Red son's little sister x M.k
"No, you cannot come." Red son muttered as you attempted to sneak into the back of his car while he checked the engine.
"Why not?!" You huffed sitting up from the front seat. "I want to show father I can help! I can get rid of that dumb monkey boy." You promised as your older brother walked towards the cab with a hand extended to aid you out of the car.
He rose an eyebrow.
"And what about the dragon horse girl?"
You smirked.
"Nah I'll let you keep her."
Red son's hair exploded into flame as his cheeks burned crimson.
"You little-" he shouted as you laughed and jumped down from the cab running from your brother's ire.
This hardly stopped him from taking up chase yelling at you all sorts of creative insults.
Although you never gave them any heed. Red Son never meant a word of his negative rambles. He loved you more than life itself and would exchange his life for yours in a heartbeat. Infact he nearly had when Spider Queen had taken over and decided to torment your father by hurting you.
Your back still bore wounds from the unfortunate day, and you noticed as you danced away from your brother's grabs at you, even when presented with the opportunity, never once did he touch your back.
At one point you had nearly run into a bull clone and had to stop short.
Red Son had veered off course so as not to ram into your back. And of course this had given you even more of a headstart.
Your mother stepped into the garage just as your brother caught your arm.
"Children, you're far too old for such petty fights."
You both separated with obedient nods.
"Sorry, mother." You both apologized in almost perfect unison.
"You are forgiven, now what is all of this fussing about?" Your mother addressed turning her attention to Red Son's readied vehicle that the bull clones had taken up preparing. However, when she turned her gaze to them, they each bowed respectfully.
"Mother, I have discovered a potential metal that would allow me to recreate the golden fillet." Red son informed her with an evil grin.
She rose her eyebrows.
"A useful tool indeed, but this does not answer my question."
Red son gave a small sigh.
"Y/n was demanding to come along."
Your mother turned a proud smile on you.
"I see no issue in this, she has finished her training. She could be a useful asset to your mission."
Red Son's jaw fell slack when you beamed.
"M-mother! She's been injured. She could be harmed further or worse should the noodle boy intervene." Red son protested.
And though the accusations were offensive, you could see the concern and panic in your brother's eyes. Most times you would have agreed to stay home, for a bribe of course, but this time Red Son could not fail. You trusted your brother, but he had only one shot in obtaining this metal. He would need all the help he could get.
"Your sister is powerful Red Son, she can help you." Your mother's no nonsense tone slipped into her words warning Red to not argue further.
He paused then sighed frustratedly.
"...As you wish, mother."
You squealed happily and raced to his vehicle climbing into the front seat.
Red Son glowered as you made yourself comfortable and buckled yourself in.
"Fine, you've bested me. What would you like?" Red son demanded folding his arms from the ground.
"Nothing." You smiled at him. "I'm coming, Red. No bribery will stop me this time."
Red son raised an eyebrow.
"None? Perhaps those books you're always pestering me about?"
A spark of longing ignited in your heart. You loved reading about your parent's adventures. And how they fell in love. There were many books that were written of their histories. However, your parents had gifted them to Red Son long before you were born, as you were something of an accident.
He had refused to allow you access to them for most of your childhood due to the concern that you would soil them. But as you grew you believed he refused because he was disturbed by the idea of you wanting to learn more about romance.
You bit your lip.
"Nope." Then you tossed your head to emphasize your point.
Red son growled.
"Fine, if you get out this instant, you can have all of the books."
You gasped and glanced at your brother.
Oh he absolutely meant it, he had that familiar determination etched in every detail of his face. Something you admired more than anything in the world.
This set a stoney determination inside your own heart.
"No. I am coming." You looked away so your eyes would not betray the pang of regret in your chest. "You can't stop me."
Red son's jaw fell slack once again.
"Wha-but-you- UGH!" He growled finally before getting into the driver's seat and slamming the door. "You will follow my EVERY command and if something goes wrong you are to leave immediately. Do I make myself clear?"
You smiled at your brother and hugged him suddenly.
"I'll behave Red, I promise."
Red son tensed then slowly relaxed and returned your hug.
"Don't get hurt or I'll kill you, understand?"
You giggled and released from your hug.
"Aye aye captain!"
Red son was shockingly a rather good driver as navigated the major city.
You, of course, were glued to your window staring at all the beautiful buildings. This city was huge! And you couldn't believe how much better it looked when Spider Queen wasn't running amok.
Red son threw you small glances.
"Don't even think of wandering off, Y/N. We have a mission to complete."
With a roll of your eyes you glared at him.
"I'm not 100 anymore Red, I'm not going to run off after a random butterfly."
Red son huffed as if he hardly believed you, but it didn't matter. You understood his concern.
After a few miles you both stopped by a massive building that read in bold letters, "Monkey King Exhibit!"
You stared at the sign curiously until Red Son unbuckled himself.
"You will stay with the bull clones and guard the perimeter while I get the metal."
"What?! No! You can't just stick me on guard duty!" You huffed.
Red son smirked.
"I can and I am. Now go with Phil." He shooed you towards a bull clone and then walked into the double glass doors.
You huffed as Phil led you to a spot near the doors. In all honesty, you didn't expect Red to actually let you in on the action. And yet it was still offensive. Was it because you were a woman? No, Red knew better than to underestimate anyone based solely on gender.
You sat for only for a few minutes when a white bike revved into the parking lot. You perked as the bull clones took on defensive positions.
The rider flicked up her kickstand and pulled a jade sword from her belt as her suit glitched away.
A smile tugged onto your lips. Maybe guarding the doors wouldn't be so bad.
Just then a boy fell from the sky landing next to the girl twirling Monkey King's staff.
The moment you saw him your heart thudded against your chest.
His cocky smile, spiked hair, and confident stride disarmed your defenses all in only a few seconds.
"Oooh Red Son got himself a girlfriend!" The girl observed with an almost giddy smile.
Your rapture snapped and you grimaced in disgust.
"Ew! He's my brother."
The girl gasped in, was that excitement?
"Red boy has a sister?!"
Red son's growl sounded behind you and before you could even turn he grabbed your arm and burst the air around you both into flames teleporting you to the car.
You landed on the front seat with a thud as Red Son revved the engine and tore out of the parking lot.
You glanced in the rearview mirror only to see the motorcycle girl pulling up next to your vehicle. In a bout of panic you aimed at the ground below her wheels and urged it to freeze.
Ice covered the ground making her motorcycle swerve then jerk out from under her.
At the sound of her startled cry you could have sworn you saw Red son flinch.
Just as you thought you were going to escape a massive column slammed down on the front of the car throwing both you and your brother through the windshield.
Your brother hit the cement and you braced for impact.
Only the cement wasn't the impact that hit you. Instead you smacked into what could only be someone's chest. The strong smell of peaches and forest hit your nose. Which quickly informed you it wasn't Red. A pair of arms braced against your lower back upon impact so you wouldn't fall when they caught you.
As soon as you got your feet under you, you looked up and froze. The boy with the staff from before stared down at you.
You felt an unprecedented heat rise to your cheeks and your heart thrum against your ribs.
Red son's scream snapped you from your thoughts and you immediately shoved yourself away.
The boy gave no motion to stop you only glanced at your brother.
Which only lasted a moment before Red Son launched at him with a wicked speed.
The two fought viciously, but your brother quickly began losing ground, so panicked for Red's safety, you froze the Noodle boy's legs to the ground.
Red son grinned and reared back a fist but you caught his arm.
"Wha- Y/n!" Your brother growled.
"Mother is waiting, we don't have time for this." You urged tugging on his arm. "Reddy please!"
Your brother bristled at your childhood nickname for him as the monkie kid scoffed.
"Pfft Reddy?!" He asked with a smirk.
Red Son's hair burst into flames. But he tugged you close enough to teleport you both back to your home with his flames.
"I told you NEVER TO CALL ME THAT!" Red Son yelled once you arrived.
"It was the only way you'd listen to reason." You huffed folding your arms and turning away.
"You little-"
"Red son?" Your mother addressed snapping his focus to her. "Did you succeed?"
"Uh Yes, mother."
You tuned out after Red son began a speech about bringing the monkie kid to his knees and executing the monkey King.
Instead your mind wandered to just how good it felt when the monkie kid had caught you.
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