Undisclosed Dirty Laundry
It had been a week since Jiyong's passing, and Ara had spent the entire seven days in her room. It was her solitary confinement. Jimin visited her, but he never dared go inside. He couldn't forget the look on her face ever since he told her the news. He dreaded he was the only one who could inform her of it, the only one who knew about his passing and her relationship with him. Jimin hated seeing her cry. He hated seeing her scream in pain. It made him feel devastated.
At the hospital, Yeri was in charge of the autopsy report for Jiyong. Once she completed it, she sent it to Seokjin, who then sent it to Jimin, as Jimin had requested Yeri's help, knowing she had done Haneul's autopsy years before. None of them knew what Jimin's connection to Jiyong was, and Jimin never said a word about it. There was nothing to tell. He had requested the report through illegal means, even though he had nothing to do with the man or his death.
When he received the report, he met up with Yoongi to discuss the findings. Yoongi saw the file and realized that it all seemed too familiar, but this time, since Yeri did the report, everything was more detailed. Everything made sense. Everything was just right there, and it correlated with every other report.
"High levels of potassium chloride detected," Yoongi read. "He has a needle mark on his body. Someone injected the poison. It was a messy murder. Whoever did it was in a rush. They desperately wanted him gone."
"Does that remind you of Haneul's file?" Jimin asked, and Yoongi nodded. Jimin cursed under his breath, concluding that both Ara's father and her potential lover had been murdered the same way. The Byun family had been targeted, but it was mainly Ara this time. Her existence was an issue for someone. Someone who wanted her closest relatives and friends gone. It made Jimin worried. What if Baekhyun was next?
"We can open an investigation for his murder," Yoongi said. "It was a rushed kill. There are unknown fingerprints that we can try to look into. If these fingerprints are in the database, we've got a suspect."
Suddenly, Jimin's phone started ringing, and he picked it up when he saw it was Baekhyun.
"I have the search warrant. Should we do it now?"
Jimin looked at Yoongi and signaled to him it was time to go.
It was late at night, and Minji was watching a show when she heard the door to Ara's room open. She widened her eyes when she saw the zombie exit her room and walk over to her. Minji didn't know whether to feel pleased or alarmed, so she just sat there and smiled.
"I want to join Baekhyun in his investigation," Ara said as she grabbed Minji's phone. She looked for Jimin's contact and called him immediately, leaving Minji confused. The phone was ringing for some time until he picked it up.
"Minji, I'm driving right now—"
"I want to join you guys with the investigation," Ara interrupted. "Whoever killed Jiyong. I want to capture that asshole."
On the other side of the call, Jimin felt relieved to hear her voice once again, but he was upset with the actions she wanted to take. He knew it wouldn't do her any good to join the investigation if she was so emotionally attached. If anything, it wouldn't help the investigation at all, and he wanted to discover what had happened to Jiyong just for her to have some peace of mind.
"Ara, I'm sorry, I don't think you should," he said, which made Ara more upset. "You need some time off."
"I took time off. I've been down all week. Every day, I feel weaker than the last. I need to get out of my room. I need to do something. If not, I'm afraid I might lose it."
Jimin sighed. Yoongi was sitting next to him and looked at him, confused. However, Jimin focused only on Ara. He didn't want her to stress over the situation. He didn't even want her involved. Yet, when he heard her voice, he knew she wanted vengeance. She deserved to know.
"I think whoever killed him is the same person who killed my father," she said. "I'm afraid I might get hurt too—or even Baekhyun. What if they go after us next? I can't live like this."
She wanted to do something, and Jimin wanted to help her do it. He stopped the car at a red light and said, "Meet me outside in one hour."
Yoongi kept staring at him, confused, as Jimin hung up and continued driving. Once they reached the destination where Baekhyun was waiting, they met up with him and a few other police officers to find the apartment Yoon Hana lived in. Jimin knocked on the door, and a young man answered. He was wearing only shorts when he looked at the officers standing outside. He looked confused and asked, "How may I help you?"
Suddenly, a young woman came up behind him with a smile. She was about to say something when she saw the man in front of her and her smile faded. It was her former boss.
"Yoon Hana, we have a search warrant," Jimin said. "Please allow us some time to search your belongings, and we will be on our way."
"And, of course, make sure to cooperate with the kind officers here today," Yoongi added before instructing the officers to make their way inside the house. The young man looked at Hana, confused, but grabbed his remaining clothes and made his way out of the house.
Hana's belongings filled boxes and boxes. Mainly files full of information. The officers collected her electronic devices, including her laptop and phone. They searched her house in every area, in case she had an extra hidden phone. Hana waited outside as Jimin glared at her with his arms crossed. She tried to avoid his gaze until she took a slight step inside her house, and he stopped her from walking further. He got in front of her and blocked her way before he said, "If you have nothing to hide, then you'll be fine, won't you?"
Hana looked at him, disturbed, as she scoffed and walked back to the rail she had been leaning on. Jimin smirked as he leaned against the wall. Officers were finally exiting the house as Yoongi followed them. When no one remained, Jimin and Baekhyun went to their cars without saying a single word to Hana. Jimin got in his car and drove over to Minji's house immediately.
Ara was outside waiting for Jimin as she walked back and forth up the front steps. She saw his car pull over and walked over to it immediately. Jimin got out and walked over to the other side to greet her. The problem was, he didn't know how to. She was shaking and avoided any eye contact with him.
"Come with me," he said. He opened the door to the passenger seat, and Ara got in without saying much. He took her to his office instead of his house since Eunha could return at any moment—mainly now that the police had searched Hana's house. Jimin knew the police would soon find a correlation to Eunha. If Eunha were to know, she would be terrified, perhaps in a state of panic. She would look for a place to hide or even confront him in a state of rage. She was capable of anything.
At his office, Ara couldn't sit down. Jimin offered her some coffee, but she refused, making him realize it was stupid to offer her that if she was already anxious enough. He walked over to his desk and grabbed a large yellow envelope. He then handed it to Ara as she turned to face him.
"Jang Jiyong's autopsy report," he said. "The Seoul Police Department is investigating it as a murder. We had Seokjin's friend, Yeri, do the report this time, and she agreed it was very similar to Byun Haneul's death. It could be the same person. You might be right, Ara."
Ara looked at the envelope and took it hesitantly. She opened it and looked at the documents in front of her. She had seen her father's autopsy report, but she couldn't recall what it had written on it since it had been too long ago. However, she knew some things were too similar to Jiyong's report. Extremely similar. She placed the papers back inside and closed the envelope before leaving it on his desk.
"My brother thinks Kang & Co. is at fault for everything. I don't know. I just know Eunha is very dangerous, and I don't know what she's capable of doing. She's an evil person."
She walked to Jimin, and once she stood face-to-face with him, she asked, "Why is she still living in your house? Why are you still engaged?"
Her words were personal, and they touched Jimin directly. She wasn't asking because of Baekhyun's lawsuit, but because of Jimin's confession. If Jimin was helping Baekhyun, then he knew Eunha was incredibly evil. The problem was, she was still closer to him than ever.
"I need to remain engaged," Jimin said. "I need to keep Eunha close. I can't have her doing something that could affect us even more. Even now, she hasn't been staying home, so I can't keep track of what she's doing like before. I can't have her suspecting what's going on anymore. I already slipped up and confronted her about the affairs. That was bad enough."
Ara nodded, understanding his words. She knew why he had to do it. It was better to keep your enemies close—if one lived under the same roof as you, that was even better. However, Eunha would come and go. She'd constantly spend her days out, and ever since Jimin confronted her about the affairs, she had barely appeared at his house. At least not since she saw the camera that Jimin was so fixated on from the very start, staring directly at her every move in front of the house. She never saw it until that day. It scared her, but at least now she knew she couldn't do her business in his house anymore.
Jimin saw Ara looking down and walked closer to her as he lifted her chin. He gently cupped her cheek and caressed it with his finger.
"I'm sorry, it's not the time to mention this, but I can't help seeing you upset," he said. "You're suffering, and I don't know how to help you. It breaks me."
Suddenly, Ara thought of something.
"You want to know what Eunha is doing, don't you?" she asked. "Let me work at your house again. As soon as Eunha knows I'm back, she'll return to your house. Whatever she does while you're not around, I'll witness it. If I have to stalk her, I'll do it."
"Ara," he said as he chuckled. "I can't have you near her. She'll hurt you again."
"Don't worry about me. If Eunha does anything, there will be proof, and we can arrest her in the blink of an eye."
Ara wanted a confrontation, but she also wanted proof in order to avenge Jiyong's gruesome death.
A few days later, Yoongi's department encountered specific evidence from Hana's phone. She had deleted messages that traced to a conversation with Kang Eunha. She had sent photos of the case to her. The authorities issued an arrest warrant for Eunha, but she wasn't at Jimin's house, where she was supposed to be. The police had asked Jimin how long it had been since the last time she was at his house, and he said it had been a long time, too long to tell.
Ara also started working at his house, all according to the plan. Jimin had sent a message to Eunha, telling her that Ara was working there again, but he never told her about the arrest warrant.
As Ara had expected, Eunha showed up at Jimin's house while he was at work. She heard the door closing at the main entrance and immediately texted Jimin that Eunha was home. She told him to call Yoongi so he could get her arrested immediately, and Jimin did so. Ara was cleaning the master's bedroom as Eunha looked for her on the first floor. When she couldn't find her, she walked up the stairs. Hearing footsteps closer than before, Ara picked up her phone and texted Jimin again. She was nervous, but Jimin reassured her that Yoongi and the officers were nearby, even if he was also extremely worried about her.
As soon as she read the last message, the door to the room opened, and Eunha looked directly at Ara. Her eyes burned with fire as she approached Ara with her hands turned into fists. Before Ara could say anything, Eunha's fist went directly towards her face. Ara stumbled back and fell onto the bed as Eunha got on top of her and continued to strike her fists across. Ara tried to resist and ended up pushing her back. She didn't fight back, however. She wanted the spy camera set up in the room to capture Eunha's abuse. It worked perfectly.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Eunha yelled. "You couldn't just back the fuck off? Didn't I fucking warn you? I told you already, Byun Ara. Fuck with me, and you'll end up just like your father!"
Ara smirked as she said that. She stood up and walked closer to her as she said, "It was you—wasn't it? I saw you once. You were in the backseat of a car when you saw me walking with Jiyong. You killed him, didn't you?"
Eunha chuckled for a second before her fist was on Ara's face again. Over and over again. Blood was coming down Ara's nose as a big scratch formed on her cheek from Eunha's ring. That was when Ara heard a noise from downstairs, but Eunha was too busy to notice it. She smiled as Eunha looked at her, confused. She stopped punching her as the door suddenly swung open. Yoongi was standing there with multiple officers backing him up. Worried for Ara's safety, Jimin had told him to knock down the door if he had to, which was what he did.
"Put your hands up," he said. "Kang Eunha, you're under arrest."
It was late at work, and Yeri was getting ready to go home when she noticed someone was still in the operating room. The man turned around and walked outside the room with his belongings as he saw her. He smiled and bowed to her as she did the same.
"Dr. Choi! How are you?" she asked. "It's been a while. Are you on your way home?"
"Actually, yes. I was gathering some things in the room. I see you're ready to leave, too," he said, pointing at her bag. "Shall we head out, Ms. Song?"
Yeri nodded until she remembered something and said, "Ah—I almost forgot. I have to file my new reports before I leave. You go ahead, sir. I will be out soon. Have a nice day!"
Siwon smiled as he went out while Yeri walked back to her office. When she opened her laptop, she printed out her new autopsy reports and went to file them. In her files, there were multiple old reports that she had to get rid of, so she took them out and placed them on top of her desk. That was when she saw a familiar file. She looked at it, shocked, and opened it to see the report she thought she had lost. She looked through it and found the information she expected to see.
That was indeed the authentic report—the hidden report.
She immediately placed the file inside her bag and turned off her computer. She left everything else at her desk and made her way out with the real autopsy report of Byun Haneul.
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