Ch 23: Not another war!
So this pretty much starts off where we left off, and yeah that's all enjoy 😝
Abi's POV~
I pull back from the kiss, then my heaven is gone, I realize that everyone left the dance floor just for us and they pretty much witness, everything. Including my brother Alex, and he wasn't overjoyed. He walked over to us and I just ran, well not technically, I mean I'm not so use to moving around in a dress like I used to, once you're use to pants, dresses are some what horrible.
Anyway, so I walked to the other end of the ballroom and for the first time since I've arrived, I saw the Schuyler sisters. I turn around and I see my brother talking with Laf. Lord, please don't let my brother kill him!!! I turn my attention back to the sisters and I notice that Eliza and Angelica have their attention drawn to the dance floor. Heh, maybe they saw a cute soldier boy they liked.
"Hey guys." I say kinda coming on shy,
"Hey, Abi so how was the attention?" Was the first thing that Angelica said to me,
"It was nice, and how do these soldiers look? Handsome? Not so handsome?" I asked and Eliza answered with a dreamy voice,
"Handsome..." She averted her attention back to whatever she was looking at.
"Okay... Well I'm going to grab some punch, would one of you like to come?" Peggy stood up
"Yeah, I'm up for it." Peggy stood up walked with me up to the refreshments table, and I try to make small talk with her,
"So, how's the ball?"
"Okay... But my sisters are being weird..."
"Weird? What do you mean."
"They are so distract with this guy, I think his name is Zander Camilton?" What type of name is that? Secondly, this guy must be, really, really handsome for these beautiful girls,
"No kidding, he must be handsome." I grab my drink, Peggy and I have begin to walk back to wHERE- OH MY LORD ANGELICA IS TALKING TO MY BROTHER?!?!?! Oooohhh she's trying to make Zander jealous! I ignored that thought and walked with Peggy back to where we were sitting, and I see Eliza in a daze.
"Eliza!" I snap my fingers "Eliza are you okay." She sighed, and turned to me still with that dreamy look in her eyes.
"This one's mine." He pointed straight at my brother. Oh flipping dolphins, he likes my brother?!?! Oh no, she doesn't know how poor we are, she can't live the life we live.
"Eliza, you sure?"
"Why wouldn't I be? He's perfect." I gag,
"Um, okay... If you say so..."
"Abi what do you mean by that? Is there something wrong?"
"Oh, it's noting, it's nothing."
"No, it's something. Is this about my sister? Does she like Alexander?" OH MY GOSH THY BOTH LIKE ALEX!!! Oh no, this means war!
Alex and I were about nine, we were going to Mr. Salome's store were we would get items for Ma's store. We walk in but see his twin daughters Claire and Lucille, that looks like they could be distant cousins, Claire had straight golden blonde hair, and dark blue eyes like sapphire I saw once at the market, and Lucille on the other hand bright curly red hair with Sugar cane green eyes. Yet they were twin sisters. They always spoke in unison
"Hey Alex." They say together, but they never greet me.
"Hi Claire, hi Luci."
"Ha! He said my name first!" Claire said,
"So what, but he called me Luci and he but a breathe after my name!" Lucille stuck her tongue out,
"So if he breathes like everyone else? Your so dumb he loves me not you!"
"No he loves me you dumb donkey!"
"Dumb donkey? Dumb donkey my rear end!"
"Yeah that u was go for Claire if you smart enough you would know!" Then Lucille pulled Claire's braid, then Claire ripped Lucille's sleeve* off, and then the girls started to wrestle on the ground.
"HE LIKES ME BECAUSE IM SMART!!" Then Alex shouted,
"I DON'T LIKE EITHER OF YOU!!! THE ONLY GIRL I LOVE IS MY SISTER!!!" He grabbed my arm and he left the store and the sisters to cry,
"Girls can be really stupid, they think the guy they like is going to like them back if they change, or say there beautiful or smart, but that's stupid." He turned to me, I didn't say anything, because what the heck an I suppose to say?
What am I suppose to say to her? I don't want to hurt her feelings.
"No, it just I don't see why girls think he's handsome." She giggles,
"I don't know, but he seems so smart."
"Why don't you go talk to him."
"NO! I can't! He's to smart he probably wouldn't have intelligent conversation, I'll just ask silly questions, that he knew by the time he was six, and I'll never be satisfied with me."
"Yes, he would, I know him, he's my brother he wants a girl that will not change just for him and he wants a modest girl, like you."
"Yeah, maybe I should go talk to him."
"Yeah you go girl."
"I'm going to do it!" Eliza jumps out of her seat and speed walks towards my brother.
"Psh Satisfied, oh he'll be satisfied with this modest girl."
Okay so I am guessing there will be at the most two more Winters Ball chapters, and after the Winters ball, I have a surprise. It's not five bucks, cuz I don't even have that much😝 but I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and the next to come oh and thank you you guys for the 153 votes and 3K reads!
Bai my dreamers 💫
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