Ch 34: Turtle Boy and the Pristine Little Girl
I walk through the camp to get some water. It's been about a week since Alex's wedding and he's with Eliza at her daddy's estate, trying to find a home. Heh, where we'll I go after this? Move in with Alex and be Auntie Abi?
Well, God knows what's in store for me. Walking aimlessly around camp has been helping a bit with my illness that I have. Then I heard something that gave me a pit in my stomach.
"Washington cannot be left alone to his devices," This son of a dog— "Indecisive, from crisis to crisis," Says you "General Lee". "The best thing he can do for the revolution is turn n' go back to planting tobacco in Mount Vernon!" A "ooh" was heard from the crowd listening to Lee. This little— boy, thinks he can insult this great man—
"Lee! Do you even know what you're saying?!" I looked to see my little freckled friend that is called "John Laurens" was standing next to Lee, challenging him with his stare. "I mean guys come on! This is the guy that surrender to a battalion run by boys!" The crowd "oohed" louder than they did with Charles Lee.
"Says the man that thinks slaves should be freed!" Lee rebutted and this look of anger was painted on John's face.
"Lee, that's it! The next time we meet, it'll be when I place a bullet in you." He shoved Lee. John, what have you gotten yourself into?
"Alright, LAURENS! We meet to dual at sunrise tomorrow, turtle boy! Or should I say chicken shi–" I quickly walked towards Lee. "Hey, hey, hey wait till tomorrow!" He furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of me
"What's a pristine little girl like you talking like she's on the same level with a man?" I turned around, walking away with John not listening to what else the dog lover had to say about the "pristine little girl" or "turtle boy".
"John! What the hell did you drag yourself into!" I yell as I pace and John watches me with fear-written eyes. "Abi I can't let him talk nonsense about this great man! Your brother wouldn't have it, especially since it's coming from this "General's" mouth!"
"John..." I run my hands through my hair. "You know what? You're going to do this. I'm not approving of this in any way, but you have to go through whatever you start till the end." I sit down covering my face with my hands. I hope I did the right decision.
"Abi, I want you to be my second." I look up and saw the freckles on John's face. "Okay, but where are you going to dual anyway?" I asked standing up, pacing once more. "I heard from Herc that it'll be in the woods near camp so General Washington won't catch us."
"Alright, then. So tomorrow at dawn we meet that son of a dog at woods?" John nodded. "Alright, we better get some sleep so we can be good to go for the dual." I lay down on my cot, turned on my side. "Good night John," "Good night, Abi."
I suddenly wake with the urge to vomit. I run outside, into the woods and puked up whatever I had for dinner last night. I must be really nervous. It's still dark out, maybe I should wake John and tell him to get ready. I walk back to the tent but I stopped mid tracks when I saw Lafayette with a concerned look on his face.
"Well, good morning to you too, Laf." I throw my hands up. He still stared at me up and down with confusion. "Why are up so early mon cher?"
"No reason, just checking the woods for any red coats." I smiled big. I can't tell him— "You're going to help John are you?" My eyes went wide. "Yeah, I am... Don't tell Washington!!!" He laughed.
"Don't worry mon cher I won't say anything... But I have to warn you, Washington sometimes walks these woods during these ungodly hours of the day. So be careful." I salute him to tell him I was fine.
It's finally time for what I dreaded. To make it any worse I feel sick to my stomach. I get up from the cot and walk over to John's and I nudge him softly. "Hey, Johnny it's time to wake up." He stirred awake and looked at me.
"Abi, have I ever told you that you look pretty." I widen my eyes at his sudden compliment. "It's nothing like that, Abi. It's just you might be the last person I see before I die." He looked at me with a sincere look.
"John, you are not going to die. I swear to God if you do I will personally whoop you when I reach you in heaven." I joked, he laughed. "Good to know, that you care. Come on, we better get going before the sun rises." We left the camp and walked to the woods where Lee wanted to meet him. We see Lee and... Burr. What is he doing her.
"Ah, so "Turtle Boy" and "The Pristine Little Girl" aren't chicken shits." Lee stated. Boy, I just want to beat his doggy— "But, Mr. Lee don't the seconds have to try to make "peace" before you dual?" Burr said with a smirk on his face. God, I'd love to wipe that smirk off his face.
"That's right, Aaron. Why don't you and Hamilton talk this over?" He smirked at me and backed to Burr. "Alright, now so Abi, right this way." He grabbed my arm, but I quickly pull away. "I can walk myself Mr. Burr!"
"Burr and I could not find a solution. You must dual. Best of luck men." I state as I have John a empathic look. I hand him his gun. "John. Stay alive." He nod and went back-to-back with Lee. I watch from a far as Alfred the little drummer boy counted the paces.
"...1..." John, don't die.
"...2..." I swear to God, please John don't be stupid.
"...3..." God, please let him survive this.
"...4..." Why is Burr even here? I thought he got kicked out.
"...5..." Curse that dog lover and low-life scum!
"...6..." Why must I feel so sick, like something is jumping in my tummy?
"...8..." Oh no I think I'm going to—
"...9..." I quickly run behind a bush and vomit—
"...10! Paces fire!" Then I heard two gunshots. I quickly run back and saw Lee grabbing his side and John still standing. "John!" I hugged him and he hugged me back. Then we heard Alfred. "HERE COMES TE GENERAL!"
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