Red Son x fighter reader
"Touch her again, and I will burn you to ASHES!" Red Son shouted. His eyes and hair bursting into flames.
The punk who had been harassing you turned tail and bolted.
And all the while you bit back a smirk. You had planned on handling it. You really had. However, Red Son had walked from the alleyway just at the perfect moment and his protection warmed your soul.
Red Son turned back to you and waltzed over looking you over.
"Did he touch you?"
You blushed and smiled hugging his arm happily.
"He looked tempted, but no."
Red Son growled and you giggled.
"Aww, love I'm alright." You kissed his cheek. Red Son's cheeks ignited as did his hair.
He recovered and stood straighter.
"You seem to get bothered often."
You nodded.
"You'd be shocked." You hummed as you two started to walk. You both strolled over a bridge as the Sun slipped below the horizon.
"Would I?" Red Son inquired with a risen brow. "Your beauty is incomparable."
Your cheeks burned crimson and you glanced away bashfully.
"Who taught you to flirt like that?"
Red Son sounded proud as he led you through a quiet deserted street.
"My mother taught me, actually."
You flinched at the sudden realization that his father had been absent for most of his life.
"Oh! Red Son I am so sorry. I didn't mean-"
Red Son smirked at you.
"Don't trouble yourself, y/n. I didn't take it that way."
You eased a touch with his reassurance. And at that moment the wind kicked up running a shiver up your spine.
"Cold?" Red Son inquired starting to remove his overcoat.
"Oh no I wouldn't want you t-" Your words drifted out of mind when the overcoat slipped off his shoulders revealing the black turtleneck tank top he wore. The fabric was tight against his form. You felt your cheeks slowly burning.
Meanwhile Red Son watched your features with what seemed to be growing amusement.
"Enjoying the show, are we?"
Instantly, you tore your gaze away looking anywhere but at him.
"You can't just do that to me!" You protested burying your face in your hands.
Red Son chuckled and draped the overcoat around your shoulders. You wanted to protest more but the instant the coat touched your shoulders and back, you melted into the warmth with a happy sigh.
"Oh my goodness it's so warm." You sighed hugging the coat closer.
Red Son smirked clearly pleased with your reaction.
"What did you expect? I am a fire demon after all."
Before you could respond an ice spear flew between you two. You yelped stumbling back and Red Son caught the spear looking towards it's source. You caught your balance against a building behind you and glanced up following his gaze.
Your Ex, Cole by name, stood on the other side of the street.
"A fire demon, eh? What's the matter Y/n? Scared of the cold?"
You were about to speak but Red Son spoke first.
"Or perhaps she got sick of the uselessness of that particular element. As well as the peasants it offered."
Under normal circumstances, you would love his quick quips. And be proud of him defending your honor, but Cole was different. Cole was unhinged and dangerous.
Ice could extinguish flame far too easily and while Red Son was talented he was not as experienced as Cole. And this much you knew for certain.
"Shut up, y/n." Cole snapped. "If the idiot has a death wish, so be it."
Red Son scoffed.
"As if you could even so much as deal a single blow." He laughed lightly. "Why don't you run along and find some nice twit peasant to keep you company. It's far closer to your league."
Cole dashed forward and the battle began.
To Red Son's credit, he was fast. And lasted far longer than you had initially hoped. But all too quickly he was stabbed through the shoulder with a spear pinning him to the ground.
Cole chuckled darkly.
And Suddenly, your temper snapped as he smiled at you smugly.
"I suppose your boyfriend isn't s-Urk!"
You slammed a fist into his stomach and tore his magic from him through his back. Then, round house kicked him in the face throwing him backwards onto the pavement. You accepted his powers and felt your eyes burst with blue light.
You had borrowed his magic once or twice in the past. You knew exactly what you were doing as you summoned a spear.
Cole wiped a trail of blood from his chin. His bottom lip was ripped and dribbling more blood even as he wiped it away.
"You filthy piece of-"
You bolted forward and twirled the spear blocking every blow he sent your way, and smacked him a few times then stabbed the sharp side into his shoulder pinning him to a wall.
You leaned on the spear just enough to steal another scream from him.
"Touch Red Son again and I will rip you apart. Piece by piece." You promised with a growl. Then you walked away tossing his powers back to him over your shoulder. Just as you would a piece of garbage.
That was when you saw Red Son's stare and significant blush. You rushed over looking at his shoulder.
"We should get you some medical attention." You helped him to a stand and walked him towards your apartment.
All the while Red Son stared at you dumbfounded and his blush ever darkening.
You pulled him into the apartment and gently pressed him onto the couch. Once he was bandaged up a silence overtook the room between you.
"Well...say something." You begged hugging his overcoat closer.
Red Son took in a short breath.
"That was...astounding. Where did you learn to fight so... beautifully?" He asked staring at you with admiration shimmering in his eyes.
Your heart soared and you blushed with a smile.
"Let me tell you a story."
*P.s if you want to see more fanart of this chapter. Pikachudoesgames64 made a beautiful piece!!*
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