Macaque vs Monkey King x reader part 2
The drive was relatively silent and you refused to even glance at M.k before he parked the car next to the anti-gravity arcade.
"Hey y/n...have you...met Monkey King before?"
Your head shot up from staring at your lap.
"What? No! I don't know why he said I was familiar."
"Then why were you backing away?" M.k gave you a confused look, but it was mingled with worry.
"He's...he's not everyone's hero I'll put it that way." You mumbled reaching for your phone.
"What are you talking about?! Of course he is. He's saved the world hundreds of times."
"Every one is the villain of someone's story M.k. Besides he's kinda intimidating."
M.k hummed a bit before nodding.
"Yeah that's fair."
"Hey you head in I need to make a phone call real quick. Ok?"
"...Alright." M.k stepped out of the car with a worried frown, but left you be.
You sucked in a deep breath and dialed Macaque.
"You met who?!" Macaque's worried voice crackled through the phone.
"It was only for a minute and we left right after."
A slight pause on the other end made you kick at the rocks on the ground.
"I'm ok Macaque. Honest. But I wanted to keep my promise."
You heard a deep sigh over the phone's speaker.
"Y/n did he talk to you?"
"Um a little."
"What did he have to say?"
You fidgeted.
"....He said I was familiar."
A longer pause came this time.
"I'm here, kid. Listen to me, ok? He isn't what he seems. Try to avoid him until I can think up something."
You frowned.
"Think up something about what? He just thought I looked familiar. I'm a dime a dozen. I'm sure he's seen hundreds of gi-"
"Let me stop you there, kid. You are anything but a dime a dozen." You could hear Macaque chuckle on the other end of the phone. "And kid, do you know why he was so chatty?"
You thought for a moment before speaking.
"He was flirting, kid."
Your cheeks ignited once again.
"Hey don't shoot the messenger. Look just lay low, ok? I won't let him hurt you."
Your heart skipped a beat at his promise but before you could respond he hung up. Suddenly you felt a lot better about the whole ordeal and entered the arcade.
Macaque jumped between rooftops towards the arcade. It couldn't hurt to check on y/n. He hadn't wanted to lie to her, but Monkey King wasn't simply flirting when he said she was familiar.
Of course she was familiar. She was the reincarnation of Xue Bai. A powerful sorceress who had stolen both his, and his would be brother's heart.
She was killed by the lady bone demon in an attempt to steal her power. Macaque had done everything to protect her, but Monkey King had arrived too late. Just as he always did.
Macaque landed on the roof of the arcade and looked through the skylight.
Y/n was shyly talking to the dragon girl. What was her name? Mei? The girl jumped on y/n with a hug and then tugged her towards a console of monkey mech.
Macaque's tail flicked anxiously as he watched. It really was unbelievable. She looked exactly as she had in her past life and her personality hadn't changed a bit.
Macaque had recognized her right away. But of course that idiot wouldn't remember her immediately. He only cared for himself.
Macaque would not let Monkey King be the cause for her death, not again.
"Enjoying the view?"
Macaque's head shot up. Not ten paces away sat Monkey King on his cloud.
"Hey bud." Macaque mocked.
"Stalking M.k is a little creepy even for you." Monkey King glared down at him.
Macaque chuckled.
"Hey can't a teacher check up on his student?"
Monkey King growled.
"He isn't your student."
Macaque shrugged.
"Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? I doubt you're here to play in the arcade."
Monkey King fell silent then scoffed.
"That really isn't any of your business."
"And what I'm doing is yours?" Macaque shot back.
Monkey King growled.
"Monkey King?" Came M.k's voice.
Monkey King whirled and Macaque leaned to the left to see M.k standing on the roof.
"Kid, hey." Monkey King addressed awkwardly.
"What are you two doing?" M.k asked with a frown.
Macaque Smirked.
"Just leaving actually." He then vanished into the shadows.
Monkey King turned back to M.k.
"I saw him and thought I'd investigate."
"Oh cool!...Wait, why did you leave flower fruit mountain?"
Monkey King sighed and sat down, causing M.k to follow suit.
"When I said that girl was familiar, I meant it. There's something about her that feels off." Monkey King leaned over the skylight and watched Y/n playing a dancing game with Mei and nearly fall on her face. Both girls burst into laughter at her fumble.
M.k looked into the skylight as well.
"How'd you know we were up here, kid?" Monkey King asked nonchalantly.
"Huh? Oh...I guess I sensed you? It's hard to explain. I just felt like someone was watching us. I decided to check it. But I didn't want to worry Mei or Y/n."
Monkey King nodded.
"Good job, bud. You're listening to your instincts. You should probably get back to your friends before they get worried. We can talk more about this later."
M.k stared at Monkey King for a few minutes before standing and walking away.
Monkey King studied you for a moment longer.
"Who are you, y/n?"
Your p.o.v
You were practicing the dances of the most recent game Mei had chosen. You were barely keeping up. Mei was like a professional hitting every move flawlessly.
Some people would mock you for your lack of skill, but not Mei. She cheered you on and hyped you up. She laughed with you when you fell and helped you up. You found yourself enjoying her company.
That was until you paused for a breather and felt as though someone was watching you.
You glanced around, but no one was looking your way. Everyone was dancing to the music or focusing on their games. You shrugged off the feeling chalking it up to a simple paranoia and went back to your game.
After a few hours M.k and Mei decided it was time to leave. As you walked from the arcade you looked up and seeing a pitch black sky littered with starlight.
M.k offered to drive you home, but you declined.
"I want to walk home. I can enjoy the stars that way." You explained with a smile.
M.k and Mei shrugged and waved goodbye as you walked away.
The night was a touch chilly but refreshing after how hard you tried on the dancing game. The wind played with your hair as you listened to your own shoes clicking on the pavement. Meanwhile your eyes studied the heavens.
The sky was breathtaking and you couldn't help trying to find constellations. You were just searching for O'rien when someone grabbed your wrist.
*Dun dun dun!!!*
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