Macaque x reader Fighter (part 1)
Derek's gasps came short in his throat and he raced up the fire escape only to stumble on to the rooftop. He glanced around in a slight panic before resting his hands on his knees and gulping in large breaths of air. He thought his heart might finally get a break when sinister laughter seemed to come from everywhere all at once.
His head shot up as the demon spoke.
"You really thought you were gonna get away from me?! Haha. Guess again, kid."
"Look," Derek said breathlessly. "I don't want any trouble."
"Ohoho you don't, huh?" A black monkey the size of a human shot up from his shadow. "Then why don't you hand over that amulet and I'll be on my merry way."
Derek stumbled backwards getting a little too close to edge of the rooftop for comfort.
"No way! It's an heirloom. My sister needs it."
"Well that's too bad. Your sister is gonna just have to find something else. " The monkey launched forward but Derek fell backwards off the rooftop.
Macaque gasped and reached out to summon a shadow portal under the boy but he was too late. The boy landed hard on top of a police officer patrolling the streets. An alarm rigged to the cop went off the instant he went down and within seconds the place was surrounded by police.
Macaque growled and sank into the shadows as an ambulance was summoned and the boy was pulled into the truck.
He followed them of course but from that moment on there was always multiple people near the amulet. Then it was taken into police custody until the 'investigation' they were conducting was over. Macaque entered the police department many times through his shadows but the amulet had been placed in a safe that blocked demon magic rendering his abilities useless.
Just as he was about to give up he heard a couple of police on the case chatting.
"They want to give his belongings to his family so they can return them when he wakes up from the comma." A female cop remarked rather reverently.
"Do they have any clue when that will be?" A male cop asked.
"Not quite, but they are sure it won't be too long."
Macaque perked up at the information his mind fleeting back to the boy's declaration.
"My sister needs it!"
A smirk tugged at his lips.
Following the cops on the case the female pulled up the photos of the family from their database and macaque spotted the alleged sister.
With a grin he slipped back into the shadows.
You walked home from school barely containing the tears that threatened to spill at any moment. Your brothers words from that night haunted your memories even now.
"Don't worry! Grandpa's amulet will help your heart." Derek promised giving you a careful hug. "You're gonna get through this and then we can finally get you on stage!" He smiled widely.
Your mind flashed back to the present and felt your resolve crumbling. You slipped into an old hidden alleyway and let your back hit the wall before sliding to the ground as the tears broke free pouring down your cheeks in hot torrents. You buried your face in your knees and sobbed as quietly as you could manage while still letting yourself grieve.
This stupid heart of yours ruined everything. First your shot at making music and now it had ruined your brother's life nearly killing him. He has wanted your grandfather's healing amulet to heal your weak heart so you could follow your dreams of being a singer.
He always believed your voice was wonderful but you lacked the ability to keep air in your lungs as your heart would falter so easily. Even now it began to give under the strain of simply crying.
"Well well well what do we have here?" A low voice asked giving you a start.
Your head shot up to see a black monkey leaning from your now elongated shadow. Only the upper half of his body was present the rest still in the shadow.
You sniffled a bit.
"Who are you?"
The monkey smiled and stepped fully from the shadow.
"Name's Macaque and I couldn't help but notice you crying." He knelt in front of you raising a brow. "Seems a shame to ruin such a pretty face with tears."
A heat creeped into your cheeks at the compliment.
"Oh...thank you." You mumbled. "I'm Y/n." You offered him your hand.
He grinned and shook it.
"Nice to meet you, y/n."
He helped you to your feet and asked you about you had been crying after offering to walk you home. Which you gratefully accepted.
"It's my brother." You murmured "Yesterday he had a terrible accident. He fell from some random rooftop trying to bring me a stupid amulet."
Macaque rose a brow.
"Is he alright?"
You nodded a bit.
"He's alive...but he's in a comma. And it's all my fault." You whispered feeling more tears begin to swell in your eyes.
"Hey now that doesn't sound exactly fair." Macaque chuckled a touch nervously. "I'm sure it wasn't your fault."
You shook your head lightly.
"You don't understand. He was trying to get the amulet because my heart..." You placed a hand over your chest. "It's weak. And he was trying to help me."
Macaque's eyes widened slightly and he looked away.
"Oh I see."
You nodded.
"Well, that's not really your fault." Macaque mentioned. "I'm sure it was an accident. No one can take blame for that."
You glanced at him and grew a small smile.
"You really think so."
Macaque nodded.
"I do."
You felt the weight on your chest lighten some at his sincere response. Then you noticed an ice cream stand.
"Here, let me buy you some ice cream." You offered taking his hand and leading him over.
Macaque started a bit at your touch but didn't pull away as you tugged him forward.
"You can consider it my thank you for today." You smiled at him over your shoulder.
Macaque raised his brows for a moment before chuckling.
You two ordered your ice cream then he walked you the rest of the way home and as you stood on your porch step you both paused albeit a bit awkwardly.
"Thank you, for your help today." You managed glancing up from your ice cream that you'd been moving about the bowl with the plastic spoon previously.
"Heh. No problem." Macaque returned. "Here." He said suddenly digging in his pocket then offered you a couple tickets.
"What are these?" You asked curiously accepting them.
"Shadow play tickets. I preform every Tuesday and Thursday. You should come if you're feeling down and need something to take your mind off it."
You grew a small smile at the kind gesture.
"Thank you."
Macaque nodded and you waved goodbye as he faded into the shadows.
Macaque stood on a nearby rooftop as Y/n walked inside and smirked.
The seeds had been planted and before long that amulet would be his if he played his cards right.
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