower back.
The move caught you off guard and urged you to jump forward away from his touch but he tightened his grip keeping you firmly at his side as he escorted you to a small sitting room. With a small shove to your shoulder he pressed you down into a seat and walked to a cupboard a few paces away.
In that instant you leapt to your feet and dashed towards the door only for his tail to curl around your waist and lift you off the floor.
"Cute, now give me your wrist." Macaque ordered. A first aid kit in his hand.
Defiance swelled in your chest and you folded your arms rebelliously.
Macaque cocked an eyebrow.
"Ohohoho you want to do this the hard way? Alright then-" His tail pressed you down into a nearby seat and he gripped your chin. "You're going to learn real quick you don't like challenging me."
Before you could even react he pressed his lips against yours. Fireworks seemed to explode in your blood taking your breath away.
Even as Macaque pulled away you sat there deftly while he tended to your wrist.
Macaque's comment finally snapped your stupor and you realized a small bandage was tied around your wrist.
"Now let's get you settled until you're ready to see your prince shall we?"
Macaque lead you down a hall and into a small room that has a bed and large window.
"I'll come get you in the morning." He turned to leave them paused. "Oh and Princess-"
He paused gaining your attention.
"Don't try me again tonight. I won't be as lenient."
And with that the door shut and clicked with what you suspected was a lock.
With a huff you headed to the window.
How dare he kiss you like that. How dare it feel so good. You fumed silently as you pulled the window open.
You shook your head as the cool breeze brushed against your face. You had to focus, you had to escape.
A treacherous part of you caught onto your mind just then. But did you? Foolishly, you paused. Red son was well renowned for his powers. Of course he'd come for you right? So, really all you had to do was wait.
You looked down and felt your stomach churn at the massive distance from the window to the ground. You couldn't possibly get down without help. Even with tying you'd sheets together they'd never be long enough.
Resigned you huffed and shut your window. Fine. You'd stay.
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