M.k x Abused reader part 3
Mei drove the motorcycle while you took the deliveries to each door. The system was quick and efficient but it made you wonder how well M.k was doing.
As you handed the last of the deliveries to it's owner, Mei reeved the engine.
"Come on! We gotta get back before M.k to win!" She cheered excitedly. Her excitement was infectious and you rushed over. After you mounted the bike, Mei sped off towards Pigsy's noodles shop. You two turned a corner and saw M.k hand off his last delivery.
"See you at the finish line boiii!" Mei shouted before laughing evilly and jetting off.
M.k was after you both in an instant. It was shocking that his rickety old cart could keep such a pace.
"You'll never beat us!" Mei challenged with a smirk.
"I have monkey powers." M.k shot back. "I think I've got this."
You just held on tight and smiled like an idiot while the race hit it's climax. Just as Mei was about to take you both around the next corner, M.k used his staff to throw his cart over your head and land right Infront of Pigsy's.
"M.k that was awesome!" Mei cheered as she parked her bike.
You hopped off and ran over to him.
"Are you hurt?"
M.k smiled at you nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
"Nah, sorry to worry you."
"That's soon to be remedied." A foreign voice spoke up behind you.
You flinched and whipped around. A vaguely familiar man stood about ten paces away from you. His arms were folded. And his overcoat flicked around his ankles with the wind.
M.k stepped from the old cart and pressed you behind him.
"What you doing here Red Son?!"
Mei raced over drawing a jade sword.
Red son, as they called him seemed to be ignoring M.k and tilted his head to look at you. Or atleast he seemed to be looking at you. Perhaps you were mistaken and he was actually looking at Mei.
"That isn't any of your business, noodle boy."
In a blink Red Son was just infront of M.k throwing punches. M.k was deflecting them with astounding speed, and you backed away to avoid getting hit.
But once you stepped back something grabbed you and pulled you into the shadows. They covered your mouth muffling any noises you made.
M.k ducked below a kick and barely caught another punch. Was he imagining it, or was Red Son getting faster?
A punch to his gut that threw him through a wall, gave him his answer. M.k's ears were ringing as he began to get up. But just at that moment something dug into his skin and shot electricity through his veins. In an instant everything went black.
You struggled violently as metallic hands tied your wrists behind your back. Infront of you, Red Son chatted with Mei almost conversationally and barely dodged losing his head by her sword.
But with a quick movement, Red son knocked her off balance and pinned her to a wall. He pressed the base of his palm firmly into a pressure point in the center of her wrist.
Mei cried out and dropped her sword. Panic bloomed in your chest and you jerked against your captor, only to be tugged back firmly.
The two spoke words you couldn't quite catch before flames burst into the alley way.
You flinched away and squeezed your eyes shut until someone grabbed your chin. Your eyes flew open only to see Red Son inspecting your jaw and arms.
"If you hurt her I'll tear you to pieces, is that clear?" He questioned the bull clone with a dangerous glance.
The bull clone pulled away in fright and nodded briskly.
"Good. Now come along. " He stood. "Y/n, your father wishes to see you."
You struggled as the bull clone carried you into your father's meeting room. He sat at his desk his back turned to you and clicked off cameras that looked to be focused where the fight had just been.
Your father turned in his chair.
"Ah the prodigal daughter has returned."
Red Son removed the gag and you bit at him. He wretched his hand away too fast.
"That seems familiar." He muttered annoyedly.
"Y/n." Your father snapped causing you to flinch. "Show some respect."
Red Son studied you a moment but held his piece.
"They kidnapped me!" You uttered in disbelief.
"On my orders. Now, I think you and your intended-" your father emphasized gesturing to Red Son. "Should spend some time together."
Your jaw fell slack. Hadn't your father not only agreed to allowed you to be with Mei and M.k, but told you to go before he changed his mind? And what did he mean intended?!?
Red Son took your arm carefully but firmly and lead you from your father's study.
"You seem confused." Red Son initiated conversationally.
"What does he mean, 'intended'?!" You asked over your shoulder while Red Son began untying you.
"You don't know?" Red Son quirked a brow at you.
"I have an idea but I'm hoping I'm wrong."
Red Son frowned at you offended.
You only shrugged in return.
"Peasants." He scoffed with a shake of his head. "He means that you are betrothed."
"To you?!" You demanded turning around sharply as the knots came loose.
"Excuse you! I'll have you know thousands of women would love to be in your position." Red stated folding his arms.
"Ok, then pick one of them!" You stood fully feeling outrage bloom in your chest. How dare he give you away like some knick knack.
"That isn't how betrothals work." Red Son informed you with a bored look. "Surely you know atleast that much."
You huffed.
"Why can't you just...tell him no?!"
Red Son scoffed.
"You think I made this arrangement?! Ha!" Red Son laughed at the notion. "I assure you I have far superior taste."
You sucked in a breath bringing your hands together in front of your face in an attempt to calm yourself.
"Then who arranged it?"
"Our parents, obviously. Though what potential they saw in you I'll never know." Red Son smirked at you.
You only returned an annoyed look.
"Well seeing as how they raised you I can clearly see they weren't all there."
Red Son's hair burst into flames as he got to a stand.
"My parents -"
"Made a few mistakes, you and this arrangement." You declared folding your arms.
Red Son growled and turned away.
"Go back to your peasant friends before I kill you."
You smirked and walked away.
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