Chapter 17 | Just for me
– Next day –
Wednesday, February 7th, 2024.
6 am.
"Baby boy," a sweet and delicate voice wakes me up, and I open my eyes. "I know it's early, but I have to drive you home before going to work," she says, rubbing the nape of my neck.
As I slowly come to my senses, I realize what happened last night was not just a dream.
"Do you have a headache?" she fixes my messy hair, and I hum in response as I sit up. I nuzzle my head into the crook of her neck and breathe in her familiar scent, putting my arms around her.
"Breakfast is ready, and I put a pill on the table as well in case you'd need it. I have to leave the house in thirty minutes, though, so make sure to not take too long, please," she asks, hugging me back.
"Okay," I press a kiss on her neck and stay still for a moment, savoring the embrace, the warmth of her body. "Can I just get a little more, please?" I whisper against her soft-scented skin, and she answers, "A little more?"
"Hm," I confirm, tightening my hold around her while brushing the tip of my nose over her neck. "I feel good here. I just need a few minutes in your arms."
She runs her fingers through my hair, my heart beating faster. I never want this moment to end.
"Fine, a few minutes," she barely has time to finish her sentence as I pull her close and lay her down. I bend over her and fix my eyes on her beautiful ones, losing myself deep in them.
She smiles softly, squeezing her lips together as if becoming nervous. "You look so sleepy," she whispers, brushing a strand of hair away from my face. I close my eyes and feel my body relax as her touch sends shivers down my spine.
I grab her wrist gently, not wanting her to stop. I push my cheek against her hand, sliding down her inner forearm with my fingertips. I press my lips on her inner wrist, then a little lower, before opening my eyes.
We fall into silence, simply breathing in the moment. For some reason, she does not stop me, so I continue kissing her arm, savoring each tender touch. I slide my fingers up, tracing her soft skin until I reach the back of her hand, and she lovingly holds the side of my face.
She guides my gaze to hers, our souls connecting in a way that words cannot describe. "You like when I do that?" she asks, rubbing her thumb over my cheek. I can only nod in response, feeling completely captivated by her touch. The pleasure this brings inside overwhelms me.
Her lips forming a faint smile, she slides her fingers down to my collarbone, then trails them back up the side of my throat, slightly running them through my hair in the back of my head. My eyes close as an electric current runs through my body, and my breathing becomes shallow.
Feeling the need for more of her skin against mine, I slip my hand under her top and caress my way up to her waist. Despite the weakness she causes me, I try to make eye contact and feel her arch her back as soon as I grip her waist.
My eyelids feeling so heavy, I lean in and kiss her neck.
"I love when you touch me," I mutter as I approach my face from hers. She stares back into my eyes, running her fingers back and forth over my jawline. She does not respond, but her body language says it all.
She does not forbid me from continuing, and I feel a rush of desire consume me. Her scent, her soft skin, her touches, and her body against mine— this is so intoxicating.
I tilt my head and test how much my touch affects her by tracing my fingers down her waist and hip, following the curve of her body with my fingertips. I can feel her shiver under my touch as I drag my fingers over her lower stomach, skirting the low waistband of her jeans.
"Jungkook-" she licks her lips and breaks eye contact, raising one knee up and pushing my hand away. "You're thinking about the next test you have to study for, right?" she does not breathe the same way anymore.
I can feel her heart beating fast against my chest.
I shake my head and say, "I'm thinking about you."
She laughs nervously and looks away again. "You shouldn't. We agreed on something last night," she sits up, bringing our faces closer as I am not willing to pull away.
"Hm?" she asks for my affirmation, but I just keep my eyes fixed on her shifty ones. "Hm."
Once again, she laughs. "Those eyes are gonna be the end of me," she mumbles while getting out of the bed, so I follow her. I grab my hoodie and let her lead the way downstairs.
"Are you going to that new family's house?" I ask, my throat feeling so sore. "Yes," she pulls the chair back for me and sits down across from me. As As I take the pill immediately, she smiles and asks, "Are you feeling a little better now?"
I swallow some more water and nod my head. "I feel much better," I say, looking into her eyes and recalling our kiss. "I slept like a baby again because I was in your arms," I start eating heartily, filling my empty stomach.
"I'm happy to hear it," she responds, gazing at me with a constant smile. We share the same meal, enjoying each other's company.
None of us speaking, I glance down at her left hand and notice my ring is still on her finger.
"I wanted to ask you," I pause briefly before taking another bite, and she listens intently, her eyes locked on mine. "Since you didn't want to be honest until last night. I want to know what's with my eyes that you always seem to be so affected by them?"
Her face breaks into a nervous smile as she takes a sip of milk. "I don't know. There's something about them that makes me very weak."
I grin, feeling a rush of confidence. "I should get you a smartwatch and check your heartbeat while making eye contact with you," I suggest teasingly.
"No, that won't happen," she answers with a shy smile. "I'll put it on you," I take a mouthful of the food, meaning my words. "Uh. We'll see that."
I chuckle and nod, confident that she will eventually agree to my suggestion.
"By the way, when do you come back home today?" I ask, hoping she does not stay too late with the guy I hate. "Around 9 p.m."
"And don't you find Diego flirty?" I put my spoon down and steal her glass of milk. "Not really. He's pretty respectful."
"And has he talked about his TikTok?" I mention what I want her to know about. "No. He hasn't. Why?"
"Well, the brother of one of my friends saw his TikTok, and it's full of cringe videos he shouldn't post at his age," I expose him, making sure she is aware he might not be as respectful and great as she believes. "Really? What type of cringe, though?"
"The type that makes you wonder how the hell he doesn't feel embarrassed. It's sexual," I tell her without specifying what my friend saw. "Oh. I didn't know, and I'd rather not know. I'm not gonna lie."
"Do you think he's attractive? Like, it's not a trick question, I just wanna know if a woman can actually find him attractive," I ask, fearing she might not be honest to not make me jealous. "I wouldn't say he's attractive because I see him as a baby."
"A baby? Why?" I rest my chin on my hand, waiting for her explanation. "I don't know. He seems much younger than you for some reason."
"So, what about me? Would you say I'm attractive?" I compare myself to him. She smiles and replies, "I'm used to calling you pretty. Honestly, sometimes you're pretty, sometimes you're attractive."
"When have you found me attractive?" I take all those as compliments. I love when she calls me pretty too. "Since you helped me with my dress."
"Why?" I lick my lips, willing to know what made her feel that way. "Because you seemed more confident, more straightforward, and the way you looked at me and touched me. Then you started blushing and talking about wanting to be my puppy, and you were a pretty boy again."
Feeling a little self-conscious now that she brought this back up, I smile and look down. I lick my lips and clear my throat, feeling the need to say something. "Do you not mind me being, like, you know? Not very manly?"
"What do you mean? You are manly," she says, her eyes softening as she looks at me. "You know what I mean, I'm a submissive guy with you."
"With me?" she raises her eyebrows and adds, "Do you act different around other people?"
"Yeah. I act tough in front of my friends and family, but with you, I don't know. I just like being myself. It feels comforting and good," I confess, wondering how she feels about this side of me.
Without a word, she expresses her feelings by giving me a warm smile. "I like it. I like when you act like that, so no, I don't mind it. It's endearing."
That's all I needed to hear. I needed that reassurance, to know she does not want me to be the type of man most women desire. Manly, cold, and dominating.
30 minutes later...
"Here we are," y/n parks the car in front of my house, and I can't help but feel a pang of sadness at the thought of leaving her company. "Make sure to study and eat well, okay?"
I pull my hood up, nodding slowly, but my gaze doesn't leave hers. She smiles warmly, and I lean closer, dropping my elbow on the cushion between us, making no move to get out.
I don't want to leave her yet. I always feel this way when we're together.
"Do you want me to open the door for you?" she asks playfully, knowing full well the reason behind my hesitation. I chuckle and shake my head. "It's freezing outside. I don't want to leave this warmth."
Her smile remains, and she leans in slightly, lowering her voice. "You only have to take a few steps, and you'll be back in the warmth. So—"
Before she can finish, I lean forward and kiss her softly on the lips. Pulling back slightly, I meet her eyes, her smile instantly returning. "Didn't I say you'd only get a kiss if you got good grades?"
"Did you?" I pretend to have forgotten, grinning like a kid. "You know how bad my memory is...It's not my fault," I glance down at her lips, tempted to lean in for another kiss.
"Sure, little brat. Go home now," she says, without moving back. "Can I not have one last kiss, please? You're gonna be away from me for a whole day."
Her eyes flicker down to my lips, and for a moment, she looks like she's trying to hold back a smile. She heaves one hand up to my hoodie and grabs the strings, not giving in. "Please," I beg her, gazing deeply into her eyes as I move even closer.
Finally, she relents, and our lips meet again. Feeling her pull away right after, I force forward and hold her jawline to not break this warm and pleasant contact. She does not even resist.
As the kiss deepens, the world outside fades away, and it's just the two of us. I run my fingers softly down her neck, and our tongues meet in a rhythm that speaks of longing and comfort. The moment feels like it could last forever, but I know she has to leave for work.
The excitement drives me to repeat the action, our tongues dancing in a passionate embrace. A deep desire builds within me, and I hold the side of her face tenderly in my hand as I slow down.
The moment feels like it could last forever, but I know she has to leave for work, so I pull away slowly, pressing one last lingering kiss to her lips before my lips trail down to her neck. She tilts her head slightly, a shiver running through her at the touch, I leave another kiss a little higher. "Not the neck," she murmurs, her voice breathless.
I pull back, smirking playfully, but I can't resist one last tease. "Why?" I feign innocence, knowing full well what that reaction meant. She bites her lip, trying to look annoyed, but the smile she tries to hide betrays her.
"You know why," she gets back in a proper position. "Because it feels good?" I tease her, knowing what that reaction meant. She attempts to show some annoyance, but her smile gives her away.
I laugh, shaking my head. "Alright, I'll leave you alone," I say, reaching for my bag. I open the door and step out, but not before looking back at her. "Take care, and don't let that weird guy get too close to you," I remind her about Diego, though I don't like to bring him up.
She watches me, still smiling softly, before I close the door and walk back to my house, my heart feeling lighter despite the distance between us.
I just want the day to go by quickly so I can see her again. Her absence always leaves a dull ache in my chest, but knowing she's out there, thinking of me, makes it bearable.
– Next day –
Thursday, February 8th, 2024.
7:10 am.
In a hurry to serve us breakfast since our dad did not have time to cook, Y/n walks away from the table and gets a glass of milk for Minjun.
"Here you are, sweetheart," she drops a kiss on his head, bringing a smile to his face. He thanks her and digs in as she sits next to us. Feeling jealous that she did not give me a kiss like she did to Minjun, I fix my gaze on her and continue staring until she acknowledges me.
When our eyes meet, she smiles and then rests her head on her hand in a relaxed manner. "Do you have a test today?" she makes sure I do not mention the kiss. I take another spoonful of food and shake my head to indicate a negative response. "Not today. Tomorrow."
"What subject?" she asks, looking genuinely interested. "Chemistry, but I'm really good in Chemistry. Right?"
She lets out a soft and subtle laugh through her nose. "How am I supposed to know that?"
"I don't know," I lie and lower my eyes to her lips. "Could you help me study later today, please?" I already make plans, hoping she won't focus all her attention on my little brother. "I will."
"I'm looking forward to it." I smile as I finish my meal.
8 am.
I send one last text to Noah, letting him know I'm still waiting in y/n's car, then slip my phone back into my pocket.
"How was yesterday?" I ask, reclining my seat and settling in, my eyes not leaving her as she adjusts herself.
"Pretty good," she replies, her voice soft but content. "The little brother is starting to open up to me more, so I'm happy. Feels like I'm doing something right."
"You always do. You're the best," I respond with sincerity. "What about that other guy, though?" I pull on my balaclava to fix its position on my face. "It's going well with him too."
"Well?" I ask, my curiosity piqued, my eyes on her as she turns toward me. "Yes, well. There's not much to say."
"Is he not flirting with you? And please, don't lie just to avoid making me jealous," I warn her, the edge creeping into my voice despite my best effort to control it.
She sighs sharply, clearly weighing her response. "Sometimes he does," she admits, licking her lips before meeting my gaze. "Says things that could be seen as flirting."
"Like what?" my voice tightens, even though I try to stay calm. "What does he say? Does he touch you?"
I control myself not to get upset, but the jealousy is already consuming me. "He tells me I'm beautiful, and the other day when I was helping him with some work, he kept glancing at my lips. He even said he'd pay me to teach him...stuff like that."
I clench my jaw, trying to push down the anger this just caused within me. I can't believe he is already trying something.
"And you think this is going well?" I ask, my voice laced with disbelief as I lift my hand up to express my confusion. "Yes, because I tell him to stop, and he does."
My brow furrows, the doubt creeping in. "Yeah? And he hasn't said anything like that since, hm?" I ask sarcastically. Her gaze sharpens as she holds my stare. "Jungkook," she says, her tone calm but firm. "I want you to stop worrying about him. He's just a kid to me."
"Yeah, but just because I trust you doesn't mean I trust him," I add, crossing my arms. "He's a fucking narcissistic asshole, and I know how those types of guys tend to act around and with women they find attractive. I know he's gonna touch you at some point, and that pisses me off."
She leans back slightly, her face still calm but her eyes softening. "I don't think he'll do anything wrong. And even if he did, I'm not a little girl anymore. I can handle myself. You don't need to worry about that, okay?"
Her reassurance is meant to calm me, but the knot in my stomach doesn't loosen. I stare at her, trying to rein in the flood of emotions.
This moment of connection lingering, a smile spreads across her face, and she glances down. "You need to stop wearing that thing."
"What, this?" I touch my balaclava, and she nods, her eyes shifting between both of mine nervously. "It's...unsettling."
"Oh. Is that so?" I chuckle, teasing her, and wonder if what Leo said to me the other day is true. "Because your eyes are even more distracting that way."
"Distracting," I repeat that word she loves using, and I get closer to her. I gaze deep into her eyes and test if my best friend was right. "Can you give me your definition of distracting?"
She leans back in her seat and smiles in the cutest manner, hiding some obvious agitation. "Something that takes your attention away from what you should be focused on."
I lean toward her, my body instinctively moving closer. I glance at her lips briefly before meeting her gaze again. "And what should you be focusing on?"
Her breath catches for a second, but she doesn't break eye contact. "I... I don't know," she blinks twice before her eyes meet mine again, trying to remain composed. I can feel her walls weakening.
"Hm. Didn't know a mask could be this powerful," I tease, my smirk growing.
"Well, it can be," she responds with a glint in her eye, her voice playful yet loaded with something deeper. "It all depends on who wears it."
She inches closer, her smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Why would you even hide such a pretty face anyway?"
Her words catch me off guard, and I can't suppress the rush of heat flooding my cheeks. My heart stutters in my chest. She does it better than I ever could, teasing me with that mischievous glint in her eye.
I'm too caught up in her gaze to form a proper response. "It helps me hold back from kissing the beautiful woman in front of me," I admit, the words slipping out before I can stop them. I inch closer, resisting the urge to close the distance between us.
She laughs and pulls away, flashing that pretty smile that always makes me fumble. I'm hopelessly in love with her.
She drops her hand on the cushion I have my arm on. "We're supposed to be friends until you graduate, you know that?" she says, her voice teasing, yet there's something sad in it too. "Yeah, but you didn't specify what type of friends. I know some friends who kiss and do more."
She bites her lip, turning her head slightly, her cheeks flushing with the slightest hint of embarrassment. But she doesn't back down. "Well, it's not those types of friends I had in mind."
I tilt my head, my heart pounding. "But friends don't like or love each other romantically, do they?" I let the question hang, desperate for her to admit what's been eating at me.
She falls silent, and I can see her weighing the truth of my words. It's hard for her too, I know.
"Well," she says, her voice softer now, tinged with sadness. "We can pretend."
The words hit me like a punch to the gut. She doesn't add anything more, leaving the silence to fill the space between us. I feel my chest tighten, the ache in my heart growing.
"You can maybe pretend, but I can't," I whisper, my voice thick with emotion. "I'll stop kissing you if I have to, but I can't pretend to not love you."
"It's okay," she says, her voice soft and reassuring. "It's hard for me to not give in to you...but I'm trying to set those boundaries for us both."
"I understand," I say, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me. "As long as I have you close, I'm happy."
"I have a question, though," I take my balaclava off, ruffling my hair right away. "Sure," she replies, her eyes inviting me to speak.
"It's gonna sound dumb, but don't laugh," I say, my confidence wavering as I toy with the fabric in my hand. Exposing my whole face makes me feel more vulnerable, and I avoid her gaze. "Do you feel uncomfortable when I call you mommy?"
Her grin widens, amusement sparking in her eyes as she shakes her head. "I don't. But I have a question too. Do you actually mean it as a joke?"
I bite my bottom lip, suddenly regretting bringing this up. "Yeah? No? Maybe?" I mumble, hiding my mouth behind the balaclava. I don't want her to see how this conversation is messing with my head.
She giggles, the sound light but knowing. "I knew it. It started as a joke, but not anymore, hm?"
"I don't know," I mutter, my voice barely audible. Honesty feels impossible when I'm so afraid she'll think I'm weird—or worse, disgusting. "Is there a wrong answer to this?"
"There is," she says softly, tilting her head. "A lie is a wrong answer," she spurs me to tell the truth, but I still hesitate. "Well, I think the bell rang. I should-"
Before I can escape, she grabs my forearm and pulls me back. Her grip is firm, her gaze steady. "It hasn't rung. Answer my question."
"You know the answer. I wouldn't mind telling you if it was just a joke to me," I say, indirectly confirming her assumption.
Her smile grows, teasing yet warm. "Oh, so you do like calling me mommy. I see," she wastes no time in taking the opportunity to tease me further. "I mean, I kinda figured. It's pretty obvious, especially with the way you react when I call you my baby boy or when I give you kisses and head pats."
"Stop," I warn, my cheeks flushing deeper. "Or I'm gonna kiss you to shut you up."
She does take me seriously, shaking her head and holding my face. "You're too adorable. I can't help it."
"You always call me cute and adorable," I grumble, narrowing my eyes. "But my friends call me hot. So who should I believe?" I ignore the ringing of the bell outside, feeling much better by her side.
Her laugh is soft and sweet. "Both. You're all three," she says, brushing a thumb over my cheek. "Now go to class."
"Mhm," I murmur, my confidence returning in her warmth. Leaning closer, I press a kiss to her jawline. "See you later." I say, moving back and opening the door.
She smiles at me, her voice soft as she replies, "See you later."
I move back, opening the door and watching as she waves before driving away.
By the time I reach my friends waiting near the gate, the embarrassment has faded, replaced by a small, lingering smile.
"Run, you're five seconds late," Leo rushes me, but I walk at the same pace, unfazed. "I don't care."
"She kept you very busy, uh?" he jokes as we all head inside the building. "I'm the one always begging to stay with her," I admit, not hiding how clingy I can be with her.
"Of course, you are. By the way," he slows me down, keeping us a little behind to continue the conversation.
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