Story: Moira
Chapter Five: Nott Gone Nuts
The complete hall was filled with a chattering buzz. The tension and excitement were apparently prominent. Harry's friends fared no better. Draco was looking everywhere. Ron, on the other hand, had taken to his habit of chewing a magical bubblegum when nervous. Harry was the least affected. He kept his cool knowing all too well that whatever were to happen, it would have Moira's hand in it.
"Keep calm. If you panic in emergency, you're weak."
Harry looked over at the Gryffindor table and found Ginny and her friends seated there, looking as nervous as his own friends. The bushy haired muggleborn, presumably Hermione, another blonde witch and a blonde haired boy were nervously talking amongst themselves. Ginny was wearing a face of calm but Harry knew that her nervousness was masked beneath it.
Suddenly, the lamps went off and the crystal blue flame of the magical goblet illuminated the whole hall, make the occupants' faces to glow. Dumbledore walked up to the podium and cleared his throat. At once, the hall fell into a pin drop silence.
In a moment of strange action, Dumbledore dropped his licorice wand. The sound resonated throughout the hall. "Ah, perhaps it is licorice wand drop silence. Excellent!"
Nervous laughter was heard around Harry. Dumbledore smiled before continuing. "Today is the grand day in which three champions will be chosen to represent their school. The goblet is magically protected against any sort of cheating so fear not. It is an impartial judge and has been since several hundred years. Ah–!" Dumbledore's speech was cut short by the roaring of the goblet's flames. The bluish fire rose higher and higher until a partially burnt piece of parchment flew out. Dumbledore caught it and read it loudly.
"Alarie Beaumont from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!"
The Ravenclaw table which sat the Beauxbatons broke into a loud applause as a blonde haired girl walked up to the podium and then into another room after shaking hands with Dumbledore.
The flames started to shoot up again and Harry held his breath as another parchment flew out.
Dumbledore grabbed the burnt piece of paper and looked at Harry with a merry twinkle in his blue eyes.
"Harry from Durmstrang Institute of Magic," he announced. Beside him, Draco and Ron started cheering and patting his back. Theodore Nott was glaring at him but Harry paid no heed. He smiled at his friends then looked at the Gryffindor table. Ginny gave him a thumbs up. He nodded and walked up to the podium but before he could enter the room in which the champions were supposed to gather, the flames shot up and another parchment flew into Dumbledore's waiting hands. He smiled then read it out loud.
"Ginevra Weasley from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
The champions had started their training. Draco had spotted the Beauxbatons champion in the library with her nose in a huge book. Her friends were flocked around her, trying to be of as much help as possible. Harry could easily judge that her intelligence was completely bookish. He did not think she would practice spells although bookworms were never to be underestimated. They were the type of people who knew their logic and can solve any complications within a matter of few seconds. To this, Harry was well prepared. His master had thought him several tricks to manipulate complicated situations and he had become an expert at that.
The other day, Ron had stumbled into Ginny who was seemingly calm although her bushy haired friend seemed otherwise. Upon eavesdropping secretly for a while, Harry's friend found out that Ginny did not care in the slightest to train and only did so because of her friend's compulsion. Harry took the news without the slightest surprise. If Dumbledore had really been training her, she was sure to know more about the competition than any of the other champions did. Besides, Dumbledore was not weak. He seemed to be a capable teacher. Any student of his were sure to turn out as a powerhouse of magic.
Harry's training included doing laps in the early mornings on the Hogwarts grounds and flying around in the clear dawn skies of Scotland. He did not practice his magic as much as his physical fitness as he was sure that the spells he would need were ready at the tip of his tongue. To prove his confidence to his friends, he challenged them to a two on one duel.
It usually would look unfair to Harry but in truth, it was unfair to the other two boys. Harry was well trained in all the arts and aspects of magic unlike his friends who knew less of all the arts. Easily, Harry managed to knock them out without the use of any dark spell. His friends happily accepted that he did not require training, thus relieving Harry of self-doubt.
The night before the first task was really peaceful. The still waters of the lake made not a sound, soothing the occupants of the heavy Durmstrang ship. The lamp burning in their dorm was the only source of light. Harry's eyes were dazed over in thought, glimmering and reflecting the faint glow of the orange flame. A knock sounded and Harry voiced out to come in. His eyes never left the lamp as a shady figure walked in and sat down opposite of him.
"Good evening, Headmaster. How may I help you?" he spoke in a low tone, still not looking at his Headmaster.
"Harry. Can I have a word with you?" Harry nodded his response. "I'm sure you are aware that tomorrow is a grand day for us."
"It is just the first task. The last time I saw, the victor will be decided after the third task."
"You are right, Harry. I am just here to warn you," Karkaroff tried in a respected voice which masked fear underneath.
Igor Karkaroff was the headmaster of Durmstrang. He was Voldemort's follower and therefore feared Harry as well. "Dumbledore has trained that Weasley girl to face whatever is in the first task. She is too petite to be feared of and seems to be financially less stable. Don't –"
"With all due respect, sir, you are wrong. Size and money do not matter. Power does." This time, Harry met Karkaroff with his dark eyes, sending the latter shivers down his spine. When Harry looked back to the lamp, Karkaroff sighed.
"I have faith in you. Good luck, Harry."
Harry nodded his response and the Headmaster left hastily. When the door shut, Harry massaged his temples. He still had no idea why people feared his eyes. It wasn't as if he really was a basilisk. The door rumbled open again and Harry smirked.
"He has gone nuts, he has!" Ron's irritated voice came, followed by Draco's voice of lesser amplitude.
"I just can't believe I called him my best friend!"
The two boys slammed the door shut after they entered and strode to their respective beds before slumping down. Harry raised his eyebrows at them.
"Call him Nott the gone nuts, mate!" Ron answered. Harry smirked in response.
"Wanted me to get killed?" Harry predicted again. Draco nodded harshly.
"Says you are not fit enough to be our champ and that you would get killed in the first task itself!" Draco fumed. Harry shrugged.
Theodore Nott had been a part of their best friend quad until he broke away in their fourth year after hearing the news about Voldemort's murder at Harry's hands. Branding the trio as traitors to the one who taught them magic, Nott began to attack them verbally as well as physically. This tradition of his still continued, it seemed. Harry was reluctant to do anything about it as he could not see why he should try playing pacifying games with a mad man.
"I'm rather ashamed I called him my best friend over you both," Draco said, his voice remorseful. Ron scooted closer to Draco's bed and patted his back reassuringly. It was true that Draco and Nott were inseparable. They hung out with each other more than they did with Harry and Ron.
"It isn't your fault, Draco. At least you haven't ruddy gone nuts like Nott has!" Ron exclaimed, causing the blonde haired wizard to laugh. Ron smiled and turned to Harry. "Better be careful mate. I don't know how far Nott would go to injure you."
"Well, I won't back down either, Ron. Good night, boys," with that said, Harry laid down on his bed and waited for the sleep to come. The next day would be adventurous and rest would be essential. Fortunately, he quickly fell into a deep, dreamless doze.
The fifth chapter is done! I'm planning to enter the story in some awards. Do you think I should do that?
What are your thoughts about this chapter? Comment! Thank you for reading!
Miyoko x
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