Part of the Strawhats
A/N- Please vote, comment, and share this story!!!!!! It would mean a lot. I encourage you to point out any grammar/punctuation errors. I do not own One Piece!!!!!! I hope you enjoy it!!!!! (Oh! Please follow me!!)
It's been an entire month since I've joined Luffy's crew, the Strawhat Pirates, but I still don't feel like I belong here.
Every time we run into an enemy, I get beat up. I get in everyone else's way and they have to protect me. However, over this month, I've seen how much faith everyone has for Luffy. I've also seen how much Luffy treasures his hat. He got it from someone very special to him and promised to protect it. He'd do anything to protect it.
When we're not fighting enemies or exploring islands, we're sailing on the ocean. During these times, I sit on a bench at the edge of the ship, thinking. I think about my past, my parents, and my best friend, but mostly, I think about how useless I am. I don't really talk to anyone. Some try to talk to me, but I never answer. They're in another league.
Nami tried to talk to me today. She asked how I was doing since our last battle. I didn't answer. She walked away.
Third POV
"Yeah, Nami. What's up?"
Nami looks at Hannah over at the bench and Luffy follows her gaze.
"It's Hannah. This is the longest she hasn't talked. This has gone on too long. She needs help. You're the only one who can get her to talk."
Luffy nods. "Yeah."
First POV
Looking at the ocean deep in thought, I didn't notice Luffy walking up. He sat down next to me.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?"
I still said nothing. Luffy sighed his usual smile nowhere to be seen.
"Hannah, what's wrong? Why will you only talk to me? Why not the others?"
At first, I don't answer, but look at Luffy and say, "You're my captain. I can't bear not answering you. But, all the others, they're so amazing. They're all so strong. You are too."
"Then why won't you talk to them?"
"Well, I've not really talked to anyone in so long. I haven't had friends for so long. I still don't quite know how to act. But, for the most part, it's because I'm not. I'm not strong. I don't have any skills or abilities. I'm weak."
I start to tear up. It hurts so much more to say it like it makes it more real. However, Luffy smiled. He took his hat and put it on my head. He wiped the tears off my face and looked me in the eyes, allowing me to see his own expression. Despite the smile on his face, his eyes are filled with sadness.
"Hannah, you are strong. You went through so much, but you made it out alive. You're special, I can feel it."
His statement made the tears I was trying desperately to keep in, fall from my eyes. I wrapped my arms around Luffy, practically screaming into his shirt. In return, he wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly.
Once my screams subsided into sniffles, he got up and walked away. I continued to sit on the bench and watched him walk away. He started fishing with Usopp and chopper on the railing. And when he asked me if I would fish with them, I hesitated. However, one look in his eyes and a slight nod from him and I walked over.
I fished with them, even catching a couple of small fish. Every once in a while Chopper or Usopp would say something. I had just listened. But when Usopp asked me if I had fished before, I decided to answer.
"Yeah, m-my dad taught me."
Thoughts of my dad brought me back to the past. Specifically, when he and my mother were killed in front of him. I looked down, stuck in my thoughts once again.
Suddenly, Luffy set his hand on my shoulder, that goofy smile on his face. "Well, he must have been amazing at this. You've caught a lot of fish!!!!!"
I smiled at him, now thinking of the good times I had with my parents. "Yeah, he was."
We continued fishing and Luffy managed to catch a huge fish. It was almost ten times the size I was. I'd never seen a fish that big!!!!
I was so excited that I momentarily forgot about everything and I found myself smiling and laughing with Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper. Once I had realized this I thought, 'If I could be like this now, why not all of the time? I-I need to put more effort into this. If Luffy believes I'm strong, then maybe everyone else does too.'
"Hannah? Are you okay?"
I hadn't realized that I had stopped laughing and was looking at the ground. I looked up to see them staring at me, no longer laughing either.
I looked at Chopper and realized he had been the one to ask if I was okay. I giggled, happy that they all seemed concerned. "Yeah, I'm okay."
When it came time for dinner, everyone sat down at the table. Sanji was putting the last plate of food on the table and I called his name.
He looked surprised, but said, "Yeah?"
He never goes crazy around me like he does to Nami and Robin. He's become sort of like a big brother to me.
"Uh, thank you."
He smiled, extremely happy that I had thanked him or even talked to him at all. "You're welcome."
I looked over at Luffy and he was smiling at me. I looked down and smiled to myself. For the rest of dinner, I listened to the others talk about the tournament we were entering. I chimed in every once in awhile. Every time I did, I could see everyone's smiles get just a little bit bigger.
When it got dark out, everyone went to bed except for Luffy and I. Luffy was sitting on the lion head and I wanted to look at the stars for a little. I realized that I still had Luffy's hat.
I walked over to the lion head and called Luffy down. I can't get up there myself. He looked at me and jumped down. He looked like he wanted to say something, so I waited.
"You know, Hannah, you look cute in my hat." I blushed and looked down trying to hide it. I took his hat off and handed it to him. He thanked and put it on.
I smiled. "Luffy, I don't know what you see in me, but thanks for what you said earlier. I don't know why I didn't see it before, but the others, they want me here. They may have to keep protecting me, but they don't care. I'm one of them. I-I belong here."
He didn't say anything else, so I walked back to the side of the ship. Luffy followed me.
"In answer to your question, it is beautiful, the ocean. However, I like it better at night. I'm kind of a night person. I love the glow of the moon and the stars twinkling. It just captivates me. Oh, sorry, I'm rambling. I kinda have a thing for stars."
Luffy grabbed my hand and led me back to the lion head saying, "In that case, I want to show you something."
He picked me up and jumped onto the lion head. He sat me down sat down to me. The view was incredible. Somehow, the sky seemed more clear and the stars were brighter. The stars and moon reflected off of the ocean. The ocean itself went on for miles and miles, there was nothing else in view. There was a slight breeze and it made everything seem prettier.
"Luffy, this is incredible."
"I thought you would like it." I knew there was a huge smile on his face. I could hear it in his voice.
I started feeling tired and yawned. Today had been a long day. The ship jerked and my head landed on Luffy's shoulders. I tried to sit back up, but Luffy put his arm around me, keeping me there. He was so warm and I could feel his muscles underneath his shirt. The warmth was too much and I found my eyes closing on their own.
"Goodnight, Hannah."
When I woke up, I was in my bed covered up. It must've been Luffy.
Today was the day of the tournament. There was an unlimited number of teams with 12 members each. The rules were, simply knock all other teams out and your team wins. The prize was money. A lot of it. We really needed it. Since we only had 10 members, we were teaming up with Trafalgar Law and a mystery person. The only one who knew who it was, was Luffy.
When the tournament started, we split up into teams. I went with Law and Luffy. I hadn't met Law before, but I heard stories of him helping defeat Doflamingo. Chopper, Zoro, and the mystery person were in a team, but the mystery person hadn't shown up yet and would meet them later. Nami, Robin, and Sanji were in a team and Usopp, Brook, and Franky made up the last team.
The tournament was inside of a building with lots of hallways. It was almost like a maze. The walls were a dark shade of blue and the floors were white tile. Along with all of the hallways, there was a second floor, filled with hallways as well.
When we were ready, we set off in our teams, all going in different directions. Luffy, Law, and I walked around for about five minutes before our first fight. There were two pirates, so Luffy took one and Law took the other. I stood back and watched. They won quickly, not even having to use their devil fruits, and we continued walking.
Seven minutes later, we ran into a group of 3 pirates. Luffy and Law each took one. That left one more. He had short blond hair with brown highlights. He was taller and more muscled than I was. He carried a sword that looked like it had been stolen from a marine. He ran towards me, sword outstretched in front of him. He swiped his sword at me and I barely managed to dodge it.
A week after I had joined, the crew realized that I would need training. I couldn't fight or even dodge. I would wind up dead if I ever ended up alone. So, they decided to teach me how to fight, but first, they had to teach me how to dodge. Sanji declared that none of the men were delicate enough to teach a lady and he didn't want to bother Nami or Robin. So, Sanji taught me how to dodge attacks. One of the reasons he is like a brother to me.
I managed to dodge the next few swipes of his sword, though they came way too close for comfort. However, I failed to dodge the next attack. I felt the stinging pain of the blade slicing my arm. I spared a moment to look at my arm. It now had a long gash and was dripping with dark red blood.
That was a mistake.
He saw I was distracted and pushed me down to the ground. I struggled to get out from under his heavy body. He used his full body weight to hold me down as his hands went towards my neck. Once there, he squeezed, taking away my ability to breathe. I struggled and tried to pry his hands away from my neck, but it was no use. I was too weak. I saw dark spots clouding my vision when he was suddenly knocked off of me.
I gasped for breath, grabbing my neck and coughing painfully. I looked over to him just in time to see Luffy knock him out with a punch to the jaw.
Law took a few moments to look at my neck and bandage my still bleeding arm. He deemed I was fine and, after a small break to catch our breath, we continued.
We had just rounded a corner when we saw two pirates. They were obviously the strongest so far. They looked no different, but they emitted a much stronger aura than the others we had fought.
The two pirates ran towards us and I stepped back trying to stay out of the way. Luffy and Law ran forward to meet them and prepared their attacks. Law's opponent took him off guard, by hitting the ceiling, making rubble fall down on top of him. Law was trapped.
I tried to take cover but the pirate knocked me onto the floor with a shove. I quickly shot up, before he could attack and ran towards the pile of rubble. Maybe I could get Law out.
I started digging, managing to move a few blocks, before I was pulled back by my hair and pushed to the ground again.
I was about to be stabbed, when I found myself no longer underneath the pirate, but instead underneath the pile of rubble. I realized this was Law's doing and tried to free myself, but I was completely stuck. I had to wait for help, as usual.
I listened to the grunts and curses of the fight before I heard the rubble being moved. Only once the rubble was completely removed from around me, did I open my eyes.
I blinked several times, but he was still there. It was Mason. Mason's alive. My best friend's alive.
I picked me up, out of the rest of the rubble, and leaned me against the wall.
"'re alive."
"Alive and kicking."
I smiled and took this time to look at him.
The first thing I noticed was that his eyes seemed even bluer than when we were kids. His black hair was now cut right above his ears and he was obviously taller. He was still skinny, but his muscles peaked out from under his shirt. He had obviously worked out. He was as handsome as always.
Without my consent, my hand moved to his cheek and rested there. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his waist, setting my forehead on his shoulder and clung to him.
When I finally pulled back, Luffy and Law had finished fighting, Zoro and Chopper had joined the group, and everyone was staring at Mason and I.
"Everyone, this is Mason, my best friend. Mason, this is Luffy, my captain, and this is Law, captain of the Heart Pirates. You already met Zoro and Chopper."
After resting for a while, we split up and searched for our next enemy. We couldn't find anyone on the first level, so we found a set of stairs and went to the second level.
We reached the top and were ambushed by a group of two. They were extremely strong. I could see it just by looking at them. Luffy did too and he turned around to me, looked me in the eyes, and put his hat on my head. He put his hands on my shoulders, worry written into his features.
"Hannah, run. Go find the others. Protect my hat."
Scared, I nodded and ran down the stairs. However, once I reached the bottom someone jumped in front of me, blocking my path. He must've been hiding in case someone tried to run.
I could tell he was very strong. And fast. I stood no chance.
He ran towards me and jumped, charging a move that would surely kill me. I froze, there was nothing I could do but put my arms in front of me, praying that I would be okay.
The blow never came.
I opened my eyes and he was just floating there, in mid-air.
Shocked, I lowered my hands and he fell back to the ground. Curious, I raised my hands again and he froze.
I left one hand up and pulled my other back staring at it. The man stayed frozen. I moved my other hand to a box sitting in the hallway and it started floating. I moved my hand up, down, left, and right and it followed.
Wondering what the heck was happening, I recalled a story my mother had told me when I was little.
"Hannah, time for bed!!"
"Mommy, will you tell me a story? Please??"
"Sure, honey. Go lay down and I'll come in and tell you a story."
I ran to my bed and laid down. I love stories!!!
Mommy walked into my room to find me ready and waiting. She laughed before sitting down on the stool next to my bed.
"Once, a long time ago a man had become a pirate. He had no special skills or abilities. However, he had many friends who would protect him in battle. One day his life was in danger and he put his hands in front of him. His enemy stopped moving. He had developed the power to freeze and move any object or person he wanted. This man continued to live his life as a pirate, using his newfound abilities to fight. He became very popular. However, he grew tired of the pirate life and settled down. He met a girl, eventually married her, and had a son. When he grew up, his parents discovered that he had the power too. His son eventually settled down as well, having a daughter. She too had the powers. Those powers kept being passed down from generation to generation. Some say that these powers are still being passed down."
It was real.
The legend was real and I had the powers.
I was shocked, but I had no time to dwell on it.
I decided to use these powers to my advantage. I used the box still floating in the air and threw it at the man's head. He was still conscious, so I picked up another box and threw it.
This time his head fell.
I actually knocked him out.
For someone who was supposed to be so strong, he sure fell unconscious quickly.
I released him and his head fell onto the tile floor with a loud 'thud'.
I fell to my knees and sat up against the wall, breathing heavily.
A minute later, Luffy and Law came over to me. Luffy sat on his knees in front of me and Law stood off to the side.
"Hannah! Are you okay!?"
"Yeah, I think so. I just got really tired all of the sudden."
Law stepped forward and interrupted. "I saw what happened, Hannah-ya. Your powers must use a lot of energy, like mine. You'll have to get used to it."
Then, it really hit me.
I have powers.
I used them to beat someone up. I really am special, just like Luffy said.
Just as I thought this, I saw movement. Someone was trying a sneak attack. Luffy and Law couldn't see it, so I quickly stood up, surprising Luffy and Law.
I froze him with my powers, so he couldn't attack. Luffy turned around and saw him standing there, frozen. He ran toward the guy and punched the guy with so much force, that I lost control and he went flying.
The speaker crackled and the announcer started talking.
"The last team has been taken down! The winner is... the Strawhat Pirates!"
Luffy jumped in triumph. I smiled, but losing my powers again took a lot out of me. I started falling, darkness clouding my vision.
"Oi! Hannah-ya!"
I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me, keeping me from falling, face first, onto the floor.
Then, it went completely dark.
I woke up in my bed on the ship. I sat there for awhile, weighing my injuries. I had a couple of scratches, a lot of bruises, a huge gash down my right arm, and I felt exhausted. Not bad compared to other battles.
As I was getting up, I saw something on my night stand. It was Luffy's hat. I picked it up and put it back on, wanting to keep it a little longer. Feeling a lot better, I walked out of my room to see what everyone was doing. It was dark and they were partying.
Everyone saw me and Chopper ran over to me.
"Hannah, you're awake!"
Luffy chimed in saying, "Come join us, Hannah!"
I smiled and sat down next to Mason. He was still here. Law was still here too. I grabbed some food and ate laughing and talking with everyone. Having my powers, I felt a lot closer to everyone, so I found myself talking freely. Everyone was drinking, so it wasn't long before everyone fell asleep.
I don't drink, so I was the only awake. I used this opportunity to go up to the lookout to look at the stars. I sat on the bench and laid down, setting Luffy's hat on my stomach and looking and the stars.
Before I realized it, I was falling asleep.
"I thought I'd find you up here."
Startled, I sat up. It was Luffy.
"I woke up and you weren't there, so I thought I'd look for you."
I smiled. "Yeah, I come up here when I can't sleep."
Luffy looked at me, curiosity in his eyes. "Why can't you sleep?"
I looked to the floor. I knew Luffy would get mad at me for not telling him.
"Um, I-I get nightmares pretty often."
I quickly asked him a question to change the subject.
"How'd you know to look up here?"
"I remembered what you said about the stars, so I looked in the highest place."
Good, he got distracted.
I stood up and walked to the edge, looking at Mason sleeping.
"Luffy, how did you find Mason?"
He walked over to me and smiled. "I asked Robin to find him. She's really good at that type of thing."
"How'd you know who he was? I've never told anyone his name."
He laughed and scratched the back of his neck, a slight blush on his face.
"Well, remember how we used to watch you to make sure you didn't leave?"
I nodded.
The first few days after I joined the crew, some of the gang thought I might try to leave, so they took turns staying in my room to make sure I didn't. They stopped eventually, realizing that even though I felt like I didn't belong there, I wouldn't leave.
"You kinda talk in your sleep. When it was my turn, you said his name. I told the others and they came to the conclusion that it was your best friend's name."
I looked away, embarrassed and Luffy sat back down.
"You said you have nightmares, right? Come lay down." He patted his lap.
I hesitated, but Luffy looked at me seriously, so I walked over and laid down, laying my head on his lap. He brushed the hair out of my face, leaned down, and kissed my forehead.
"Goodnight, sleep well."
I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
When I woke up, Luffy was still there with his hand across my waist. It was still dark. I must've only been asleep for a little while. When he noticed I was awake, he looked down.
"Hey." He had a small smile on his face, one that immediately made me smile as well. I sat up and turned to him. Not knowing what to say, I just looked at him. He looked really tired.
"Hey, Luffy. You look really tired. Go to bed. I'll go to sleep eventually."
Luffy yawned but didn't move. I raised my voice a little.
"Luffy. I'm fine. Go to bed."
Yawning again, he reached beside him and grabbed his hat. I remembered that I set it down next to me when Luffy came up here. He turned to me and put it on my head.
"I want you to have it. Keep it safe, you know it means a lot to me. Like I said, you look cute in it."
He stood up, reaching his hand out to me.
At first, I didn't take it because I was still shocked that he gave me his hat.
"Come on." I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up and started walking. He led me to my room, opened the door, and walked in, dragging me with him. He took his hat-my hat- off of me and set it on my nightstand. He crawled into the bed, still dragging me with him. He covered us and we both closed our eyes.
I tried, but I couldn't sleep, so I sat up, holding my head in my hands. Luffy sat up and grabbed my hand. I looked at him and he looked at me straight in the eye, letting me know I wasn't alone. Tears welled up in my eyes and one slipped out. Luffy wiped it away with his other hand. I'm tired of crying. I want to be strong. Thinking this made the tears rush out of my eyes. Luffy threw his arms around me, pushing me into his chest. He laid down and covered us again.
That night I fell asleep on Luffy's chest, sad and crying, but strangely, peaceful.
To Be Continued...
A/N- Thanks for reading!!!! Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!
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