Red Son x servant girl part 2
"Get off me!" You shouted thrashing against the two bull clones that dragged you towards the dungeon. Their metallic grips were unyielding and nigh painful. They locked your wrists into a pair of cuffs attached to the arms of a chair.
Red Son entered as the two bull clones left. His red cape swaying behind him.
You shot him a glare.
Red Son folded his arms staring down at you with a frown.
"I warn you, mother and father will not hold back for you. Are you sure you want to take this course of action?" He raised an eyebrow.
You only glowered at him.
"I'm. Not. Telling. You. Anything."
Red Son scowled and turned, walking away.
"Fine. Fiiiine, it's your funeral."
The door slammed behind him and your bravado quickly slipped. They could kill you easily. Or they could do far worse. You had to escape. With that motivation you worked at the restraints.
Red Son slammed the door behind him aiming to vent a bit of frustration. How dare she be so heart stoppingly beautiful when she was fighting him?! The heat in his cheeks was only growing and what was much worse, was he could never face his parents in this state.
Instead, he marched to his room deciding it was much wiser to wait until morning. He went straight to his room and shut the door promptly before any of his bull clones could ask questions.
The instant his door's lock clicked his embarrassment eased. He blew out an annoyed breath as he unbuttoned his coat and began shrugging it off. Still his mind turned back to Y/n's defiance. Her determined look seemed to be burned into his memory.
Red Son slumped onto his bed with folded arms. He has been correct. She definitely looked remarkably similar to the noodle boy. He knew that defiance anywhere. But now came the inward battle.
He knew Y/n, and possibly had something of a soft spot for her. If it came down to the line, he could never torture her. Even attacking her in training was difficult, actually causing her unbearable pain would be unthinkable.
But then his mother and father could. They had tortured and killed many of their previous enemies. It would be easy for them....but could he really let that happen? Could he really sit here in his room and cower knowing he was letting her suffer, and all for what? A chance that she might know something to aid them?
Red Son cringed at even the thought. The answer was no. He could never just stand aside and let them hurt Y/n. When had she even last seen the noodle boy anyway?
That was the moment something clicked. Y/n had not left the court since she was handed over to them. Noodle boy only knew of Red Son's forge, not his home. They could not possibly have had contact. Oh this was perfect! Except, y/n had starkly decided to side against his parents, against him.
A serious offense that would not go unpunished. There was no doubt about it, she couldn't stay here. So, what was there to do? Then an idea clicked into his head. It was a long shot and the noodle boy could likely be too stupid to even recognize her. But if it was to protect her, then it was more than worth the chance.
Then it was settled, he would address his parents on the matter in the morning.
With that he finished his preparations for bed, and went to sleep.
The next day.
Red Son sat at the dining table awaiting his parents. He was unsure of how to phrase this proposal. And even more unsure of whether it would work or not. There was only one thing that he was sure about in this situation. He was going to protect y/n. Whatever it took.
"Red son." His father greeted as he pulled out Lady Iron Fan's seat for her.
"Mother, father. Good morning." He addressed somewhat hurriedly.
Once his father was seated he rested his gaze on Red Son.
"What have you learned?"
Red Son felt his gut twist violently.
"She...refused to tell me anything."
The demon bull king rose an eyebrow.
"But I do have a plan." Red Son added quickly.
"Oh?" Lady Iron Fan asked leaning her chin on her intertwined fingers. "Do tell."
Red Son took a breath then grew an evil grin.
"It's really quite simple."
M.k Caught the Monkey King's punch with a hand and threw a kick aimed at the Monkey King's gut. Only for Monkey King to flip over his kick at the last second and step on M.k's back to get leverage to jump up to a higher ledge.
M.k smirked and leaned back on his feet preparing to follow when his phone went off. He paused and pulled out his phone glancing at the screen.
Mei's picture lit up the screen. M.k pressed the answer button and held up the phone to his ear.
"Hey Mei! I'm kinda in-"
"Red Son took a hostage!" Mei's worried voice crackled over the phone.
"Wait who?!" M.k gasped.
"I don't know. He's calling her your sister!"
M.k froze falling silent.
"M.k? M.k are you o-"
The phone cracked in M.k's grip cutting off whatever Mei was about to say next.
"Kid?" Monkey King asked worriedly.
M.k summoned the staff.
"I have to go."
Monkey King jumped down as M.k twirled the staff.
"Kid, wha-"
M.k slammed the staff into the ground causing it to crack and crater from the force and launched himself forward leaving Monkey King with a shocked look.
As he pole vaulted himself towards the city his mind slipped back to that night he had tried so hard to forget.
"I'm scared!" M.k cried hugging to Y/n's arm as she stood infront of him. The door knob rattled with his father's efforts. And the door jolted violently as he slammed against it.
"M.k listen to me." Y/n knelt in front of him taking his cheeks in her hands. She gently wiped at his tears with her thumbs. "I won't let him hurt you.-" she gasped and hugged him at a particularly hard slam against the door. "Not ever again." She promised picking him up as best she could and rushed over to the window.
"You remember that nice restaurant owner who fed you when you got lost?" She asked sweetly with a smile.
"The piggy?" M.k questioned as she forced the window open.
"Mhm! I'm going to send you to him. Tell him what happened,-" She jumped as the door began to splinter.
"But what about you?!" M.k demanded tears beginning to swell in his eyes.
"I'll be right behind you." She promised her silver magic surrounding him.
At that moment the door broke.
"Go!" She shouted shoving M.k through the window.
"No!" M.k screamed kicking and fighting against the silver mist that dragged him away through midair. But as it pulled him away he saw his father grab Y/n, with a knife raised. He was pulled into the woods at that moment, but her scream rang out making his blood run cold.
M.k went limp in shock as the mist started to weaken but still it pressed on. It carried him all the way to the city before faltering at the door step of pigsy's noodles.
M.k had sat there for a moments before beginning to cry. His sobs must have awakened pigsy, who opened the door promptly.
The movement somehow snapped M.k from his stupor and he stood running back towards his house screaming for Y/n. Pigsy caught him quickly and had asked several questions. But M.k couldn't have answered if he wanted to as he broke down into sobs once again.
M.k's memory broke once he hit the city street with enough force to crack the pavement and looked up to the nearest news screen.
A girl struggled against chains that held her over a lava pit and Red Son stood near the camera with a large grin.
"So what's it going to be noodle boy? Your staff? Or your sister?" He asked.
So that was what he wanted? The staff? M.k's grip on the staff tightened as he dashed towards Red Son's forge. Oh he'd get the staff alright.
Back with Red Son:
You struggled against the restraints as Red Son turned off the camera.
"He should be here soon." Red Son smirked at you.
"Red, listen to me." You gasped against the heat and fatigue from struggling. "You don't have to do this."
Red Son's eyes widened and he turned away briskly.
"Trust me, for your sake, I do."
You frowned in confusion.
"He'll never recognize me!" You shouted making Red Son freeze midstep. "He won't come."
Red Son chuckled then outright laughed.
"You really don't know Noodle boy, do you?"
Your gut twisted as Red Son walked the ledge overlooking the lava pit towards you.
"It won't matter who you are. He will come because that's who he is. He will stop at nothing to get in my way." Red Son took your chin in hand. "And once I get that staff, nothing will stop the Demon Bull family from rising to-"
"Get your hands off my sister." Someone spoke with a dangerously low voice.
Red Son only had time to look over his shoulder before the boy slammed his staff down on the ledge where Red Son was.
Thankfully, the demon prince was remarkably fast and dove out of the way at the last second. The boy stood infront of you protectively.
"Noodle boy!" Red Son cheered with a grin. "We've been expecting you."
Your jaw dropped. No, this couldn't be. This seething boy with unimaginable power couldn't possibly be M.k. that trembling little boy you had protected life time ago.
"It's over Red Son. Surrender. Now."
Red Son stood and his fists ignited into flame.
"Not a chance, Noodle boy. I'll be taking that staff now."
The boy gritted his teeth and launched at him.
The attacks were relentless and you watched in horror as Red Son barely held his ground and was quickly losing. Just as you got ready to speak M.k brought the staff down hard slamming it into Red Son's shoulder. And the sickening sound of bones cracking rang out mingling with Red Son's pained yell.
Panic exploded in your chest as the demon Prince crumbled to his knees.
"RED SON!" your voice screamed out suddenly without your consent.
Both boys froze and Red Son's head shot up.
You expected annoyance or perhaps anger, but only concern laced his features.
M.k had turned as well fear and worry painting his expression.
Tears welled in your eyes.
"Stop fighting, please." You begged as hot tears slipped down your cheeks.
At that moment the chains seemed to shift and give, dropping you.
"Y/N!" The boys shouted in unison as the lava rushed up to meet you.
With a sudden jerk your rapid descent halted. Looking upward you saw both boys holding the chain. They looked at each other in shock but then pulled you up. Red Son struggled with his one arm to help, but mostly it was M.k. Once you were on the ledge. M.k pulled you behind him.
"We are leaving now. "
Red Son only turned and walked away.
"Go then."
M.k watched him warily then turned to you and snapped the chains restricting you. He hugged you before using his staff to pole vault you out of the forge.
You yelped in shock and held onto him tightly. But as you flew away you managed to open your eyes. In the distance you watched Red Son shrinking. His face held a frown that almost made you think he was sad. When you landed in what appeared to be a park M.k released you. You looked at him with a worried frown.
"I can exp-"
You were cut off when M.k hugged you tightly.
"M.k?" You asked gently. Soon M.k's shoulders started to tremble and he took in sharp breaths. Hot tears dripped onto your shoulder. "Oh M.k." you soothed hugging back.
"I thought he killed you." M.k whispered heartbrokenly. "I wanted to save you but-" he broke into small sobs and you pulled back a bit wiping away his tears.
"Hey, hey it's alright. I'm here now." You hugged your little brother again tightly. "I'm here."
That night:
M.k's had taken you to meet all his friends and apologized for rushing off so fast. Apparently, he had been in quite a hurry. But he did ask his friend Mei, to take you in until you could get an apartment of your own.
She happily agreed and you sat in that room now. Well technically that is. You stood on the balcony gazing at the stars. It has been so long since you'd seen the night sky you only wanted to stare at it for a while.
Just as you were thinking about going in a light thud sounded behind you. You whirled around only to see Red Son standing in front of the doors that led to your room.
You drew in a startled breath only for him to cover your mouth.
"Be quiet, servant girl!"
You pushed him back watching him hiss in pain when you lightly pressed against his shoulder.
"I'm not your servant girl anymore." You said mustering your courage.
Red Son stared at you a moment then scoffed.
"Peasant girl then. I need to speak with you."
You folded your arms.
"About what?"
Red Son sighed and snapped his fingers conjuring a flame which transformed into your locket and journal. He then offered them to you.
You stared at them dumbfoundedly then looked at him.
"Well?!" He demanded impatiently. "Take them, I can't hold them all night."
"Oh!" You took the offerings and hugged them to your chest. "But why?"
Red Son blew out a defeated sigh.
"Because I-....I made them for you. And because...I wanted to apologize."
Your jaw fell as his free hand now went to his shoulder.
"I didn't intend to hurt you. But I knew Mother and father would have done almost anything to get Noodle boy out of the way." His gaze never met yours. Instead, it rested on the ground to his left.
Suddenly you realized what he meant.
"You saved me." You muttered in shock.
"I suppose in a manner of speaking." Red Son concurred glancing at you for the first time. Then he gritted his teeth and winced.
"We need to fix your shoulder, come on." You took his free hand in yours and gently lead him by the hand back into your room. If you weren't mistaken his cheeks seemed a bit more pink than normal and his hair tips turned to mini flames.
You gently pushed him to sit on the mini couch and sat next to him.
"I'll need a clear shot at your skin so my magic will work."
Red Son stared at you a moment then unbuttoned his overcoat before shrugging it off one arm. But he gritted his teeth in pain as he attempted to pull the sleeve from his injured shoulder. After a few painful attempts he began to get frustrated.
So gently, you placed a hand on his. He paused, and you took hold of the sleeve. Carefully, you slid it down his arm and placed your hands on his shoulder.
Closing your eyes you allowed a calm breath to slip through your lips carrying with it, a sweet incantation.
Red Son winced at Y/n's touch but quickly his pain was replaced with shock when the incantation made a silver lotus bloom in his shoulder, then slip beneath his skin.
He could feel the bones mending and the pain vanishing.
When you opened your eyes Red Son was staring at you slack jawed and a light pink hue dusting his cheeks.
You blinked. You were pretty sure your spell had worked. But just to be certain, you squeezed his shoulder gently. You half expected him to yell in pain and back hand you or something.
But instead he only rose an eyebrow at you.
Excitement bubbled up in your gut.
"I did it!" You gasped. "Oh my gosh I did it and nothing blew up!"
Just then alarms sounded outside and you looked towards the balcony.
"Idiots." Red Son shouted racing over to the balcony. "The bull clones must have tripped the alarm system."
"You brought bull clones?" You asked rushing to his side.
"Well I couldn't very well get up here on my own with one arm now could I?" Red Son asked as though it was obvious.
You heard footsteps nearing your door.
"You should go!" You warned quickly.
Red Son looked at the door then to you. He jumped up on the railing.
"Wait before I go, I should thank you."
"Your welcome. Now go!" You whispered panickedly looking at the door.
"No Y/n." Red Son grabbed your chin. "One gesture deserves another."
Just then he pressed a kiss to your lips. Fireworks seemed to explode in your veins. Once the shock faded you surrendered into the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck.
Then the door burst open as Mei's father kicked it.
Red Son broke the kiss.
"Don't think you've seen the last of me." He grinned at Mei's father's aghast look and jumped off the ledge backwards before bursting into flames and swirling to the ground in a ball of fire.
You stared after him your cheeks probably the shade of ripe tomatoes and your heart thundering in your chest.
"Y/n, are you alright?!" Mr. Dragon asked worriedly. "Did he hurt you?"
Slowly you shook your head.
"No, no I'm fine."
Mr. Dragon called his security and demanded they secure the perimeter. But you were no longer listening. You were lost in thought remembering the kiss. His words replaying in your head.
"Don't think this is the last you'll see of me!"
Heavens you prayed it wouldn't be.
*Heavens this was long. I hope it was worth the wait all. This is sort of similar to what I'm planning for my red son book. So if you enjoyed this story stay tuned.*
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