Macaque's sister x Wukong
You stood in the forest picking bananas to share with your adoptive brother. He was waiting for you back at the dojo where he was setting up a special puppet show. That was the agreement. Ever since he had found you as a toddler with no memory wandering demon infested forests he had taken you in and taught you how to defend yourself, how to get the best food, and best of all, how to scare off pesky humans.
He loathed cooking and would avoid the task as much as possible ever since you could remember. When you both had learned that you had talent with this specific chore your brother dubbed it your job from here on out.
Of course he had taught you better than that. So you bargained for him to tell you stories each day while you made dinner. After all, no one told stories like Macaque. His shadows brought the stories to life and he enjoyed just about everything you made, so it was even.
Tonight you were aiming to make a fruit salad type of dish with rice and chicken. Although admittedly, you didn't care for gathering the fruits so you had procrastinated doing it until now.
"Woah." Came a voice behind you.
This made you jump and whirl around.
A party of travelers stared at you. A monk on a horse, a blue man, and a pig man all blinked at you. But in the lead was a monkey that looked nearly identical to Macaque only with orange fur.
"A damsel!" The Monkey exclaimed before dashing towards you at an alarming speed.
You yelped and jumped backwards. Only for the Monkey to halt just infront of you.
"Isn't she lovely, Master?!" The monkey asked over his shoulder.
"Uh yes, Wukong give her space." The monk answered.
Wukong, as the monk had called him, stepped back but not far.
"Ma'am, are you lost? You're miles away from any villages that I know of." The monk addressed you.
Fear kept you silent and rooted to the spot until one of Macaque's instructions came to mind.
'If you are seen by humans run back to the dojo as fast as possible and call for me, I won't let them hurt ya.'
Macaque had always warned you that humans would steal you if they got the chance. So you did exactly what you'd been told.
You took off running.
"Mac! Help!" You shouted at the top of your lungs.
The monk gave a start.
"Wukong after her, she could hurt herself!" He ordered.
Wukong nodded and dashed after you.
You dodged trees and maneuvered through the undergrowth expertly as Macaque had taught you.
"MAC HELP!" you screamed repeatedly hoping he would hear. The dojo was a ways away but he was not named the Six eared Macaque for no reason.
Just then you were tackled from behind.
Macaque laid out your favorite mat and pillows when his ear twitched and flicked.
'Mac help!'
Your scream touched his ears causing Macaque to tense. His eyes burned purple and the dojo flooded with shadows.
Back with you.
Monkey pinned your wrists to the ground on either side of your head with a smile and light chuckle.
"Easy there, wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."
You squirmed and thrashed under him still calling for Macaque as much as possible.
"C'mon master won't hurt you he only wants to-"
Wukong choked on his next words as was thrown of you when Macaque tackled him.
"Get. Your. Hands. Off. My. Sister." Macaque growled as he stood in front of you protectively.
Wukong blinked then sat up.
"Macaque? Hey! Buddy it's me, Wukong."
Macaque's guard fell and he straightened.
Wukong got up and rushed Macaque in a hug.
"Macaque! I missed ya buddy. When did you get a girlfriend?" He asked throwing you a curious look.
Macaque pushed him off.
"Classic, Wukong. Never listens. She's my sister."
Wukong blinked.
"Ohhhh does that means she's single." He shot you a wink that make your cheeks heat.
"Not on your life." Macaque laughed tugging on Wukong's tail which dragged him away.
All the while you looked on confused but intrigued. As they spoke Wukong would flirt with you here and there and you started to realize, you didn't mind.
*This was requested by sunwukong_simp. Sorry it took me so long. College is kicking my butt.*
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