Macaque x Neglected reader
"Stop!" You pleaded as the group of girls you thought had been your friends laughed. They tossed your sketchbook betwixt each other. Keeping your prized possession just a breath from your fingertips. The leader, your adoptive older sister finally caught the book and you grabbed her arm. "Why are you doing this?! I just wanted to be friends!"
Her amusement quickly turned to anger.
"You?! You're nothing but an attention seeking-" She advanced on you. Each step accompanied another insult. "Ugly, useless, piece of garbage they never even wanted! You will never be our friend!" She shoved you back hard sending you into a canal.
You gasped as you fell back. The icy water slammed into your back and shocked your body. You struggled to swim against the hard current. You tumbled under the water attempting to get your bearings as your lungs burned from want of air.
Finally, your head broke above the water's surface and screams touched your ears. Though you hardly listened to them as panic raked up your veins. You couldn't swim well and the current was pushing you somewhere unknown.
You gazed around in a panic trying to find something, anything to grab onto. Just then something curled around your waist and tugged you out of the cold depths.
"Look at what we have here." A black monkey smirked up at you. His tail was curled around your waist holding you above the waters but not moving you to safety. He held up your sketchbook with two fingers. "This yours?"
Slowly, you gave a nod.
He opened the book flicking through the pages. "Impressive."
You squirmed a bit.
"Not to sound ungrateful, but could you put me on solid ground?" You asked hopefully.
His purple eyes flicked up to meet yours.
"Well now that depends." He grinned at you. "I need a favor. If you'll help me, I'll put you on the shore. Refuse and I'll drop you."
You flinched at the threat.
"And what if I just swim?" You asked forcing a brave facade.
The monkey burst into laughter.
"I watched you, kid. You can't swim to save your life. Quite literally."
You huffed.
"What's the favor?"
"I need you to sketch an emblem for me."
You rose your eyebrows.
"Oh. That shouldn't be too hard."
The monkey rose an eyebrow at you.
"Have we got a deal then?"
You nodded.
The monkey placed you on the ground and flicked his tail to remove the excess moisture. And offered you the book.
You took your sketchbook and placed it in your backpack. Which you had thankfully taken off before being thrown into the canal.
"Where'd my sister go?" You asked glancing around.
"Ohoho your sister?" The monkey asked with a bitter chuckle.
"Well I'm adopted." You pointed out. "Her parents chose me fairly recently. She isn't too keen about the whole thing."
The monkey scoffed.
"Right. Come on. I'll walk you home."
"Oh thank you." You accepted the help and walked home with the odd monkey.
The next day you awoke to a knock on your window.
You sat up and glanced at the window. The black monkey gave a small wave as you pressed the window open.
"Oh hi...Mr...?"
The black monkey smiled.
"Aheh name's Macaque."
"Hi Macaque. Did you bring the emblem?" You asked curiously collecting your sketchbook.
He chuckled.
"You're gonna need something a bit bigger, kid." He offered you a rolled up poster board.
You accepted it with a lost look.
Macaque offered his hand.
"Now c'mere. We've got work to do."
You hesitated a moment, but took his hand. Immediately, shadows swarmed you and tensed squeezing your eyes shut.
"Heh. You can open your eyes." Macaque urged.
You blinked your eyes open and your jaw fell. An ancient temple that had partially crumbled surrounded you and a giant emblem was etched into the stone work, taking up the entire wall. The work was astoundingly intricate and detailed.
"You want me to sketch that?!" You gasped staring at him with wide eyes. "That could take forever."
Macaque walked over to a corner of the room.
"Oh and did I mention it has to be exact?" He questioned with a smirk.
He shrugged.
"Pft. You can do it. Just take your time."
"Taking my time could take me even longer." You pointed out with a frown.
"Then you'd best get started." He mused over his shoulder.
You huffed annoyedly but set out the poster and started to work. The hours passed away quickly while you worked. The more complex designs you practiced in your sketchbook over and over before doing them on the poster.
Bit by bit the emblem on your poster began to look nearly identical. Then you felt a tap on your shoulder.
Glancing up, you watched Macaque off your a box of food.
"Where'd you get that?" You asked accepting it from him.
"I told you I was going to get you something to eat 20 minutes ago." Macaque informed you simply.
"You did?" You glanced at the clock on your phone. It was already 2 p.m. "Wow I had no idea."
"I noticed." Macaque sat next to you and opened a box of his own beginning to eat.
You watched him and began to wonder how difficult it would be to sketch him. He had piercing eyes, sharp fangs,-
"Stop staring at me and eat your food." Macaque chided.
"Oh right!" You started eating but still stole glances here and there. Moments passed filled with silence.
"Hey Macaque?"
"Why'd you save me?"
Macaque's face turned to shock. His eyes flicked to a bright purple for only a moment and he shook his head.
"Needed an artist, don't read too much into it."
You blinked at his odd behavior then pulled your sketchbook over. You flicked through the pages mindlessly until he spoke.
"Why'd she try to kill you?"
You tensed and your head shot up.
"Kill me? No, no she was just frustrated."
Macaque quirked an eyebrow at you.
"I watched her glance at the river before she advanced on you. That wasn't just a bout of anger, that shove was premeditated."
Shock and terror coursed through you at the revelation. Your adoptive sister and you had been close before you were adopted. Best friends actually. She knew very well that you couldn't swim. That it could have killed you.
"No, she was just..." Words failed you as you tried to think. "She is just not used to us being sisters yet." You forced yourself to smile at Macaque.
He studied you.
"Kay." He agreed simply. "Maybe have her prove that sometime."
You two finished your lunch break in silence and you went back to work.
Perhaps Macaque had gotten bored or simply curious. But eventually he leaned over you as you worked.
Something about his proximity made your heart go wild in your chest.
Macaque's sharp eyes flicked over your art with scrutiny. You waited a couple moments trying not to concentrate on how close he was to you. Soon his lips curled up into a grin.
"Looks perfect kiddo. But you're out of time for today."
Macaque gestured to the space outside the temple revealing that the sun was slowly falling below the horizon.
"No, I'm close." You huffed.
Macaque chuckled.
"Don't worry, kid. We can come back tomorrow. Besides if you don't sleep, your work gets sloppy. Can't have that."
You pouted knowing he was right but collected your things. When you were ready you allowed Macaque to pull you against his chest and summon his shadows.
When you opened your eyes, you were back in your room, and alone.
This routine went on for weeks. Each drawing session you and Macaque would talk more. Soon you two grew comfortable with each other's company. And you even began to notice that head seemed to be almost flirting.
Then your sister began to notice your absences.
"Where are you going everyday?" She demanded leaning against your doorway as you organized your art supplies.
"No where you'd care to hear about." You dismissed.
"Tch. You got that right. What's this?!" She demanded while snatching your poster.
"No! Give that back!" You gasped reaching after it. Immediately, you regretted the decision as your sister grew an evil smirk.
"Oh nooo. Is this one of your dumb drawings? When will you grow up? No one even likes your stupid art."
You held back a growl and reached out your hand palm up.
"Give it. Now."
"Hmmm how about-"
The door behind your sister slammed shut and locked in that instant. A black shadow over took the room blocking out all but your lightbulb. Which flicked to an eery purple.
"You heard her," Macaque's voice drifted from everywhere at once amusedly. "Give it to her. Now."
Your sister shoved the poster at you immediately. Her fright nearly made you laugh but you weren't given the chance.
You were gently pulled into the shadows the moment the poster was secure in your arms.
"Time to go, Bright eyes." Macaque muttered in your ear.
Butterflies exploded in your stomach and you struggled to think of a response but only one word escaped your lips.
Macaque's arm wound around your upper back pulling you against his chest. He snapped and the shadows shot towards you two obediently.
You two were teleported to the old temple and you somewhat distractedly got to work.
You hadn't been working long before Macaque leaned over you. The previous interaction flickered to life in your memory coloring your cheeks a deep crimson.
"Did she hurt you?"
Macaque sat next to you.
"Did what she say hurt you?"
You stared at him a moment before slowly shaking your head.
"I've heard it all before."
Macaque sighed.
"Well, for what it's worth...I like your art."
Your eyes widened a bit.
"And I like you." Suddenly you realized your mistake and felt your face explode in crimson.
Macaque's stared at you before bursting into laughter.
"You like me huh?"
"Not like- you-ugh!" You groaned burying your face in your hands.
"Ya know, kid-" Macaque's voice sounded much closer now. You dropped your hands only to see him a breath away. "I think the feeling's mutual." He curled a finger under your chin, tilting your head up. And leaned close.
But he paused just before he kissed you. As if waiting for your permission. You instantly closed the distance. And at that moment, you two shared your first kiss.
*I am so sorry this took forever! But here's to Sanstheskeleboi56.*
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