Red Son x hostage reader
"Not eating will only make you weaker, peasant girl." Red Son challenged folding his arms.
You turned away stubbornly. For all you knew he had poisoned the food. And it didn't matter anyway. You'd missed meals before.
"You've got to be kidding me. This is the third meal you've refused. You're going to kill yourself."
You shot him a cold glare over your shoulder then turned away once again.
"Atleast answer me, dang it!"
You refused to even turn this time. Red Son had kidnapped you, to lure your cousin Mei and your mutual friend M.k into a trap.
Yet, Something was odd about it. From what you could tell, he hadn't sent a ransom to your father or, far more likely, your uncle. And he was being rather generous. Fretting over your refusal to eat being only one of the many oddities at play.
Still, you held your tongue. Hoping perhaps your silence would urge him to give you some type of understanding as to why he had taken you.
Mei had been right there! Her father was far wealthier, M.k and her were closer, and you and Tang had a running bet to see when Red Son would finally tell Mei he had a crush on her. So why take you?
"Fine!" Red son snapped suddenly.
His outburst made you flinch slightly.
"You sit here and be stubborn. I am going to handle that nuisance of a 'hero'."
Red son slammed the door behind him with a growl and marched to his room. Slamming his door with just as much force, he glared at it a moment before he deflated.
This was not the way to get into y/n's good graces. And yet he couldn't find any better ideas. And that wretched Noodle boy was supposed to have come for her by now! And he hadn't. Had he miscalculated?
No. The noodle boy was too 'heroic' to simply leave y/n to any villain's mercy. Although heaven knew 'mercy' she would hardly require from him. A simple smile would crack his resolve.
Red son groaned burying his face in his hands. His mother had been right. He was like his father. Soft for his intended.
But y/n wasn't his intended. Atleast not anymore. Red son's mind wandered back to the day he learned of his betrothal and this whole situation has escalated out of control.
"My what?! M-mother, you can't be serious." Red son stammered following Princess Iron Fan to the dining table.
"I'm perfectly serious, Red son." Princess Iron fan responded cooly taking her designated seat. "You know very well my options were, at best, limited after your father was taken from us." She explained massaging her brow. "A betrothal seemed....promising to your future. And the family was a close friend of your father and I. When they had a daughter.... Well the timing was almost perfect."
Red son took his seat mutely a concerned frown tugging at his lips.
"And when you two became friends in your early childhood, I thought perhaps it could blossom into...more." Princess Iron fan shot him a knowing look.
Red Son's cheeks burned and he stiffened in his seat.
" don't mean-"
Princess Iron Fan nodded.
"I mean y/n l/n. She seemed a good match for you. Don't think I didn't notice how often you attempted to impress her." Princess Iron Fan's lips curled up into a smirk on one side.
Red son flinched slightly in his seat.
"That was a long time ago, mother!"
Her smirk fell with the reminder and Red Son felt a pinch of guilt as she nodded.
"Well was. And now that you are old enough, and you have brought your father back to us-" A small gleam of pride shone in her eyes, causing Red Son to sit a little straighter. "I see no reason to hold you to the agreement."
Relief flooded Red Son's chest. And he sighed.
His relief was cut short with that one simple word.
"We demons have contracts, Red Son. Betrothals between us are... Not easily broken. Fortunately, I instated a clause that would allow you to break the betrothal on the condition you inform the intended and her family yourself."
Red son's shoulders eased some. That wouldn't be too difficult. Right? They were friends of his parents after all. Of course they would be understanding. And y/n....well he hadn't seen her in years. Surely, his little crush was long gone.
"Of course, mother." Red son nodded. "I'll see to it first thing in the morning."
Princess Iron Fan nodded.
Once his father returned, they ate together and discussed where Red Son could find the l/n family. His mother also informed them that y/n's mother had passed away. And her father was, somewhat less popular with his parents. Particular his father. Still, this hardly worried Red Son. Anyone, who defied his family fell sooner or later. With the exception of the Monkey King and the noodle boy, but that was due to come before long he was sure.
The next day Red Son followed the map his mother had created to guide him and came to a moderately large mansion's gate. With a sigh he went to touch the buzzer when he heard a scream from the courtyard.
His interest, and slight concern, piqued Red Son walked around the walled perimeter and climbed the stone when he came to the scene where he believed the scream resonated from. Once he reached the top he kept low and watched a young girl take a brutal hit to the gut and hit the ground.
"Father please!" She pleaded. "Listen, she didn't mean t-" A vicious kick to her side threw the girl closer to Red Son. This gave him a proper view of a crimson liquid spilling from her gut where one of her arms hugged the wound tightly.
Her h/c (hair color) hair spilled over her face even while her e/c (eye color) eyes stared at her father pleadingly.
The sight ignited something odd inside him. As though someone had ignited a long forgotten fireplace.
"I don't care what she meant!" The father spat. His movements staggered and off kilter.
The sight informed Red Son the man was indeed drunk.
"This is my home. And as long as you live under my roof, you will follow my judgement!"
With that the man threw a bottle Red Son hadn't noticed till that moment at the girl. His nerves jerked but thankfully her father's aim was lacking. As the bottle smashed against a tree a good distance to her left.
The man turned on his heel and stomped back into the house and Red Son felt tempted to follow, but what he heard next made him freeze.
Soft crying twisted his gut as he watched y/n picked herself up and went back into the house.
Red Son sat for a moment his mind going over the possible solutions to this....predicament. Slowly, he slid off the wall and walked back towards the forge a plan formulating in his mind.
He watched her then for a few weeks and learned beatings were common in the l/n household. And y/n hadn't changed much. She was still the kind and hopeful yet spunky and sassy girl he'd known all those years ago.
There was only one major issue. Y/n wholeheartedly believed her father had her best interest at heart. Each time he followed her to her hangouts with the dragon horse girl she would go on and on about how her father was endlessly patient, always apologized, and never held her many faults against her.
The realization came quickly after that, her father was as manipulative as he was abusive. And he had manipulated her into believing he of all people was her hero. And Red Son fully intended to shatter that façade.
A knock on the door woke him from his reverie. Red Son lifted his head as a bull clone entered and informed him that the girl was becoming 'difficult'. With a sigh Red Son got to a stand and followed the bull clone to the holding cell.
He was going to get you away from that tyrant permanently, but he couldn't do that if the plan didn't play out accordingly.
You threw a bull clone by flipping him over your shoulder and dodged another that lunged at you. Then you raced towards the door to what you assumed was the dining room only to run smack into Red Son's chest.
He grabbed you quickly and pinned you against the wall.
"How did she get out of her cell?!" Her demanded looking at the nearest bull clone whilst you writhed against his hold. "Picked the lock?! WITH WHAT?!" The way his voice cracked made you pause then laugh a bit.
The sound made him pause then glare at you.
"You think this is funny, peasant girl?!"
You smirked.
"Well not the situation per se, just your reaction."
His hair exploded into flame and if you weren't mistaken you could have swore you saw his cheeks twinge pink before he shoved you at a bull clone.
"Ugh return her to her cell. Now!" He nearly yelled before stomping away.
Another bull clone grabbed your right arm whilst the one Red Son had shoved you at grabbed your left. You struggled against them watching Red Son's retreating form.
"I will get out again!" You shouted after him. "And my friends will come for me."
"Oh trust me-" Red Son's voice made you pause your struggles. "I'm counting on it."
The bull clones locked you back in your cell and you huffed. What on earth was that supposed to mean?! You guessed it didn't matter, what did matter was you getting out of here and warning your friends and cousin Mei.
Red Son stalked down the hall muttering to himself about stupid peasant girls and tardy fools. That was until his foot pressed against a small metallic chain.
Taking a step back, Red Son inspected a small silver locket on the floor. Immediately memories assaulted him.
"I made it for you." Red son said offering it to the y/n with an annoyed frown.
"H-how?" She stammered in awe taking the locket gently.
Red Son rolled his eyes.
"In my forge of course." He paused as tears welled in her eyes.
"You...really are going away for training aren't you?" She whispered turning her tear-filled gaze on him.
Red son felt his guy twist.
"Well...yes. Mother insisted but-" he sighed. "I couldn't leave without giving you a reminder that should you ever need me, I'm not far."
Y/n hugged him then. Causing him to stumble back from shock.
The memory gave way to the present as he inspected the demon bull family crest in the center surrounded but a mural of flames.
He released a low huff. The locket was an amateur's work. It would be far more suiting to give her a new one, but something told him this version held sentimental value. The only real issue was, as he moved it he realized the front part and back of the locket had snapped on two.
With a small frown he changed direction. Heading towards his forge now.
Meanwhile you meddled with the lock on the cell door using a bobby pin. It was shockingly easy the last time. You didn't really recall where the catch mechanism was this time round. Which made the task somewhat more difficult.
Just as you thought you found it the door to the outer room began to open.
With a gasp you snatched the bobby pin and shoved it back into your pocket.
Just then Red Son entered with his hands folded behind his back.
"Evening y/n."
"Red son." You responded boredly as though you hadn't just been picking the lock.
He stepped into the room and leaned against the bars with an arm.
"It appears you're missing something."
You leaned away feeling butterflies flutter in your chest.
Just then he opened his other hand revealing your locket in his palm.
You gasped and froze.
But he simply slid his hand between the bars with an annoyed look.
"Take better care of your belongings, peasant girl. I will not return it again."
You took it and stared at the silver reflection as Red Son turned. It you hardly noticed him leaving.
This locket had been given to you by your best childhood friend. You hadn't even noticed the resemblance until now. But you mind fled back to that day when he had given it to you.
You didn't remember the boy's name only a fuzzy blur of a red overcoat. Your jaw fell as you caught a glimpse of Red Son's over coat wafting behind him before the door to the outer room slammed shut.
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