0 | Prologue
Nicolas Flamel; you might have heard that name. To some Flamel is but a legend; to others, an important figure in their society. No matter how, he is recognized in some way, shape or form.
Nicolas Flamel is a multitude of things, some more acknowledged than others. To put it simply, Nicolas Flamel is an alchemist; he is the inventor of the Philosopher's Stone; he is the soulmate to Perenelle Flamel, née Prince; he's a pretty old guy.
No offence intended. He really is quite old; after all, he was born around the 1600's. He's lived quite the life alongside his wife Perenelle, who is just a few years younger than him. Hell, he apprenticed with a direct descendant of Merlin himself. His life isn't missing any sense of "fulfilment", he has accomplished plenty.
Thing is, as wonderful as his life has been, it's missing a special factor. Something we find ourselves fancying from time-to-time; Adventure. Nicolas is bored and longing for some excitement; he hasn't done anything interesting in over a decade. It's the 1980's, he was in need of adventure!
Never fear though, for he has thought up a plan. A plan so ridiculously spectacular, that it would just have to work! This plan was so wonderful, it would benefit the future of the Wizarding World as we know it. He just needed to figure out the key component of his grand scheme.
Who was the soulmate, to Tom Riddle?
Flamel Manor
June 24th, 1980
Looking up from her book, Perenelle Flamel focused her sapphire-blue eyes on her husband's form. He had been shifting his foot up and down and humming loudly for the past three minutes, he was obviously contemplating something, and it was starting to become a tad annoying.
"Nicolas, love, what has got you so bouncy?" She asked softly.
Whipping his head up from looking down at his lap, he ran a light tan hand through his golden-blonde locks and said, "I was thinking about my plan."
Perenelle resisted the urge to roll her eyes, instead settling for a slight grimace. She loves her husband, she does truly, but he could be quite outlandish at times and she couldn't help but cross between amused and annoyed concern. Sighing softly, she said, "And what have you come up with this time?"
Nicolas grinned cheekily, he so loved when his darling Perenelle enlightened him. Without missing a beat, he replied, "I believe that Tom Riddle's soulmate has yet to be born, so when they are born I will hunt them down, and send them to our past selves to be raised. With instructions to also find Tom Riddle and raise them together, of course."
He truly believed that to be a splendid plan; Perenelle could tell that much by the way his dark emerald-green eyes sparkled with pride and no small bit of mischief.
"Of course," she drawled, one brow raised elegantly in dry amusement. "Nicolas, pray tell me, have you thought that the child's parents might not allow you to take their offspring?"
Nicolas deflated, pouting childishly at his wife for daring to point out a flaw in his perfect little plan. "We'll see what happens," he conceited. "You never know, fate might be on our side."
Smiling slightly, Perenelle said, "Yes, let's let fate lead us."
Nicolas grinned happily, he knew now that his plan would work. It wasn't a matter of vast planning, he had a gut feeling, and it was telling him that it would work. He just knew, and the more he thought about it, the more he began to feel that his plan needed to work. After all, not many else would get up from their arses and fight against the Dark Lord Voldemort, and the less known-to-be-evil, Albus Dumbledore.
But he would. He was gathering his time and his resources and he would put them all to good use. The future of the Wizarding World was practically resting on whether he went about with his plan or not. He could feel it.
St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
July 31st, 1980
Harry James Potter, born on July 31st of 1980, gazed up at the midwife with half-lidded eyes. It was exactly 11:56 pm when the infant was born, right after his twin sister, Henrielle Lilith Potter.
The midwife gazed down at the small newborns, her soft forest-green eyes admiring their innocent and ever so gentle faces. She was honestly more than a bit shocked by what she could clearly read on one of the infant's gentle wrists. In it was engraved, Tom Marvolo Riddle. It was the boy, she thought to herself, Harry Potter was Tom Riddle's soulmate.
Thinking quickly, she finished checking the newborns and turned to face the other people in the room. Cooling her features she walked to the hospital bed and put on a warm smile; she lent down and carefully handed the mother her offsprings and left the room, silently casting a listening charm under the bed, unnoticed by the occupants of the room.
After the babes had been cleaned and wrapped in soft blankets they were placed into the arms of a woman with bright cherry-red hair; said woman, who was known as Lily Potter, gazed down at her newborn son and daughter with warmth and love shining in her emerald-green eyes. Harry had soft tufts of ravenette hair which stood up at odd angles, beautiful eyes reminiscent that of the Killing Curse, and a promise hidden under that spoke of incredible things. His twin, Henrie, was not far behind in her own beauty, sporting tufts of ravenette hair and the hazel eyes of her father.
With the midwife long gone to go gather a few documents, Lily smiled and began to count each little finger and toe, but her joy soon came to an abrupt end as she set her eyes of her son's left wrist.
She inhaled sharply as she read the name her newborn son's wrist; catching everyone else's attention, who no sooner moved closer to see what had caused such a reaction.
And they too saw the problem, for engraved on the wrist of the newborn was Tom Marvolo Riddle, and everyone in the room knew very well that it was the birth name of the Dark Lord Voldemort.
Panicking slightly, she quickly picked up her daughter's wrist and sighed in relief at the name that greeted her; Percy Ignatius Weasley, and she couldn't be more relieved.
"My dear girl, it is in your best interest to cover young Harry's wrist and place him in the care of your sister," Dumbledore told Lily grimly, sparing no time to explain himself. "It is best if he grew up far away from the Wizarding World, hidden from Voldemort. Covering his wrist would ensure that he doesn't go and look for him without us present to explain that it is an unwise idea, once he becomes of age."
"I wish this wasn't true, this isn't fair, but you're right," James acknowledged.
"For the Greater Good." Lily agreed.
A few steps behind the Headmaster and the new parents, a man with scruffy black hair and grey eyes thought to himself about how his godson had betrayed them the moment he was born. Beside the aforementioned man, another young man with sand coloured hair frowned sadly, he and his wold did not agree with these actions but he would stand on the sidelines and see how things took place.
"Goodbye, Harry." Lily cried.
"We'll come back for you," James promised carelessly. "In a few years. Until then, you'll be safe with your aunt."
And as Lily Potter let Dumbledore place a magical band around he son's wrist, Harry Potter's life began to turn. She watched silently as Dumbledore took her newborn son and wrapped him in heating charms to keep him warm, and then walked out of the room. She looked down with teary eyes and gazed at her other child, her daughter who slept unaware of the proceedings. She lost something very dear to her that day, but she would not realise it until many years later, and by that time it would be too late.
Flamel Manor
August 1st, 1980
Nicolas was busy, it was 1:38 am and he was attempting to improve his ability when it came to art, as he had nothing else to do at the moment. Humming an upbeat tune, he looked down at his masterpiece appraisingly. He had decided to draw his favourite muggle animal: a zebra! Of course, he'd never actually seen one, so it looked more like a black and white-striped mongrel.
He blamed his parents for that. Just 'cause.
He was so focused on the next muggle animal he was attempting to draw, he missed the sound of the Floo as a call came in. His attention was finally caught when he heard a yell.
"Nicolas!" The figure in the fire called.
Nicolas was so startled, he fell off the armchair and dropped his half-finished art piece into the fireplace. He groaned as he propped himself up on his elbows and dramatically whined as he watched the parchment go up in flames. "I was almost done with that giraffe..."
"What on earth are you babbling about, Nicolas?" The voice questioned.
Nicolas finally registered the situation and turned his head up to look at the person who had just interrupted his creative session. His face lit up and he bellowed, "Ah! Elise, how nice to see you again!"
Elise, a wizened woman with faded chestnut hair and forest-green eyes, gave him a stern look. She had been kneeling by the fire and trying to get his attention for the past 5 minutes, it was a wonder she even bothered to help him with his silly quest to 'save the world'.
Nicolas chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck as he slowly stood up from the floor. "What can I do for you, Elise?"
"Nothing, at the moment," Elise admitted. "I actually called you about your crazy plan."
Nicolas' eyes shined like beacons as he said, "Oh! Did you find out anything?"
"As a matter of fact, I did." Elise drawled, her tone teasing.
Nicolas jumped up and down, clapping his hands while exclaiming, "Ooh! Tell me, tell me!"
"It so happens that a certain someone was born a few hours ago," Elise explained. "And they happened to have something of interest on their wrist."
Nicolas gasped like a child lost in a story of heroes and adventure. He finally whispered, "Are they... the one?"
Elise nodded, smiling slightly at her old friend's antics.
"Oh, goodie!" Nicolas practically squealed.
"Indeed," Elise stated.
Nicolas slumped down into a sitting position in front of the fireplace, he clasped his hands together and asked eagerly, "So, how did you find out?"
"The Potters had come in, Miss Potter had gone into labour, and I had been assigned as their midwife," Elise explained. "They actually had twins and the second to pop out was a boy. I took one glance at his wrist and saw it, Tom Marvolo Riddle was engraved for all to see!"
Nicolas beamed, "That's great! What is his name?"
"I do believe they named him Harry James Potter," Elise answered bemusedly.
"Harry... what a lovely name," Nicolas stated.
"I thought as much too," Elise agreed before continuing in a more sombre tone. "Sadly, the moment they realised who his soulmate was, they gave him away to his muggle relatives."
"That's a right shame," Nicolas acknowledged gravely. "But it does make things easier."
"I still think this idea is bonkers, Nicolas," Elise grumbled.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head, Elise. I've got this under control." Nicolas said teasingly.
"I am so very reassured." Elise drawled sarcastically.
"Glad to hear such!" Nicolas exclaimed, mischief clear in his eyes.
"I'll be going now, I trust you will inform me of the happenings?" Elise requested, a strict eyebrow raised.
"Of course!" Nicolas assured, waving goodbye with both hands.
Elise rolled her eyes and stepped back, cutting the connection and effectively ending the Floo call. Nicolas laid down on his back and stared up at the ceiling; he had finally done it! With the help of Elise, he had finally found out the identity of Tom Riddle's soulmate.
Pushing himself upright, he reached for a piece of parchment from the coffee table and began to compose a list; he chanted unconsciously as he wove some of his magic into the list threw his words, making a gate to his memories up to the time he would last hold the parchment. In the parchment he wrote a list for his past self:
• Magically adopt one Harry Potter
• Find young Tom Riddle Jr.
• Raise both in close proximity
• Train them and send to Hogwarts
• Keep eye on plan
• Send them to the future when the time is right
• Write another list of 'goals'
Now that that was done, he folded the list and summoned an envelope from his study, stuffing the parchment into and sealing the envelope he shoved it in his pocket and stood up.
"Okay..." Nicolas mumbled. "Now to fetch lil' Harry."
He exited his office and turned right down the hall, quickly locating and entering the sitting room where he paused in the doorway and called, "Perenelle, my dear!"
Perenelle looked up from the book she was previously engrossed in and enquired, "Yes, sweetheart?"
"I'm going out to pick up the one. Elise found him not too long ago!" Nicolas explained happily. "I'll be back as soon as I can!"
"Of course, love," Perenelle said, slightly bewildered about the revelation. "Should I prepare a small bag of necessities to send back with him?"
"Oh, yes! Splendid idea, my dear," Nicolas replied. "Just a small bag will do, I'm sure our past selves can take care of the rest."
Perenelle nodded and watched as her husband casted a simple tracking charm and followed its trail to the child, apparating to Number 4 Privet Drive, Surrey...
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