Full Member of the Strawhats
A/N- Please vote, comment, and share this story!!!!!! It would mean a lot. I encourage you to point out any grammar/punctuation errors. I do not own One Piece!!!!!! I hope you enjoy it!!!!! (Oh! Please follow me!!)
It's been two months since I discovered my powers and I've been training non-stop everyday. I now have a bounty of 300 million and people are recognizing me as a Strawhat Pirate. They call me "Dark Priestess Hannah." I've fought in many battles, holding my own against our enemies. However, I've never had to use my full powers. None of the others have even seen exactly what I can do. I'm not sure why, but I've decided to show them just how much I can control them.
When everyone wasn't doing anything important, I called them to the deck. When they all gathered around, I noticed they all had curious looks on their faces. Some of them looked a little worried too. Nervously, I started explaining.
"You're all aware that I've been training really hard with my new powers. I've become a lot stronger, not only with my powers but mentally too. I wanted to thank you for that. I would've never been able to come this far without you, all of you. I wouldn't be the person I am now. I wouldn't be on this amazing adventure that I've always wanted to be on. So, thank you."
I looked around and everyone had huge smiles on their faces. I could tell that they were proud of me.
I continued, "I've been trying to figure out a way to truly show you my gratitude, but I haven't been able to come up with something worthy. I know it doesn't come anywhere near what you deserve, but everyone looked bored. So I thought we could have some fun. Show you just how far I've come."
'In fact, I still can't believe I'm talking so freely when I used to completely ignore everyone.' I thought to myself.
If possible, their smiles grew wider.
With nothing more to say, I started going through with my idea. I picked up a crate, with my powers, and moved it in front of Nami. I continued, setting a crate in front of everyone. I used the smallest amount of power that I could. Only raising the crates an inch off of the ground and only moved one at a time. I wanted to create a little bit of suspense and surprise them.
When they all had a crate in front of them, I asked them to stand on it. They gave me weird looks but trusted me, so they climbed on. I raised my hands, getting ready.
"Are you ready?" Everyone nodded.
I slowly raised each crate until all nine were floating in the air. I smiled and laughed. They didn't know what I was about to do.
"Hold on!"
Without much of a warning, as fast as I could, I shot the crates into the sky. I couldn't help but laugh at their shocked expressions.
"How's the view?!"
No one answered. They were all speechless.
Once again, without warning, I started moving the crates around. They looked like they were flying. I felt like picking on them since they can't seem to leave me alone.
I get it, to most of these guys, I'm like a little sister. However, that doesn't mean they get to pick on me as much as they want! Except for Nami and Robin, they didn't pick on me very often. The only time that they do is about Luffy and I.
While everyone else seemed clueless, Nami and Robin have noticed how close Luffy and I are. Far more than nakama. I left them out of my revenge.
I started taking all of the guys' crates and slamming them against each other. I made sure to smash Sanji and Zoro together. They immediately started arguing, their foreheads pressed together and a dark aura around them. I couldn't stop laughing.
They were still arguing, so I pulled their crates away and slammed them together again. Zoro suddenly glared at me.
"Hannah! Stop that!!!"
Usopp joined in yelling, "How come you aren't doing it to Nami and Robin?!"
"That's what you guys get for constantly picking on me!!!!!"
I hit Luffy against Sanji, and Luffy lost his balance. He didn't recover and fell off the crate.
He was falling towards the water. I moved his crate as fast as I could, catching him right before he hit the water.
After I caught Luffy, I sat everyone back down onto the deck
I sat down against the ship's railing, breathing heavily. After jumping off their crates, everyone walked over to me with huge smiles on their faces.
When they reached me, they saw how tired I was. Luffy bent down in front of me and put a hand on my shoulder.
"You okay, Hannah?" I smiled, happy that everyone had fun and that Luffy was concerned.
"Yeah. It still takes a lot of energy to control."
Sanji stepped forward as he lit a cigaret. "Hannah, why don't you go get some rest. You look really tired."
I nodded and stood up. I swayed to the side and lost my balance, but I felt Luffy's arms wrap around me, keeping me upright.
"I must've used more energy than I thought." Luffy put my arm around his shoulders and helped me get to my bed. Once I was settled, he left me to sleep, saying good night as he closed the door.
Third POV
As Luffy walked back out of Hannah's room, everyone was staring at the door, thinking about her.
Once Luffy walked back to the group, Zoro spoke up.
"She's definitely come a long way."
Sanji nodded, agreeing with Zoro for once. "Yeah. From being a lonely, depressed slave..."
"To being a shy crew member..." Nami continued.
"To being our one and only strong and courageous, little sister," Robin finished.
Luffy chimed in, wearing his usual goofy smile. "Except for me."
Zoro started walking back to the look out saying, "Yeah, yeah, Luffy. We know."
First POV
When I woke up, it was dark out and we had docked at an island.
'Yeah, I used way too much energy,' I thought. I tried to go back to sleep, but I grew restless. I decided to talk a walk.
I grabbed my hat, Luffy's straw hat he had passed on to me, and walked out onto the deck. I grabbed a pencil and paper, deciding to leave a note in case they were to wake up. I reread the note out loud.
"Hey! I decided to take a walk in the town. I left when it was dark, so if I'm not back by morning, come look for me. -Hannah."
Satisfied, I left the note where everyone could see it and left. I walked all around the town near the harbor. It was beautiful. There were bright colored flowers and trees covered in dark green leaves everywhere I looked. The buildings were tall and brightly colored as well. I walked down the main street and looked at the shops, still closed for the night. Many of the shops were full of clothing. Nami would be doing a lot of shopping.
Before I realized it, the sun was already peeking out and lighting up the sky. I'd been gone longer than I thought. I decided to walk back, the rest of the crew would be up soon.
I walked along the harbor, taking my time.
I heard a noise behind me and I turned around, already in a fighting stance. There was a small group of pirates behind me. I studied them, judging their strength.
Before I realized it, I was surrounded by a much larger group.
Once they were sure I could not escape, they attacked. They attacked.
I fought back, combining the martial arts Sanji has taught me and my powers. I took out a lot of people, but they just kept coming.
I was starting to get tired because of the energy my powers use and I was using them too much.
I was losing.
Hating to give up, but knowing it was the best way, I decided to flee.
I looked around and found a box. I could use it to fly back to the ship.
I raised my hand to lift the box, but it didn't budge.
I tried again, no use.
I was out of energy, I could barely stand.
My opponents realized this, moving in to end it.
My life.
They were inches away from me when they suddenly fell.
Every single one of them.
Only one thing could take out this many people at once.
Conqueror's Haki.
It had to be Luffy.
I looked at all of the people on the ground, then saw Luffy. He was walking towards me and he was pissed.
When he reached me and fully saw my banged up body, his face softened. He put his hand on my cheek, moving the hair out of my face. I leaned into his touch.
"Hannah. Are you okay?"
I sighed. "Yeah. I can't take out a large group like you can."
Luffy turns his back to me and slightly bends down. "Come on, let's go back to the Sunny."
He wants me to get on his back. "I can walk on my own."
I can't actually walk on my own, but I didn't want to look too weak in front of Luffy.
"Just get on," he demanded.
I do as told and hop on his back, his arms going under my thighs, supporting me. He stands up and starts walking. I lay my chin on his shoulder, leaning my head against his. I grip his shoulder with all of the strength I have. Nothing at all to Luffy, just enough to get his attention. He looks at me from the corner of his eyes and then returns his gaze to the path in front of us.
"What's wrong?"
"After all of that training... I'm still not strong enough."
Luffy smiled, rubbing his cheek against mine.
"Hey, that's perfectly fine. It means I get to protect you."
I blushed and closed my eyes, enjoying Luffy's presence. "Thanks, Luffy."
When we get back to the ship, Luffy set me down on a bench. Chopper ran out, checking my wounds frantically. "Chopper, I'm fine. Just a little tired and banged up."
When I convinced him I was fine, I asked for a little time alone. With a nod from Luffy, I went up to the look out, lucky that Zoro wasn't up there.
I don't know how long I was up there, staring at the ocean, blocking all of my thoughts.
Eventually, Luffy came up.
He asked how I was. Ignoring my actual feelings, I told him I was fine, giving him a fake smile. I expected him to leave, but he started talking.
"Hannah, everyone's getting worried. They think you're feeling like you did before you got your powers. You've been up here all day."
That statement from Luffy woke me up from my daze. I noticed it was almost dark. I really was up here all day.
"What do you think Luffy?"
He walked over and sat next to me. "I know you're scared. You thought that the best place to be if they attacked again would be in the crow's nest. In order to get up here, enemies would have to go through us first or fly."
"Luffy, you're so much smarter than you let people believe. I'm sorry for making everyone worried."
"It's fine. Anyway, it's time for dinner." He ruffled my brown hair, before grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen.
When we got to the table, Luffy sat down, but I stayed standing. Everyone stared at me, wondering what was wrong. "I-I'm sorry I made you worry!!!! I'm fine, really."
Sanji smiled as he walked over to me. "Hey, it's fine. Sit down and eat."
I nodded and sat down.
Sanji continued, "However, Luffy told us what happened. We have to strike back. They hurt one of us. They can't get away with that. Did either of you see who they were?"
I nodded. "I saw their tattoo. They were..."
I dragged off, not finishing my sentence. I tried to continue, but, Luffy spoke before I could continue.
His hands were balled into fists, a look of pure anger on his face. "It was the Silver Serpent Pirates."
At the news, some were shocked. The others had the same look as Luffy.
I was scared.
The Silver Serpent Pirates.
They were the pirates who enslaved my town. They killed my parents and sold my best friend.
Of course, it was only a specific branch, but the whole group was still responsible.
"Hey, you guys. It's fine. Just let it go."
Everyone argued. They said all kinds of things, but I didn't really hear it.
The rest of dinner went by in a haze for me. I was too consumed by fear to actually hear. Everything was kind of blurry. I couldn't see straight.
When I finished eating, I quickly stood up. Everyone went silent, their arguing stopped. They stared at me, my vision blurring even more by the tears now filling my eyes.
"I'm going to bed."
A tear slipped out.
I walked out and closed the door, however, I didn't move. They were silent for a little, then, Sanji spoke up.
"She-She looked so scared. That's why she stayed up there so long."
I didn't listen any further and went to my room. I laid down and fell asleep instantly, not realizing how tired I really was.
When I woke up, I was no longer in my room. I was in a cell. One look around told me I was in the cell I stayed in as a slave. I had no idea how I got there, but when the lackeys came to get me, I went with them. No arguing or fighting. They put me to work, I obeyed. Every once in awhile, they would hit me with a whip, out of boredom. As I was working, Luffy and the others barged into town, beating everyone up and saving me. We went back to the ship and set sail. Suddenly, I was back in the town where I was ambushed. I searched the town, looking for Luffy, but I didn't see a sign of him anywhere. I decided to look for the ship. I was ambushed again, just like last time. I fought, but I was losing. Again. I expected Luffy to come, but... he didn't. When I was about to die, I heard Luffy's voice call my name.
"Hannah!!! Wake up!"
I shot up. I was still on my bed, in the Sunny. Luffy's hands were on my shoulder, rising up and down with my heavy breathing.
I was dreaming.
I was having a nightmare.
I wrapped my arms around Luffy, burying my face in his chest, crying. Luffy hugged me back tightly, using one of his hands to gently smooth my hair.
"It's alright, Hannah. It was just a nightmare."
I tightened my grip on him. "Luffy. Help me. I-I'm so scared."
Luffy in turned held me tighter. "Of course."
After I calmed down, Luffy laid me down, telling me to go back to sleep. He started walking out, but I stopped him.
"Luffy, will you stay with me?"
Luffy turned around with a smile on his face. He walked back to the bed and crawled in, wrapping me in his arms again. I snuggled into Luffy, falling into a deep sleep.
I felt so safe in his arms. Like, nothing could harm me as long as he was there. As long as I had him, I could survive.
When I woke up Luffy was still asleep. The images from my nightmare came back and I wrapped my arms around Luffy, reminding myself that he was there. Luffy's arms tightened around me and I tried not to think about what was coming. Instead, focusing on Luffy.
I etched every single one of his features into my memory. How he looked so peaceful sleeping, the scar under his eye, his thin black eyebrows... I tried remembering what he looked like with his hat on. I thought he looked better in it than I did. But, every time I said it, Luffy would deny it until I thought the same thing.
"Hannah," Luffy said my name pulling me out of my thoughts.
I pulled back and looked at him. He was awake and looking straight at me. He put his hand on my cheek, stroking it with his thumb.
"It's time to end your suffering." I closed my eyes and nodded.
Once everyone was at the table, they started to make a plan. We were going to destroy the Silver Serpent Pirates. Everyone wanted revenge for what they did to me.
I looked up.
Everyone was staring at me. I must've zoned out. I shook my head. "Yeah?"
Sanji spoke. "What do you think we should do?"
I thought about it for a minute, then spoke. "Well, I think that even if we came up with the perfect plan. Luffy would just barge in. No offense, Luffy."
Luffy stopped eating, just long enough to say, "None taken." He wasn't even listening.
I continued, "So, I think we should go with Plan T."
Zoro looked at me, curious. "Plan T?"
I nodded. "Plan T. Take'em by storm." (High five if you got the reference!)
Everyone agreed and started getting ready. Zoro sharpened his swords, followed by Brook. Nami cleaned her Clima Takt. Chopper gathered medical supplies and grabbed a rumble ball. Usopp made more ammo for his slingshot. Franky checked to make sure all of his gadgets were working right. I didn't need to do anything, so I went to the bench I used to spend so much time at.
Looking at the ocean like this again, brought unwanted memories of my past. It still haunts me sometimes. A single tear slipped out. When it really came down to it, I wouldn't change a thing. I wouldn't be here if it hadn't happened.
Luffy put his hand on my shoulder and I quickly wiped the tear away. I honestly hated it when he saw me cry, but I did it so often. It really wasn't something I could control.
I stood up, ready to join the others. "Hannah, I think you should stay here. We'll be back before you know it."
He turned around, joined the others, and they started walking.
"Wait!" I will not sit here and wait.
"I'm going with you!"
I heard Sanji start to protest, but I interrupted him. Everyone looked shocked, this was out of my character. But, when I felt strongly about something, you would know.
"No. I'm not staying here. I'm a member of this crew too! You can't just leave me behind. I have just as much right as anyone else here. Besides, this is my problem. I'd rather take care of it myself, but I know you wouldn't allow it. So, the least you can do is take me with you. I'm not who I used to be. I'll be fine!!!!"
Luffy nodded, one of the most serious faces I've ever seen him wear, on his face. "You're right. Let's go. All of us."
I ran to catch up and we headed to the Silver Serpent Pirates' base.
When we arrived, we busted right through the door and ambushed them. They should really have outside security.
Third POV
As the Strawhats burst through the door, they immediately attacked. At least a hundred small frys took up the large room behind the now busted door.
Suddenly, Robin, Nami, Franky, Usopp, and Hannah were surrounded by the remaining small frys. They told the others to continue on. They had a main goal after all.
So, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, and Brook ran into the only other exit in the door. It led into a hallway that branched into many more hallways. Doors lined those hallways. It would be nearly impossible to find the captain of the Silver Serpent Pirates.
When they rounded the first corner, Chopper heard a cry for help. As a doctor, Chopper couldn't ignore the call. With Luffy's permission, Chopper took off towards the voice. He turns around another corner, only to come face to face, well, face to legs with Hades.
He is the fifth strongest member of the Silver Serpent Pirates (SSP) who specializes in fire magic. That's where his name came from.
Hades laughs at Choppers shocked face when he realized it was a trap, then attacks.
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Brook were still running through the hallways when Sanji looked back to discover that Zoro was gone! A few moments prior, he had taken off down a different hall.
Zoro opens a random door, trying to find the others. However, inside he finds Nash, the second strongest member of the SSP. He specializes in swordsmanship, just like Zoro. Zoro attacks first, not wanting to miss the chance of getting revenge for Hannah.
Sanji had convinced Luffy and Brook to keep running. Zoro would be able to take care of himself. They had running through the halls when an explosion blew a hole in the floor. Luffy and Sanji had managed to dodge it, but Brook got caught in it and fell to the lower level.
Like the others, Brook tells them to continue. Once Brook hears them continue running, he digs himself out of the rubble. Once out, he begins searching for stairs. Instead, he finds Lester, the fourth strongest member and explosives expert of the SSP. Brook draws his sword just when another explosive sets off. He dodges and makes his first attack.
Now just Luffy and Sanji, they continue searching when Sanji hears a voice. It belongs to a woman and she's crying. Sanji's weakness being women, he takes off towards the crying woman, not saying anything to Luffy. As Sanji gets closer, the voice changes into a male's. He turns the corner and sees Whitelaw, the third strongest member. He specializes in Naginata Jutsu. The Japanese martial art of wielding the naginata. Whitebeard uses one as well.
Whitelaw smiles. "How's Hannah doing? I do miss her. You know, I'm the one who suggested making her village slaves. I have to admit, it was a good decision."
Sanji attacks out of pure white anger, ready for revenge. (See what I did there?)
Now alone, Luffy runs through the hallways, soon he finds himself standing in front of a huge metal door. He busts down the door, finding a huge room. It was completely empty except for a chair sitting in the very back.
In that chair sat Hunter, the leader of the Silver Serpent Pirates. The person who caused all of Hannah's problems. As soon as Luffy sees Hunter, he attacks.
He's closer to Hannah than anyone else in the entire crew.
He's pissed.
And he's not hiding it.
No one knows what powers Hunter possesses. People say he's so strong that he only has to use brute strength to win, never having to show his other abilities.
After fighting for quite a while, Luffy realizes he needs to take it one step further. He goes into fourth gear. A technique he has only had to use once, against Doflamingo. Every time Luffy hits Hunter, he gets back up, like it was nothing. When Luffy deals a huge blow, finally knocking Hunter down for good, his time runs out. Luffy collapses on the ground.
First POV
"Is that... the last one?"
Finally beating all of the people we got surrounded by, I left to find Luffy.
Eventually, I found myself in a huge room and I see Luffy laying on the ground. Worried, I run over to him to see him breathing heavily. I let out the breath I was holding, he's alive.
"It's over, Hannah. He'll never bother you again." Luffy takes my hand and smiles as he says this.
"Think again."
It was Hunter.
He got up and started walking towards us.
Luffy looked at me.
"Hannah. I used fourth gear for too long. I won't be able to move for about 10 minutes."
Determined to help Luffy, I nod. Luffy won't like this.
"You need 10 minutes? I'll handle him till then."
I stand up and turn around, not letting Luffy reply. It wouldn't be pretty if I did. Besides, he could barely move. What could he do?
Using my powers, I freeze Hunter. As I try to figure out what to do, he starts to move again.
He broke out of my control.
The only person who has been able to do that is Luffy.
I kept throwing things at him, hoping to slow him down. Every once in awhile, I would freeze him. Only for him to break out again.
When he reached me, I started to dodge any attacks he made. He may be strong, but I was smaller, faster. Also, I do have lots of training experience from Sanji and Luffy taught me how to use Observation Haki.
Using all of the training I have received, I dodged as many attacks as I could. He didn't land a punch on me, and he was getting frustrated.
If he would try to attack Luffy, ignoring me, I would move Luffy out of his reach. He would have to go back to me.
It was getting close to the 10-minute marker.
Dodging one more of Hunter's attacks, I froze.
Not out of fear and not because Luffy had gotten up early.
I froze because I was made to.
Hunter froze me.
He has the same powers as I do.
Keeping me frozen, Hunter walked towards me. He started punching me and kicking me, with all of his strength.
Luffy still had a minute left, I had to hang on until then. Every punch, I could feel myself losing consciousness, but I fought it off, for Luffy's sake.
10 seconds to go.
Hunter charges up for a final attack.
5 seconds.
He hits me with all of his might, sending me flying across the room. I slam into the wall and land right beside Luffy. I grabbed his hand.
"Time's up."
He nods and slowly stands up. My part was done, still, I fought off the strong urge to sleep. I had to see this end.
Catching Hunter off guard, Luffy knocks him onto the ground with a gum-gum whip.
Using this chance, Luffy switched to third gear. He blew up both of his arms, covering them with Haki. He attacked Hunter, using his move gum-gum grizzly magnum.
Hunter didn't get up.
We waited.
Still no movement.
He was out.
It's nice to know what I wasn't the only one who got weak using the powers, not to mention his fight with Luffy.
I got up from my spot stumbling, my vision blurry, as Luffy sat down. As I walked over to him, he laid down and went to sleep.
I sat down on my knees next to him and laid his head on my lap. Staring down at Luffy, I started crying.
It started as simple sniffles but quickly changed into huge sobs that bounced on the walls of the empty room.
I bent down and kissed his forehead like he does to me. I smiled through my tears.
"Sleep well. You deserve it."
Luffy smiled in his sleep. "Yeah."
Eventually, everyone made to the room we were in, covered in bruises, scratches, and blood.
Not taking my eyes off of Luffy, I started speaking.
"Thank you. Thank you so much."
My tears flowed from my eyes freely, showing how thankful I really was.
Sanji walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Hannah, hold your head high. It's all over."
We all headed back to the Sunny. Sanji carried me and Zoro carried Luffy. About halfway there, the exhaustion finally got to me, making me pass out.
Per the usual, once Luffy and I woke up, we had a huge party, Strawhat style.
We drank, well, they drank. (I don't drink!) Sanji made a huge feast and Luffy wouldn't stop eating. Brook played music non-stop and we must have sung Bink's Sake at least twenty times and counting.
At one point, I couldn't tolerate Usopp and Chopper anymore. I wanted some quiet, so I walked towards the front of the ship. There, I could still hear everyone, but it wasn't as bad.
It was dark, so stars covered the sky and reflected off of the ocean's surface. The moon was full and it shed its light over all of us. It reminded me of the night Luffy first told me I looked cute in his hat.
Speaking of, Luffy walked up beside me. "What are you thinking about Hannah?"
"I was just thinking about the night you first told me you thought I was cute in your hat."
Luffy giggled and turned to face me. "I stand by what I said."
"Luffy, why do you like me wearing it so much?"
"Because everyone knows that hat was mine. When they see you in my hat, they'll know that you're mine. They'll know not to mess with you."
I turned to him in shock. Now that I was facing him, his hands reached up to my cheeks and stayed there. He took a step forward and placed his lips on mine.
My eyes fluttered closed and I kissed back. The whole world faded away and the only thing I could register was Luffy. The way his lips felt soft and warm against mine. His lips tasted like chocolate, instead of the meat flavor I had considered. The way his left hand tangled into my hair, while his right slid down to my waist. He pulled me closer to him, as close as possible and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
When air became necessary, he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. His lips were still close enough to mine that I could feel his breath. He lifted his head, only to bring it past my head so that his mouth was next to my ear. My eyes widened at what he whispered into my ear before walking away with a smile on his face.
"You're mine."
That night before I went to bed, I realized something.
The more time I spend on this ship, fighting the same battles, shedding the same tears, shouting the same angry threats to enemies, then shouting the same cheers once the battle's over, the more I feel like a full-fledged member of the Strawhat Pirates.
I truly belong here.
This is the place I was meant to be.
The End
A/N- Thanks for reading!!!! Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!! Was that ending okay? I had two different ideas on how to end it and I couldn't decide which one to use. I just tried to put both in. I really hoped that you liked this story because I really enjoyed writing it!!! Follow me, I have a Trafalgar Law and an Inuyasha fanfiction on the way!!!!!!!!
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