Red Son x Prisoner Reader
So recently one of you beautiful friends of mine made me some glorious fanart so of course I had to show it off. I mean look at it!! Freaking *chef's kiss* perfection! I love it! If you guys do fanart I would love to see it. And I will definitely show it off cause you're all amazing let's be honest. If you want to see more of this amazing art it was done by Pikachudoesgames64!
Here's the Tumblr;
"I don't know it just feels like someone's been following me. You know?" You asked M.k while you subconsciously rubbed at your upper arm. A nervous habit you had that would trigger when something frightened you.
M.k rose an eyebrow.
"Uhhh no. I don't know what you mean."
Mei groaned and pressed him aside.
"Don't worry about it, y/n. We can walk you home tonight. Right M.k?" She asked glancing at him.
M.k nervously fidgeted with his staff.
"Aheh actually Monkey King said I've been slacking lately. He wants to train a bit harder today."
"Ugh fine. I'll walk you home." Mei promised unsheathing her sword and holding it up triumphantly. "With this!"
You giggled at her energy. The blade did make you feel marginally better. But at that moment a shiver creeped across your shoulder blades warning you of someone watching.
Immediately, you whirled around. No one stood in sight. The most you saw was a bit of red fabric disappear into a nearby alleyway.
"Y/n?" M.k asked.
You sucked in a deep breath and released it in an effort to calm your nerves.
"It's nothing." But your instincts screamed a different story. Whatever it was, you couldn't do anything about it, until it made it's move.
Mei and M.k waved you off as you entered your work. When they left, you buckled down and did your work. Thankfully, no feelings of being watched cut your focus today. Eventually, work came to a close.
As you locked up the building, Mei came to walk you home.
"You ready to hit it?" She asked jabbing her thumb behind her.
"Very." You agreed.
Mei led the way with jokes and quips. She told you practically everything she did that day and you listened politely.
That was until the sun faded below the horizon. That was the moment Mei was tackled by two bull clones.
"Mei!" You yelled grabbing a bull clone's arm only to be tugged away by two more. "Stop! Let go of me!" You shouted thrashing against them. The bull clones struggled to hold you until one pressed a cloth over your mouth and nose.
An odd smell assaulted your nose and after a few moments your body grew weak. Your eyes slid closed as your legs gave out.
"Y/n!" Someone screamed distantly just before you lost all conciousness.
Hours later.
You awoke to the sound of metal clicking against metal and the feel of cement under you. Slowly, you blinked open your eyes and looked around. The room surrounding you was barren but clean. It had no bed or other furniture only a metal door ahead of you.
You pressed yourself up to a sit only to realize your wrists were cuffed together. A long chain attached them to a ring on the floor.
"Uh oh."
"Indeed." Red Son agreed entering the room through the door with his arms folded. A wicked grin tugged at his lips.
You got to your feet defiantly. For a moment you couldn't believe you ever had a crush on this man. But when his grin flicked to an amused smirk, you remembered quite clearly.
"Why?" You asked with a frown.
"Oh that's really quite simple." He said walking behind you. You flinched a bit as he continued.
"You see, I need a peach of immortality."
"And?!" You demanded stepping away. His presence behind you was unnerving to say the least.
Red Son chuckled.
"You'll know, if you let me finish."
You fell silent watching him carefully.
"That's a good girl." He smirked tauntingly. "Now, I have left a note for those peasant friends of yours. They will bring me a peach of immortality, or," A grin exploded on his features. "You'll remain here."
You glared at him.
Red Son turned and started walking away.
"Make yourself comfortable." He grinned over his shoulder at you. "You could be here a long time."
The next day Red Son brought you food and a pillow along with a blanket.
"What are these for?" You asked accepting them gently.
"What do you think? For you to sleep on, obviously."
"You think I'll be here that long? You seriously underestimate someone who has kicked your butt several times."
Red Son's hair ignited in flames for a moment, but he soon calmed himself.
"Perhaps you'd prefer to tell me something useful in exchange for your freedom." He took your chin in his hand more gently than you had expected. "Unless you enjoy being my prisoner."
You scoffed and pulled away.
"Tch. You wish."
Red Son shrugged.
"Your blush speaks a little louder than your words do." Red Son gestured to your cheeks and you turned away quickly.
"I get red when Im angry too you know!"
Red Son chuckled.
"Oh yes, and anger made you lean into my hand too hm?"
You huffed and hit him with your pillow as hard as possible.
Eventually, the fire prince did leave.
And the days passed slowly. Each time Red Son visited you, it was a mixture of irritating and flustering. He would flirt and taunt in equal measure.
Until one day he entered with a unique look. Worry flicked across his features then determination. Your eyes locked with his and suddenly the determination faltered.
"Let me guess," you stated. "They are coming to get me." A smirk tugged your lips up at the corners.
Red Son sucked in a breath. After a moment his hand ignited into flame.
Panic erupted in your gut as he stepped closer.
"I have a few questions." He began walking towards you.
You scrambled back as far as the chain would allow.
Red Son only took hold of the chain and tugged on it. The simple gesture sent you stumbling closer.
He reached for your arm, his hand still ablaze. You squeezed your eyes shut, but when you felt his grip, it didn't burn.
You opened your eyes to see his hand without it's previous flame. And Red Son looking extremely irritated.
"I can't do this." He growled.
Suddenly the wall exploded and M.k entered.
"Here comes Monkie Kid!" He shouted launching himself at Red Son.
Mei rushed over and with a swing from her sword, your chains snapped. Your hands were still cuffed but she helped you to escape through the hole in the wall while M.k fought Red Son.
Your mind was something of a blur when Red Son surrendered and vanished. The gang each helped and interrogated you. And when everything was said and done it was decided that you would stay with Mei for a while.
You went to your room and laid on the bed and glanced out the window. But you could have swore you had seen a bit of red cloth disappearing from view.
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