Red Son x servant girl reader
"No, no, no!" You gasped as the platter clattered to the floor spilling the food onto the stone floor. You cringed at your mistake. But atleast no one was around to witness it. You reached for the mess intending to clean it up when you were proven wrong.
You jumped and turned to see the fire prince leaning against the wall.
Your heart felt as though it was ready to explode.
"M-my Lord Red Son! I'm so sorry, I'm new to the kitchens." You explained hurriedly.
Red Son only rolled his eyes.
"I'm not interested in excuses, peasant girl." Red Son pushed off the wall with his shoulder and strode past you. "Just clean it up."
"Yes, sir." You agreed simply picking up the mess. Thankfully, the dish wasn't much more than small sandwiches so cleaning it was not too difficult.
You rushed back to the kitchens and instead of taking any more platters out you helped with the cooking. As if you could handle the embarrassment of running into the young lord again.
It didn't help that he was so attractive. And seemed to hold you to a much higher standard than any of their other servants. It was true that the demon bull king family had many a bull clone to do their bidding. But they had many other servants who volunteered their services for various reasons.
Yours was fairly simple. You had been gifted to them as a child. Your parents deemed you a cursed child with uncontrollable magic. So, you had become their servant. Thankfully, you had saved your younger brother M.k from a similar fate by helping him escape only a night before.
Of course, Lady Iron Fan had taken a shine to you as you were used to help train Red Son as a sparring partner for many years. She had been impressed with your skill and dedication. And due to this, at least this was the only reason you could fathom, Red Son watched you closely.
Over the years you had slowly fallen for Red Son, despite his jeers and seeming condescension. Whenever he has seen you upset or hurt he went out of his way to help you recover both physically and emotionally. Infact, on special occasions, such as your birthday, holidays, or the day your parents had given you away Red Son would make it his personal goal to gift you something.
A music box locket he had created in his forge, a journal he found at a market when he learned how much you loved to write stories, and other such items. So, you knew he had a kindness about him. Even when he neglected to show it.
You finished the last of the dishes and sent it out with one of the bull clones before washing the pots and pans that had been used.
Red Son stared at his food with a frown. That meddlesome noodle boy had devastated his most recent scheme with the weather tower and he was in no mood to deal with clumsy peasants, but now something more bothered him. Something far more pressing.
He hadn't realized it at first but when Y/n had realized his presence and turned to face him, something about how her hair fell around her face. A memory of the noodle boy flashed into his mind, followed by a more recent memory of y/n staring at him wide eyed. Was he insane or was there a resemblance? No, it couldn't be. She was far too beautiful to be related to that imbecile. But still something persisted in the back of his mind.
"RED SON!" Lady Iron Fan near shouted.
Red Son jumped in his seat his head snapping up to meet his mother's eyes.
"You have been staring at your food for nearly twenty minutes now. Don't tell me you're still considering how to tell her." With that remark lady Iron Fan shot him a smirk before sipping from her goblet.
Red Son tensed his cheeks burning and the tips of his hair setting a blaze.
"Mother! No. This has nothing to do with Y/n. And I don't see her that way." He insisted folding his arms and looking away.
"If that is so," The Demon Bull King intercepted. "Then I can't see a reason you would bring her into the conversation. As I don't recall your mother ever mentioning Y/n in her observation." He gave Red Son a knowing grin.
"Well I assumed- I- ugh! No, this has nothing to do with that." Red son growled as his hair burst entirely aflame.
"Then what is it about dearest?" Lady Iron Fan interrogated. "The cooks made your favorite and you haven't touched it."
Red Son paused. Should he tell his mother what he had noticed? What if he was wrong?
"I...I noticed Y/n bares a remarkable resemblance to the noodle boy." Red Son explained reluctantly.
Both of his parents froze and fell silent. The akward moment tempted Red Son to fidget. But that was a habit his mother had long since cured him of.
"How very interesting." Lady Iron Fan mused almost dangerously.
"Indeed." The bull king agreed. "I don't believe I saw it until now."
Red Son pressed his food around his plate for a moment before speaking.
"What should we do about it?"
Lady Iron Fan got to a stand making Red Son flinch.
She turned and walked to her husband.
"Well that is really quite simple, now isn't it? Ask her what she knows." Lady Iron Fan tossed Red Son a look over her shoulder. "We will discuss what you learned in the morning."
Red Son nodded.
"Yes, mother." He watched his father stand and lead his mother to their shared room.
So interrogation was the method? That would be simple. He wouldn't let his parents down.
You dried the last of the cooking dishes and put them away. By now the DBK family should be finished eating. You were so glad that Red Son would be in his chambers or forge and you would likely not see him the rest of the day.
Heading into the dining area you froze.
Red Son sat at the dining table with one leg resting on the other his head resting against his right fist.
"Well it's about time."
You felt an uneasiness growing in your gut. Red Son was impatient, and never lingered anywhere unless he was waiting for someone. Waiting for you. And that was never good.
"I apologize, if I would have known you were waiting I-" You cut yourself off as Red Son got to a stand.
Determination glowed in his eyes and a fierce look overtook his features. Red Son only took on such a look durning your sparing battles, or against an enemy.
"Y/n, do you have siblings?"
Your gut twisted at the mention. You had never spoken of your brother for a fear he might be forced into servitude or worse returned to your parents. This very motivation caused you to pick a very stupid option. You chose to lie.
"Who? Me? No. I was an only child."
Red Son quirked a brow and you felt your knees going weak.
"Really?" Red Son walked around you keeping his hands behind his back.
"Yes, now if I might be excused I have dut-"
Red Son walked infront of you once again then advanced towards you. This causing you to retreat a few steps.
"Did you just lie to me?"
"W-what?! No, of course not!" You defended stumbling as he continued to advance until your back met a wall.
Red Son's fist slammed into the wall next to your head cracking the stone beneath it from the force. He studied your eyes for a moment.
"You're protecting him."
Your heart rate doubled in speed as you realized he not only knew about M.k, but was likely hunting him. you narrowed you eyes at him.
"I won't let you hurt him."
Red Son's eyes widened a bit before he grinned and chuckled darkly.
"You know? I was hoping you'd say that."
*This one was actually super fun. Let me know if you want to see more of it. This was requested by Pepper_Mint75. I know it wasnt exactly what you probably had in mind but I hope this works too*
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