Nezha x reader
Nezha twirled his spear casually as he strolled the parameter. Guarding the map was dull work, even if it was a sacred duty. He treasured the trust that had been placed on him when he was tasked with the map's safety, but still. It got somewhat lonely sometimes.
"You look bored, soldier."
Instantly Nezha straightened and whirled around. His spear at the ready.
"Woah, woah. It's just me." Y/n giggled nervously holding up her hands in surrender.
Nezha lowered the spear.
"Y/n you're not supposed to be here." He frowned giving her a disapproving look.
"I-I know I just-" She looked away and rolled up a bit of her sleeve revealing bandages where blood had stained the white.
Nezha's eyes widened.
"Again?!" He demanded stepping closer.
Only the movement caused Y/n to flinch, so he stepped back again briskly.
Y/n had been his best friend ever since he was young. She was always there for him when he needed her. Although, he couldn't return the gesture. Y/n's father was a high ranking official, and a brutal man.
He had trained her for combat her entire life, only he was ruthless with his teachings. The slightest mistakes were severely punished and she would end up with more cuts and bruises after training than when she had begun.
Nezha had tried to report the behavior but his concerns were dismissed as her father was well trusted by the heavenly court. Everyone considered it to be for her own good if her father was so harsh.
Nezha couldn't and wouldn't agree. But there wasn't much else he could do.
"Alright, you can stay just... Stay by me, alright?"
Y/n beamed and nodded.
Her excitement softened his frustration towards the situation and he took on a ghost of a smile.
"Come on then." He walked and Y/n hurried to follow. She fell into step next to him.
"This is such a cool job." She said in awe looking around.
Nezha chuckled.
"You think so?" He asked amusedly.
"It is!" She huffed at his teasing. "You get to guard a sacred heavenly treasure and you're revered for it."
Nezha nodded.
"It is an honor."
Y/n looked around the grounds.
"Don't you get lonely?"
Nezha shook his head.
"Not particularly." But at that moment he caught her hopeful look. "Well, I suppose every now and then."
A smile bloomed on y/n's beautiful lips which caused Nezha's heart to trip.
"I'll have to visit you more often then." She giggled.
Nezha looked away quickly and coughed into a hand.
"I suppose as the daughter of a high ranking official, you could be trusted."
Y/n hugged him.
"Thank you, soldier! You won't regret it." She promised.
Nezha tensed under the hug his cheeks flaring red. But he cautiously returned the gesture.
And that was how it had begun. Y/n would visit him on a daily basis. Sometimes she would bring lunch, or snacks she knew Nezha enjoyed. Other times she would bring books to read to him, as his attention was required for his duty. And still other times she would simply come to talk and admittedly these hours made his job far more pleasant than Nezha had imagined.
Though, the days she was late concerned him. And every late day, she would stumble in with more wounds than the last time. Her nervous smiles would falter a little more each time, and worst of all she would speak less.
Nezha twirled his spear today as he walked the polished floors. Musing once again on how he might aid y/n. Reports proved to be of little use, confrontation would end in a fight possibly bringing down the ire of the jade emperor, and any alternative left Y/n at her father's mercy. Unacceptable.
"Put me down! Let go!" Y/n's shouts caused Nezha's head to snap up. In an instant he was in the great hall.
"Gosh you squirm a lot." Monkey King chuckled with a small grunt as y/n thrashed and fought in his grip. Just then Monkey King noticed Nezha.
"Nezha! Buddy! How's it-"
"Get your hands off her." Nezha growled readying his spear.
Monkey King smiled.
"Gee, I'd love to but see, I kinda need a favor first."
Nezha's rings under his feet lit with purple flame.
Monkey King seemed unimpressed with the display, but continued.
"Sooo I need the map. And I figured you're a nice guy so I brought you a present to trade." He held out Y/n like a gift with a smile. "what do ya say bud?"
Nezha released a roar as he attacked Sun Wukong.
You yelped as Sun Wukong dodged Nezha's attacks with astounding speed. All the while he ensured you didn't receive any of the backlash from the onslaught of attacks.
Finally Wukong landed on a banister quite a ways up. He dangled you over the impending drop with one hand and Nezha froze.
"Listen Nezha, I'd love to stay and chat. Really I would, but I can't this time round. So, here's your gift." And with that parting sentiment, you felt Wukong's grip vanish.
You yelped as you plummeted towards the ground. Due to the previous battle the ground was cracked and broken into several sharp bits that would surely impale you upon impact.
"Y/N!" Nezha yelled rushing towards you.
You shut your eyes preparing for impact only to feel an arm around your lower back and another arm around your hips. Slowly you opened your eyes to see Nezha.
He expression held worry and his eyes traveled over you panickedly. He seemed extremely relieved when he saw no injury.
You were about to make a comment when he hugged you against him.
"I'm ok." You promised gently. "I really am."
Nezha pulled back and studied you once again, then when he seemed to find you were unharmed he looked to where the map had laid. Sure enough, it was gone.
Guilt swept over you.
"Oh no. Nezha this all my fault, I'm so so-"
"No." Nezha cut you off simply. "This is no one's fault but Wukong's. But I must retrieve the map." He got to a stand then offered you a hand.
You took it and allowed him to pull you to your feet.
"With the samadhi fire reforged will come the end of life. Y/n if I don't return-" he looked at you. "There's something you must know."
Something about the look in his eyes made your heart skip a beat.
"Yes?" You asked hopefully.
"I-." He paused for a moment considering his words. "I love you."
Your jaw dropped. You had hoped for years that he would return your feelings.
"I have to follow him, or I'll lose the map forever. Wait for me." He instructed resting a hand on your cheek then with a gust of wind he was gone.
*Yes I know this isn't how it was in the series, but this was cute and I wanted to write it so ha.*
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