Red Son x Kitsune part 3
You glanced at the horizon watching the sun slip out of sight.
"We'd best set up camp."
"No!" Red Son snapped. "We don't have time."
You glanced at him with a risen eyebrow.
"How sick is your father?"
Red Son flinched and then growled at you.
"Look, we won't make it out tonight. And if I'm too tired I won't be able to heal your father properly. You might as well rest."
Red Son huffed and folded his arms while you collected firewood. Of course he should have been helping you, but you decided to let it slide after glancing at him. If you weren't mistaken, Red Son's frustration slowly melted into a worried doubt.
Guilt pricked at you heart. He was just trying to save his father. Of course he'd been a brat and if he'd only given you the respect you deserved, neither of you would be in this situation. But then, if you would have had the chance, wouldn't you have done anything to save your parents?
"Your father." You began snapping him from his thoughts. "What is he like?"
Red Son grinned as he sat down.
"He is the most powerful demon ever known!" He bragged. "When he was young he-"
Red Son started into a long rant about his father's accomplishments. Then he bragged about his mother and how terrifying and powerful she was.
You had to restrain a smile as you watched him light up. Despite his lack of powers a fire still seemed to burn behind his eyes. The blaze ignited a warmth through you as you realized how deeply he loved his family.
Suddenly, Red Son seemed to realize his rambling. He paused then glanced away.
"And they are relying on me. I will not fail them again."
You sighed.
"Why didn't you just go to the village and ask for help?"
Red Son rolled his eyes.
"I didn't even know you had a village. But-" he glanced at you. "Why weren't you at your village? I've never heard of a kitsune traveling alone."
You blew out a sigh.
"I'm not....a normal kitsune." You muttered.
Red Son's eyes flicked over your form with a dubious look.
Butterflies exploded in your stomach with his reaction.
"If you must know, it's because my magic is silver instead of blue." You hugged your knees. "They say it's a bad omen."
Red Son scoffed.
"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
You snickered.
"That's what I said!"
Red Son glanced at your smile then turned away.
"I thought you wanted to sleep."
You blinked then shrugged laying down. You shut your eyes and slowly let sleep overcome your senses.
Hours later
"Fox girl!" Red Son shouted snapping you from your slumber. You sat up abruptly, which caused you to barely dodge a crossbow bolt.
The bolt buried itself into the dirt where your head had once lay. In a moment you were on your feet and looking for a quick escape.
Red Son caught the hunter's fist halting a punch then slammed his leg into the hunter's gut. Your mind whirled watching the battle unfold. That was the moment you noticed a net that lay just behind Red Son. The hunter was slowly backing him into it.
You rushed over.
"Red Son! Jump!" You yelled slamming your shoulder into the hunter's back. Unfortunately, you had put your entire weight into the shove and fell forward when the hunter did.
Red Son did a front flip over the hunter. And caught you around the waist then tugged you into his chest just as the net snapped upwards. Thus, effectively trapping the hunter.
Red Son grinned triumphantly then glanced down at you. At that moment you felt your heart skip a beat. Red Son instantly seemed to realize your position because his face ignited in a scarlet blush and he shoved you away.
You stumbled a bit but ultimately caught your footing.
Red Son coughed into his hand.
"We should leave. Father's time is running out."
You nodded and led the way through the trees trying to think.
Red Son followed you, not far behind. His hands were buried in his pockets and he glanced around as if ensuring nothing could attack the pair of you.
Had he always been so attractive? You wondered feeling butterflies explode in your stomach.
Red Son's gaze flicked up to catch yours. He rose a brow at your staring.
"Do you need something?"
Your heart raced at the slight gesture and you snapped your gaze ahead of you.
"Nope. Just thinking!" You responded hurriedly.
Red Son scoffed behind you. And to be fair, you wanted to do the same. Of course you would crush on someone so entitled and heartless. Why did he have to show up anyway. You were just fine before.
When you would spend nights alone under the stars. When your tribe refused to acknowledge you. Slowly, your ears fell back.
You paused. Red son offered you an apple.
"You seem to be tired. I hope breakfast might cure that."
Red Son gaze flicked to your fallen ears then back to your face.
Your heart warmed a bit at the gesture and you accepted the apple.
"Thank you."
Red Son glanced back clearly still apprehensive about the morning's attack.
You bit into the apple and began walking again.
"So, where does the might Demon bull family live?" You asked between bites.
Red Son perked up at your question proudly.
"You're quite lucky, you know. Not many peasants are given the pleasure of seeing our court."
"Ah. I see." You mused trying not to snicker. "You mentioned tools, are you a mechanic?"
Red Son huffed.
"I am a blacksmith. I created the gauntlet that saved my father." He boasted proudly.
"That must have been difficult." You stated tossing the apple core away.
"It was... challenging, but I overcame it." A small silence filled the space between you both as you walked. You tried to think of something to stir conversation, but nothing came to mind.
That was when Red Son spoke.
"Your village, they must disklike your parents?"
The question caught you off guard and you went rigid.
"That hunter has attacked us twice now." Red Son mused thoughtfully. "And yet, no one has come looking for you. Your village may have delayed your parents." He theorized clearly confused as to why your parents had not come for you.
It was sweet really. The fact that he believed your parents to be as loving and protective as his own. Perhaps they would have been. Or perhaps they would have abandoned you as the rest of the village had. You had no idea. So, when you went to speak, your voice wavered.
"I wouldn't know." Your voice sounded as though you were ready to cry. And perhaps you were. "My parents passed not long after I was born." A glance over your shoulder surprised you.
Red Son looked shocked and sad at the news and your tone. Infact, he almost looked downright guilty.
You turned and continued walking. The silence felt deafening now as it was punctuated by leaves moving or branches snapping under Red Son's boots.
At that moment you heard the sound of a gun cocking.
"Look out!" Red Son shouted tackling you to the ground. Only, the ground here gave way to a small ditch and you two rolled into it. As you fell a bullet whizzed past your head slitting your cheek.
You growled and went to stand when Red Son caught your wrists.
"What are you doing?!" You demanded sharply.
"Listen, fox girl. That hunter won't stop until he catches something. I have a plan."
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