Silver Sorceress continuation
Macaque and Monkey King explained that you were a reincarnation of an old friend of theirs. Although, this past life came with more than simply history.
"You have magic, though I confess, you never showed me the full extent of your abilities." Monkey King mused thoughtfully.
"Being too busy with fame must be such a burden on your schedule." Macaque shot with a smirk.
Macaque seemed smug the entire time keeping you closer than normal. While Monkey King on the other hand looked as though he was trying to reign in his temper.
"Would both of you cool it?" You said folding your arms. "Neither of you have to like each other but both of you have parts of my story." You shot Macaque a scolding look. "And I deserve to know all of it. Not one person's perspective."
Macaque folded his arms and leaned back against the wall falling silent. His tail flicked angrily and you sighed.
You hadn't meant to to hurt his feelings. But you couldn't stand fighting. You made a mental note to apologize later.
Now Monkey King was smirking as he knelt next to you.
"In your past life, you had your powers completely within control by the 12." Monkey King mused with a hand to his chin. "What's different about this life?"
Macaque scoffed.
"You don't have a clue, do you?"
You rubbed at your arm nervously.
And Macaque took on a guilty look.
"I wasn't meaning you, kid."
Monkey King ignored the comment focusing on you. His eyes lit up in a golden glow and he studied you curiously.
Immediately your cheeks ignited to a cherry red.
Macaque chuckled humorlessly.
"Could you be any more creepy?"
Monkey King sat back after a few moments.
"Macaque, what exactly have you told her?"
Your friend's comments finally ceased and he only stared at you both before glancing away.
"I didn't want to overwhelm her."
Your heart cracked at the realization. Macaque was hiding your own life from you.
Monkey King scoffed.
"Or limit her knowledge to use her as a shadow puppet. Pulling the same trick you tried with M.k, are we?"
The comment sent another excruciating crack through your heart. But no, Macaque wouldn't use you, would he?
Macaque stiffened.
"Oh you'd know all about using someone wouldn't you?"
"ENOUGH!" you shouted halting the fight. "Clearly you two can't work together on this. And I won't listen to anymore fighting." You stood and signaled for them to get up.
Both Monkeys obeyed and you opened your balcony doors.
"My whole body aches from tonight, I'll talk to each of you later. And separately."
Monkey King looked worried and Macaque looked guilty.
"Kid, wait-" Monkey King reached for you.
"Please." You insisted looking away. "I need to think."
A pregnant silence filled the room, but slowly Monkey King walked out onto the balcony and used his cloud to fly away.
Macaque stepped out but vanished into the shadows.
You shut the balcony doors, drew the blinds, crawled into bed, and started to cry. You shut your eyes tight. Little did you know, the tears you shed shone silver. Each alighting the room with a beautiful glow.
The next day.
Your body was much less fatigued and the prior night was almost a distant memory. But the frustration and hurt lingered. Macaque was hiding personal things, Monkey King held guilt in his gaze each time your eyes met, and here you had no idea who to trust. You had to talk to someone, but who?
Macaque had been your confidant for a while now. And yet, you weren't even sure who you were supposed to be to them. Maybe Macaque had only been your friend because of who you were in a past life.
But reincarnations could alter the outside and appearance drastically. What was he expecting from you? The situation with M.k slammed into your mind and you shook your head to dispel those thoughts.
And what was Monkey King's motive? You had more questions than answers and it was giving you a headache.
A knock sounded at your door, effectively silencing your thoughts. Upon answering it, you realized it was Mei.
"Oh Mei, hi."
"Hiya!" Mei smiled. "M.k and I are gonna have a sleep over tonight, I know we don't know each other well, but-" Mei leaned a little closer and put her hand over her mouth. "I could use a little help keeping him from breaking stuff."
You giggled and nodded.
"That sounds like fun, Mei! Count me in."
"Yes!" Mei cheered. "Anyway we are meeting at the arcade at 6 tonight okay byyyeeee!" She shouted before dashing away.
You smiled as she took off and turned your mind to packing. This whole sorceress mess could wait until after the sleepover.
You walked to your room and packed a mini backpack with what you would need then went to make yourself breakfast.
Your mind wandered back to the night before as you cut the bread. You then realized you hadn't apologized to Macaque. Just then a biting pain hit your thumb, and you dropped the knife on the counter with a clatter. A deep cut dribbled blood from your thumb.
"Oh shoot!" You huffed. Within a moment you had water running over the cut for a few seconds, then rushed to get your first aid kit. Just as you pulled out a bandaid, silver magic bloomed in the shape of a lotus flower from the cut. Then, the cut promptly sealed itself, and your pain vanished.
You stared at your thumb for several seconds baffled. So, when a knock rattled your balcony doors you released a startled scream and fell into the floor.
Macaque stepped through the doors with a chuckle.
"Sorry, kid. I wasn't trying to scare you."
You sat up dusting yourself off.
"No, no it's alright. I just wasn't paying attention... Hey about last night-"
Macaque grimaced.
"Yeah about that-"
"I'm really sorry." You both apologized at the same time then glanced up in shock.
You both laughed lightly in unison.
"You go first." Macaque invited leaning against the wall.
"Wait why me?" You whined playfully.
"Because I'm curious about what exactly you have to apologize about." Macaque smirked at you and lifted an eyebrow.
Your cheeks reddened at the gesture.
"W-Well, I shouted at you and... And that whole ordeal couldn't have been easy for you."
Macaque's shoulders slumped a bit an amazed expression overtaking his features.
"I was worried about you." You explained simply.
"Me?" Macaque asked with a surprisingly gentle tone.
You nodded slowly.
Macaque chuckled at you gently.
"Gosh kid, you just found out about a past life and sudden new powers, and you're worrying about me." He ruffled your hair playfully.
"Hey!" You giggled and tried to push his hand off. "If you don't forgive me you could just say so. You don't have to mess up my hair!"
Macaque smiled down at y/n as she pushed his hand off. Her giggles faded slightly but she still smiled as she set out to find a hairbrush. Her selflessness really had no bounds.
"Your turn." She initiated when she found a brush and started to fix her hair.
Macaque's smile faltered. Here was the hard part. Swallowing his pride and apologizing. But he had seen y/n's look when that idiot suggested that he was using you.
"I'm sorry about how I reacted. He just....has a way of getting under my skin."
You smiled at the apology.
"Thank you, Macaque. That means a lot to me."
Macaque rubbed the back of his neck and glanced away.
"That's what friends do, isn't it?"
You nodded with a smile.
"Is that the only reason you came?"
Macaque chuckled.
"No, actually I was wondering if you wanted to train today."
You grinned excitedly.
"Yes! Let me get changed." You rushed to your room.
Training was difficult, but Macaque was shockingly gentle and supportive for this session. But when the session ended your phone went off. It was a text from Mei.
"I'm at the arcade where you @?"
Your plans came to mind at that moment, making you gasp. It was already 6:20.
"Ah! I'm late!" You grabbed your bag and rushed for the door.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, kid." Macaque caught your backpack halting you mid-step. "Late for what exactly?"
Guilt bloomed in your chest. You hadn't told him anything about the sleep over, and you had every opportunity. It simply slipped your mind.
"Oh I'm going to a sleepover with Mei and M.k." you informed shyly. "Sorry I didn't tell you."
Macaque sighed. "Just please be careful. And call me if something goes wrong."
You nodded with a smile and took off at a run.
Macaque watched you go with a worried frown and folded his arms. Hopefully, you'd remember his advice.
You arrived at the arcade with ample apologies, but Mei waved them off. She confided that M.k was almost always late and that she was simply happy she had backup.
After ten minutes or so M.k dashed over.
"Mei! I'm so sorry I'm late! Monkey King had me training super late, then Pigsy said he'd fire me if I didn't stay later-"
"It's ok, dude." Mei laughed. "Y/n and I were hanging till you got here."
M.k looked up shocked.
"Y/n?! Oh you're coming too?!" Stars exploded in his eyes and you giggled and nodded.
Little did you know, someone watched you from the shadows of the arcade.
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