Red son x injured reader
Slight season 3 spoilers!!
So some context. Lady bone demon has taken over the gang got stranded for a bit and the DBK family saved them. You were injured very badly in a fight prior and getting stranded nearly made your condition critical.
Thankfully Red Son has a few healing spells up his sleeve and when the rest of the gang has to go they decide to leave you with Red Son until you are healed fully.
Now about you; you have magic and you can heal yourself but you have to be conscious and you sing to concentrate. Anyway onto the story!
"You're not eating." Red Son mentioned annoyedly. "What's the matter? Is it too spicy for your pathetic peasant taste buds?"
Your shroud of sadness dissipated at the accusation and you looked up at him.
"What? No! I can definitely handle any amount of spice you could conjure."
Red Son folded his arms with a huff.
"Is that so? Then why aren't you eating?"
You paused and stared down at your food. You knew it would taste amazing as Red Son had an undeniable talent for cooking despite his obsession with spice. But being left here had been rough. You'd thought you were a valued member of the team, so why had you been abandoned? You knew why, but it hurt even so.
"I....I just miss them." You mumbled slouching against your seat.
Red Son's expression softened and his arms fell back to his sides.
"Oh...I see."
An uncomfortable silence filled the space between you. To keep yourself occupied, you started to rearrange your food on your plate with your chopsticks.
You half expected Red Son to lose his temper soon and berate you for being weak. But each time you glanced up his expression held worry and he was clearly thinking to himself.
"Well the more you eat the faster you will heal. Your body needs nourishment in order to repair itself." Red Son informed you firmly.
You only shrugged.
"Alright then-" Red Son walked over to you, determination etched over his features. "Let's make a deal."
You rose an intrigued brow.
"Isn't it stupid to make deals with demons?"
Red Son waved a dismissive hand.
"Only if you are an idiot. Now, if you CAN truly handle the spice as you say-" Red Son leaned on the table with a hand. "Then I'll help you send a message to that dragon-horse girl."
You perked up with an excited grin.
Red Son grew a smirk and gave a nod.
"But if you can't then you have to practice your healing magic for atleast an hour."
Your cheeks flared red.
Healing magic required you to sing, it was how you focused and Red Son knew it. Now that you considered it everytime before when you used healing magic you'd noticed Red Son lingering near your door. That's when it clicked. He enjoyed your voice.
"So you can listen in?" You asked with a smirk.
Now it was Red Son's turn to blush. His cheeks flared red and his hair exploded into flames.
You couldn't help but giggle at the reaction.
"Awww!" You cooed teasingly.
"Silence peasant!" Red Son shouted his face burning a darker shade of crimson.
You decided to give him a little mercy and move on.
"You're on." You stated and started to eat. The food was incredibly spicy but your magic dulled the effects.
Red Son watched with a shocked look before his lips curled upwards into a grin.
You knew he was proud of himself but you decided that was alright since he seemed content. And besides his previous blush had been a definite victory in your book.
You finished your meal without so much as a flinch and although Red Son seemed disappointed in you winning the deal, he seemed genuinely pleased that you were happy.
He escorted you to an odd chamber that held several markings on the floor. By using his magic he was able to set up a telepathic link between you and Mai.
He walked away as your conversation began and leaned against the doorway on his shoulder. The gang was doing well and in decent spirits. They were ecstatic to see that you were up and about and wished you a fast recovery. But before long the conversation ended. As it came to a close the loneliness sunk back in. You missed everyone even more somehow.
Red Son must have noticed, because he stood straight as you started to walk past him. He held up a hand and you paused next to him.
"You look pale." Red Son pointed out his brows drawing close together.
"Do I?" You mumbled offhandedly.
"Perhaps you should rest." Red Son suggested dropping his hand.
You started to sway on your feet a bit as an unbearable heat exploded in your head. Then, your knees buckled under you.
In a flash Red Son caught you with an arm around your lower back. As he pulled you up you were pressed against his chest.
Your cheeks went crimson while Red Son adjusted his hold, pulling you into a bridal style position.
"W-what are you doing?" You muttered weakly as Red Son walked towards your room.
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm taking you to your room. You overexerted yourself." Red Son's tone sounded scolding but his hold was gentle.
"Or your cooking poisoned me." You mumbled sarcastically.
Red Son scoffed.
"If I wished you dead, you already would be."
You shrugged and leaned against him tiredly.
"I guess."
Red Son scoffed again as your eyes closed slowly. And just before you slipped into unconscious you heard him mutter,
"Sleepwell Y/n."
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