"Simon, what are you doing?" Clary was shouting and chasing after Simon Lewis through the Ops Center that morning. I was walking through eating an orange, dressed in a shirt that was way too big for me and my hair was a mess on my head. I was tired— I could never escape the restless nights. They were always worst when I got disciplined— I have to stop screwing up.
Simon walked past me and made a beeline for the entrance of the Institute— the speed he was going blew a cold breeze against my bare legs. "I already told Isabelle, they can't keep me prisoner here."
"Prisoner?" I repeated while I popped another piece of the orange in my mouth. "What, did they tied you up to a chair and interrogate you too? Their hospitality is horrible, right?"
"Simon!" Clary ran past me and stopped him a foot away from me. "Where are you going?"
"I'm going home, Clary— and if you haven't already completely drunk their Kool-Aid, then you're coming with me." Simon lowered his voice. "It's not safe here."
I blinked. "You're kidding, right?"
"He must be." Jace entered the hall and blocked Simon's path a few feet away. "Because— this is the safest place she could possibly be."
Simon shot him a glare, pointing at him. "You don't get to talk to me, Captain America."
"Who's Captain America?" I asked, slowly walking over to Jace's side and looking at Simon.
Jace shrugged and looks at Simon. "Considering I'm the guy with the weapons, I get to say what I want."
"Okay, come at me, bro!" Simon hit his fists to his chest and walked towards Jace and I. I reached my hand up and shoved him back easily, then went back to my orange, popping another piece into my mouth.
Jace snorted while Clary blocked Simon's path. "Hey, what is your problem?"
"He's my problem!" Simon raised his voice. "He's just like Kirk Duplesse from high school. Do you remember him? Total jerk with the square jaw—smelled like body spray, always bullying people. Why don't you do your own homework? Just once, yeah?"
I raised my eyebrows once. "Grow up."
"I can take care of myself." Simon said in a low voice and then circled around Jace and I, heading for the doors. Clary looked between us for assistance, a pleasing look on her face.
"I'm not saving his ass a second time." I shrugged and looked back down at my orange, hearing Jace let out a hum in agreement and pound his fist against mine. I felt a pang of warmth in my chest— familiarity hitting me like a truck.
"Really?" Clary huffed and ran around me, rushing after Simon. "Simon! You were kidnapped by vampires, okay— you of all people should know how dangerous it is out there."
Simon kept walking. "I'll be fine."
"No— you won't, mundie." I commented.
"Hey, you're not the only one who's in danger." Clary continued. "If you go home right now, you're putting your mother, and your sister, and even Maureen at risk— think about them."
Simon argues. "I am thinking about them."
"Are you?" Clary raised her voice.
"Yeah." Simon shot back at her sharply. "Because if everything you've said about the Shadow World's true, they're already in danger, and I need to be home to protect them."
"You're going to protect them?" I snorted and popped another piece of my orange into my mouth. "With what?"
"I can handle myself!" Simon shot me a weary look and then tried to persuade Clary. "Come with me. We can crash at my place— we can figure all this out."
"You have no idea how much I want to go back to the way things were." Clary sighed quietly and began. "To be with you and my mom—"
"Clary." Simon began slowly. "We've had each other's backs our whole lives— we've never needed anyone. Let me help you— we don't need these people."
"Simon— I don't know how to explain this, okay?" Clary hesitantly told him. "But I think— I think these are my people."
A wounded look crossed Simon's features immediately. "Message received, loud and clear."
"Simon, wait!" Clary chased after him when he went through the doors. "Simon!"
"Yikes." I turned around and my gaze was met with a bare abdomen. Runes covered said abdomen and I realized it wasn't Jace— because Jace was still standing next to me and had a t shirt on and sweatpants on.
A snort escaped Jace and he began teasing. "Put on a shirt or you'll have the ladies drooling—"
"Where's it going?" Alec's deep, sleep weaved voice filled my ears and my stomach twisted into sickness. Whatever interest that bare abdomen held— faded away in an instant like I just had a bucket of cold water dropped on my head.
Note to self— the reasons to hate Alec Lightwood were endless but this was crossing a line.
He did not deserve such a jaw dropping body.
"Do you always refer to people as it's?" I raked my eyes up his chest and leaned my head back slightly so I could meet his eyes. "Seriously— like, is it a mental problem?"
"Only the people I don't care for." Alec's eyes burned into mine and I rolled my eyes. Alec looked down at me and I watched his eyes scan me slowly before they came back up to meet mine. "So— you and the mundane."
I stare blankly. "Wow— I feel so special."
"Alright." Jace cut in before we could spark an argument. "Could one of you go wake Hodge? There's something we need to discuss."
"What?" Alec and I said in unison.
"Clary and I think we know how to unblock her memories." Jace told us in a low voice. "So— while you're waking Hodge, I'm gonna go get Izzy."
"You do it." I shot Alec a look and walked away from them, popping the rest of my orange in my mouth.
"Magnus Bane." Hodge presented while bringing up a photo onto the huge monitor for visualization. "He's over 300 years old— and, as you can see, he's not exactly shied away from the pleasures of every century. His tastes are both exquisite and quite excessive."
"Wow, is he single?" I pushed myself onto the table and sat at the corner of it, folding my left leg and letting my right leg hang. "He's hot."
Alec narrowed his eyes at me immediately. He was seated in a chair across from me, to my right. He had a shirt on now but his bed head still remained. "Do you have any filter?"
"No, Chass." I shook my head once.
Alec rolls his eyes. "Not my name."
"Sorry, Cacciatore." I gave him a simple smile.
Alec drawls. "Let me guess."
"I'm listening." I offered.
Alec leaned his elbows against the table and tilted his head up at me. "Italian for huntsman?"
"Oh— there is a brain cell in that hollow head of yours?" I cricked my neck downwards and tilted it slightly to the side in amusement.
Alec scanned my face, folding his hands together. "How many languages do you know?"
"A good handful." I shortly reply.
Alec stared. "I'm sure you'll demonstrate it."
"I will." I shot back quickly, maintaining eye contact with him. "I hope you're ready."
"Anything if it'll prove you have some sort of intelligence laying around in there." Alec tapped his temple with implication and my eyes squinted into a death glare when I realized he turned it back on me. That irksome little—
"He looks like the Downworld's David Guetta." Clary's voice snapped our attention away from each other and to the others— catching eye of everyone staring at Alec and I.
"Guetta's already a Downworlder." Isabelle chimes in, a playful smile on her lips while she looked between Alec and I. "Vampire? Ever seen him in the daylight?"
"Can we focus?" Alec interjected in a serious tone and fixed a glare on his sister because of her smile. "This is not a joke."
Isabelle let out a prolonged sigh and tilted her head back. "Someone needs to get in slayed."
"Alec's right." Hodge cuts in and swiped through different tabs on his tablet. "Now, Magnus is one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever known— he has a deep mistrust of Shadowhunters."
"That's sad." I was no longer looking at Hodge and at my bare leg, noticing the black and purple bruise across my thigh. I swallowed hard, caressing the outer layer of the bruise— my mother's discipline left marks that were hard to miss. I usually remembered to cover them— heal them before anyone saw but it slipped my mind because of how terrible it was last night. "Can't say I blame him, though."
I felt someone's stare burning into me. My eyes flickered up and caught Alec's, catching him staring at the bruise that was right in front of him. Jace, Clary and Isabelle were too busy staring at the screen to notice but his eyes were flickering between the bruise and the scar on my right thigh— a result of my training. My gruesome, painful training.
But, without it— I would not be the solider I am.
I would not be as strong or as slick, I would not be able to fight off men twice my size and kill them with ease. I would not be who I am.
The nuisance wouldn't know where the scars and the fresh bruises were from— I think he'd assume I was off doing some spy business. But, I wasn't— because my mission was right here.
I pulled my shirt down to my knees and hid the bruise and scar, looking back at Hodge right as I felt Alec's eyes flicker to my face. Clary was speaking, "Well, then why did he help my mom remove my memories? Isn't she a Shadowhunter?"
"Yes, one of the best." Hodge nodded in confirmation and I rolled my eyes. "But— help might not be the most accurate word. Now, did Magnus provide a service for Jocelyn? Perhaps. But more than likely, your mother paid Magnus handsomely for his magic."
Jace sat down in a chair behind where I was seated. "Warlocks usually require payment before they help anyone with anything."
Alec clears his throat. "Word from the Clave is that most of the warlocks have gone into hiding since Valentine began hunting them."
"Valentine must be searching for the warlock, where did Jocelyn—" Hodge began but set the tablet down and pressed his hands flat onto the table surface when his Circle rune started sizzling on his skin. A hiss escaped his lips and he screwed both eyes shut in pain.
"You'd think after having that punishment tethered to your skin for years, you'd know how to filter out what you can and cannot say." I stared blankly at Hodge, running a hand through my messy hair. "How do we find the warlock?"
"We don't— Magnus finds us." Jace told me. "We'll set up a meeting, somewhere protected— lure him out of hiding."
"And I know exactly where we do it." Isabelle jumped off the other side of the table and took the tablet into her hands. She swiped a few times before bringing an flyer onto the screen.
"A Downworld rave." Jace chuckled softly at it. "Nice, Izzy."
Alec skimmed the flyer that was plastered on the screen. "And where'd you get that?"
"During my surveillance of the Downworlders." Isabelle sat back down proudly. "From what I hear, Magnus likes to party."
"He'll never go for it." Alec shook his head at her words and sat back in his seat. "Not with Valentine trying to kill him."
"Of course he will." I laughed humorously and sat up. "He'll blend in— it's perfect. He'll hide in plain sight."
"Zee's right." Jace nodded in agreement with me. "If Magnus is coming out of hiding, he's going to one of the biggest parties of the year."
"Never underestimate Magnus' hedonism— or his greed." Hodge stood up fully and gestured for us to follow him. "Come with me."
Hodge walked towards the training room and we collectively followed him. I hugged myself and watched as Hodge crouched by one of the safes, retrieving a gorgeous ruby necklace from it. He shut the safe, stood up and held the necklace for us to see.
Isabelle's eyes were wide. "Is that real?"
"A four-karat, unheated Burmese ruby." Hodge held through necklace delicately. "And this necklace has special meaning to Magnus Bane as it was a gift from him to his then lover, Camille Belcourt."
I stared up at him. "You're kidding."
"What, Camille and Magnus were lovers?" Clary's eyes widened as Isabelle let out an amused laugh.
Jace chuckled. "Warlock gets around."
"Magnus bought it in 1857 for the price of his London townhouse." Hodge informed us. "Now, the jewel is enchanted by a spell that alerts the wearer to the presence of demons."
"I wish someone would buy me an incredibly expensive piece of jewelry." I sigh dramatically and pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Do you even wear jewelry?" Jace looked down at me, eyeing my bare neck and bare fingers. "I think I've only seen you were a ring or two."
"Well— no." I placed my hands onto my sides. "But, I can change. It's the effort that counts."
"It's so beautiful." Isabelle was eyeing the necklace greedily and took it from Hodge's hands.
"Magnus has longed to reunite with this necklace." Hodge instructed us. "Offer it to him— he might just take the bait."
"I'll send Magnus a fire message to arrange the meeting." Jace nodded once. "We have to get to Magnus before Valentine does."
"What do you want?" I asked Isabelle when I walked into her room, looking between her and Clary. They were both dressed for the rave— hair done and dresses on. Clary was sitting on the bed, slipping into her heels and Isabelle stood in front of her mirror, finding accessories for her hair. "Jace said you wanted to see me."
"That's right." Isabelle turned to look at me with her million dollar smile. "What are you wearing to the Downworlder party tonight?"
"This." I half gestured to myself, implying the black ripped jeans and white long sleeve thermal I had on. "And a leather jacket."
"I don't think so." Isabelle almost immediately shook her head. "It's a party."
"I'm not going to party." I reminded her and stared at her blankly. "It's a mission."
"Just because it's a mission, doesn't mean we can't have a little fun." Isabelle walked over to me and around me, grabbing onto my arms and pushing me towards her mirror. "Plus— think of it as blending in."
"I don't like dresses." I narrowed my eyes in disgust when she brought out options, holding them in front of me so she can see them in the mirror. "And every single one you own is ridiculously tight and probably hard to move in. I need to be able to move if something goes wrong."
"Wrong and wrong." She brought out a emerald green dress and held it before my body, smiling at what she saw in the mirror. The dress was satin and had a V neck, it had different details to it— like a double ruffled hem and balloon sleeves. Nothing I had just said referred to the dress she was holding. "Try this one on."
Hesitantly, I took it from her and walked behind the foldable wall. I stared the dress for a few moments while I kicked off my shoes and slipped off my clothes. I slipped my stele out of my back pocket and silently glamoured all of my scars and bruises, making sure to get the scar right in the center of my chest that would most definitely be exposed with this dress.
I slipped off my socks when I noticed Isabelle set down a pair of black heels next to the wall and then slowly slipped the dress on. I zipped it up all the way and put on the heels, fastening the ankle straps tightly so that they wouldn't loosen.
Slowly I stood up to my feet and walked out by them again, tying the loose belt in the mirror and eyeing myself in the mirror. I didn't pay attention to how well the dress fit my body or whatever it may have complimented— the dress ended mid thigh so I could glamour a few knives on both legs with my kindjals. I could hide a few knives in my sleeves and easily hide a few in my belt because of how wide it was. I could—
"Wow." Clary blinked in shock when I walked out. "You look great."
"You're so lucky having a body like that." Isabelle came behind me and tightened the belt just slightly. "God, I knew this would look perfect on you—"
I blinked and looked down at myself. "Oh-"
Isabelle hummed to herself while she grabbed a hair claw from the desk and took a few strands of my hair, pinning it back. She then came in front of me and attacked my face with the makeup she had on hand— which was, practically everything. I protested to almost everything, only allowing her to use mascara and eyeliner— I even allowed just a bit of concealer so that I didn't look so dead. Then, she pinned a gold necklace around my neck and slipped a ring or two on my fingers.
When I looked in the mirror again, I didn't see myself. I could barely recognize myself, even if I was fully aware that it was who I was staring at.
I no longer physically looked tired and bruised, empty and scarred up. I didn't look extremely haggard, careworn and drained. I looked like a vigorous personage. I looked more lively than ever— like I wasn't in pain, or was restless and desperately trying to prove myself. The magic of glamouring and make up was shockingly effective.
But, glamouring and covering up with makeup could not hide the dead and emptiness in my eyes. The layers and layers of suffering, endurance and lifelessness in my eyes hid the spark of fire behind them.
I may look vivacious but my eyes were still dead.
I looked like a vibrant corpse.
But only I knew that.
"That's new." Jace's voice from behind me snapped me out of my daze and I slowly turned to look at him. "You look pretty."
"Thanks." I blinked and then looked around, suddenly more aware about the lack of weapons I had on me. "I'm gonna go— gear up."
Not waiting for a response, I walked past him and left Isabelle's room. I walked into the training room and toward the weapons vault, catching eye that it was already opened and Alec was standing at the table we were at the other night. Arrows were spread out on the table next to his bow and he was carefully dragging his stele across the spine of each arrow.
I stared at him for a moment too long— the sleeves of his button up were rolled up to his elbows and his hair was still slightly messy even though he had probably just fixed it for the party. His large hands held the thing arrow delicately between his fingers and he angled the stele precisely as he runed tons of his arrows.
I blinked and snapped out of it. I ignored his presence further on and walked towards the weapons vault, grabbing out my kindjals and my knives. I grabbed a few sheaths and set them on the table he was at, lifting my leg and setting it against the table. I fastened a thigh sheath to my bare thigh and felt his stare on me— I felt his eyes all over me— my legs, my thighs, my body, my side— I remained focused on gearing up.
"What happened to your bruise?" Alec suddenly broke the silence between us and I looked up as I placed my kindjal in the sheath.
I grabbed a few knives and put them in every other slot. "Glamoured."
"How did you get it?" Alec suspiciously asked.
I lie. "I ran into the nightstand."
Alec rolled his eyes and looked back down at his arrows. He looked like he wanted to question me more— probably about my scars or just to further grill me on the bruise but he said something else instead— and in monotone. "You shouldn't come, you know."
"I'm coming." I grabbed another sheath and switched legs on the chair, fastening it around my thigh. I slipped my second kindjal in and whatever knives and daggers I could fit— then I glamoured both sheaths invisible.
"You're a Morgenstern— you'll chase him off." Alec made a valid point but I wouldn't admit it to him. "Especially since word about you has probably already become the hot topic— and Magnus has been in hiding from your father."
"Well, then he's probably heard that I turned against my father and am aiding the Clave in a war against him. If that's not enough— I'll find a way to prove to him I'm not my father." I rolled my eyes and stood up straight, rolling the sleeves of my dress up and adding sheaths to my arms. I didn't have anything else to back my argument in that moment so I said the next thing to swerve the conversation off the rails. "Plus— I'm dying to get laid."
Alec gawked at me and I felt relieved that I had successfully switched the subject and angered him. "Are you serious?"
"Deadly." I slipped in a sufficient amount of knives in the sheaths and pulled the sleeves back down my arm— the balloon sleeves made it look like they weren't even there. "I haven't had sex in months— and you know, it's just so hard finding someone actually good—"
Alec took a step towards me, his neck tilted downwards to look at me despite the boost of height I had. "Shut your mouth."
"Oh?" I pretended to be shocked at his words and placed my hands on my sides, looking away in thought. "I thought guys liked it wide open—"
Alec was quick to cover my mouth with his large palm, his other hand at the nape of my neck with fingers threaded into my hair to stop me from speaking. He looked around us to make sure no one heard me speaking in such a derogative and disparaging way and then scowled down at me with annoyance in his eyes. "You have such a foul mouth."
I abruptly grabbed his wrist and ripped his palm from my mouth so that I could speak. I stared up at him and lowered my voice, speaking with just as much aggression he reserved for just me. "You have absolutely no idea just how foul my mouth can be."
Alec stared at me intensely and I dropped his wrist like his skin had burned me, before turning my back to him and retrieving a few blades to hide underneath my belt.
"Damn, I make this necklace look so good." Isabelle admired the necklace we were supposed to be offering Magnus around her neck. She was mesmerized by the beauty of it and hadn't taken it off since we left the Institute.
"Will you take it off?" Alec deadpanned. "I'm certain Magnus Bane doesn't want drool on his ruby when we make the exchange."
"You know, I wouldn't be so sure." Isabelle's words made me snicker. "Most men like it when I admire their jewels."
Alec rolled his eyes and shook his head at his sister. "Can you just give it to Jace?"
"You're such a buzzkill." Isabelle giggled but I clipped the necklace from around her neck and handed it to a laughing Jace.
We moved up the line and entered the club, music blasting through speakers and different colored lights flickering from every direction. All kinds of Downworlders were dancing and jumping to the music, drinks in hand and sweat dripping down their bodies.
"Blend in." Jace instructed Alec, Isabelle and I when he caught eye of Magnus Bane. "Keep your weapons ready."
When he and Clary walked away from us and towards Magnus, I lingered with Isabelle and Alec as we made our way through the crowd. "He's even hotter in person."
"Will you quit it?" Alec snipped at me.
"My, my, Chass— such an attitude." I gasped at him dramatically and put a hand to my chest. "That is no way to talk to a lady."
"For the last time, that is not my name." Alec glowered at me and when I opened my mouth to speak, he points at me. "Don't."
I smiled. "Venator."
"Latin!" Alec was exasperated.
"Ding, ding, ding." I clicked my tongue and smiled at him widely just because of the angry scowl on his face.
I stopped smiling and looked deeper into the club, catching eye of Magnus, Jace and Clary. Their conversation was barley audible because of the loud music and how far they were from us, but Magnus had the necklace in hand, Jace looked slightly angry and Clary was ashen.
Magnus and Clary were going back and forth, Clary's eyes were teary and she was turning red from how upset she was. Magnus reached his arm behind him and opened a portal, gesturing for Clary to come with him and she shook her head. My eyes trailed behind them and noticed a man creeping up on Magnus with a blade out— a Shadowhunter.
A Circle member.
"Look out!" Isabelle caught eye of him a moment after I did and I had already pulled out one of my knives from my sheaths. I swung my arm back and launched the knife forward, not even bothering to think of who it was— just watching the knife bury itself into his head.
The man collapsed and Magnus looked in my direction with wide, incredulous eyes.
I moved through the crowd quickly and walked over to them, grabbing the blade out of the man's head and pulling it out. I wiped the blood on his shirt and took his seraph blade, holding it out for Jace. "A gift."
"Zee Morgenstern." Magnus' eyes were still wide looking at me. "It's true."
"Yes, it is." I put my blade back into my sheath. "I'm not going to kill you, don't worry."
"Magnus!" Clary grabbed for his arm when he took a step back towards the portal he created. "You're my only hope."
"Valentine found us— I warned your mother this might happen." Magnus shook his head and turned into the portal, disappearing with it and leaving Clary with just a button from his blazer.
"The area's secure." Isabelle joined us after a moment with Alec at her side. "Looks like he was the only assassin."
"It's a Circle member." I walked toward them. "There's a rune on the base of his neck."
"They found us— it's not safe here." Jace looked around and started moving, gesturing for us to follow. "We have to go."
We did, but Clary was falling behind. She was pale and her eyes were wide, and Isabelle was having a hard time trying to get her to follow. "Jace."
Jace stopped and looked at her right when we reached outside. "Clary, we have to move."
"I'm catching my breath." Clary snapped with a glare and leaned against the wall for support.
"From what?" I grimaced at her, blinking a few times. "You literally did nothing."
"You know what? This is great." Alec scoffed and shook his head. "And not only did Magnus not get the girl her memories back, he took the necklace— this is fantastic."
Jace fixed a glare into Alec, clearly disapproving his reaction. "Alec, the girl? Her name is Clary and I highly suggest you keep your voice down."
I crossed my arms over my chest and looked up at Alec, a challenging smile on my lips. Go on, my smile said— prove me right.
But, he didn't.
Because the words flying out of Alec's mouth was not what I expected. "Why? What, are you afraid I'm gonna upset her? We have risked our lives again and again for this girl, and where has it gotten us? Nowhere. We're no closer to getting the Mortal Cup. And we've lost the Institute's necklace."
"Hey, I am right here." Clary raised her shaky voice. "I don't care about your damn jewelry. I'm sorry you're gonna look bad in front of your bosses, okay? But— my mother is still missing and my last chance at finding her just disappeared into thin air."
I rolled my eyes. "Tough."
"Clary, it's gonna be fine." Jace tried.
"No, it's not!" Clary looked at him with a tear streaked face. "People are dying because of me."
I nod once. "They are."
"And Magnus?" Clary continued and ignored me. "Magnus will never come out of hiding again while Valentine is still after him."
I stare at her. "Wow, you give up easy."
"We're never gonna find him." Clary raised her voice to a scream that was directed towards me. Tears streamed down her face quickly and she threw the button she caught from Magnus' jacket earlier into the air without care and in frustration. "And I will— I will never get my memories back!"
"Are you sure we're related?" I caught the button with a glare. "Because we're nothing alike— my god, you are nauseatingly infuriating."
Clary opened her mouth to speak but I rolled my eyes and walked a few feet away. Instead, she whispers. "What is she doing?"
"She's tracking Magnus." Alec's voice was bitter when he saw me hold the button tightly in my hand and activate my tracking rune. "Be quiet and keep your distance."
"The button belonged to Magnus." Jace was telling her. "Zee can pinpoint the location using that."
"I won't be able to if you two don't shut up." I snipped and shot them a glare over my shoulder. Alec glared right back at me and Jace gave me an innocent smile in return. I looked ahead again and inhaled slowly— putting all my attention and focus on tracking Magnus Bane. "Got him."
"Magnus' lair is right behind that fence." I gestured carelessly with my hand before slipping my hands down to my thighs and pulling out my kindjals. "Wicked glamour."
Clary slowly grabbed out a seraph dagger. "Magnus lives in a warehouse?"
"Not exactly." Jace pulled out his seraph blade. "It's a warlock glamour— like she just said."
"Something's wrong." Isabelle held her whip tightly at her hand, swallowing hard. "It's far too easy to get this close."
Jace looked around cautiously a few times. "His protective wards must be down."
"You." Alec's voice made my head snap towards him. He was staring right at me and he held his bow tight. "Don't get in the way."
My blood boiled. "The way?"
Then, an abrupt shout caught our attention and a warlock fell from the higher platform. He landed on the ground with a loud thud and the Circle member behind him turned on his heel and ran in the opposite direction.
"Oh, God!" Clary gasped and suddenly we were all moving. "Valentine found Magnus!"
By the time we reached the man, we had all separated— going from different routes to reach Magnus and take down the Circle members.
I froze in my tracks when I heard a girl shriek. "Daddy!"
My head snapped towards the sound and my eyes fell onto a girl. A warlock— surrounded by Circle members, a few feet away from the man that we had just watched fall a few moments ago. "Daddy? Daddy, get up, please— help me!"
I swallowed hard.
Something in my stomach twisted and I felt myself swing my arm back, launching my kindjal through the air and watching the blade pierce itself into one of the members skull.
He dropped to the ground and my legs were moving— I threw myself onto the next man and dug my knife into the nape of his neck, smiling when I saw my red glistening blade on the other side through his choking.
Abruptly my head snapped up when I realized the girl was watching. Panic poured into me for a moment and I forgot for a second there was three more men I had to eliminate— even if they were on my team. "Hey kid! Close your eyes."
If they were eager to kill a child, they were no teammate of mine. They deserved no mercy.
I didn't even have time to check if the girl had closed her eyes before I was being pried off the man by another pair of greasy hands and my face twisted. I swung myself onto his shoulders and threw us both to the ground. I tightened my thighs around his neck and pulled a blade from my sleeve, launching it upwards at the man that tries to bash my head in. I watch with pleasure when the blade goes through the skin of his jaw and further into his head.
The last one raised his seraph blade and tried to stab it through me, but I quickly rolled onto my feet with one leg folded and the other outstretched because I knew I had suffocated the other man to death. I held myself up with my palms and knocked the man off his feet, grabbing a blade from my sleeve and digging it into his skull.
I felt the blood splatter onto my face and it was then I realized I had completely ruined my dress— or, well— Isabelle's.
She would kill me.
I pushed myself onto my feet and slowly grabbed my blades from each dead body and wiped the blood on their clothes. I slipped the blades back into their sheaths and looked at the girl— who had, ultimately, closed her eyes.
I had a lot coming for me for this.
My parents would be furious.
I shoved away the thought and grabbed the arm of the scared, shaking little girl. I turned her away from all the dead bodies and then crouched in front of her with my hands on her arms gently. "Hey— you can open your eyes now."
She opened her eyes to look down at me and the tears in her eyes broke over the surface and slid down her cheeks.
"You're okay now— everything's going to be fine." I quietly said to her and squeezed her arms gently. "I know I sort of look scary right now— but, you're safe with me. I promise— okay? Let's get you to Magnus."
"My dad." She started to cry and tried to look back at his dead body. I quickly stood up and grabbed the side of her head, forcing her not to.
"I know— it happens." I put my hands on her shoulders. "But, you have to be strong for him, okay? That's what you need to do for him."
The girl sobbed and attached herself to my middle, looping her arms around me. I froze for a second with my arms in the air and didn't know what to do.
Until I heard slow footsteps behind me.
I put my hand on the girls head and kept her vision covered. I slowly grabbed one kindjal from my sheath and held the grip tightly. I turned my upper body to dig my knife into the Circle member that tried to get the jump on me.
My blade dug into his abdomen right as an arrow pierced through his head. I pulled my blade out and he collapsed to the ground to reveal Alec a few paces away. My eyes narrowed at him instantly while his eyes landed on me with amusement— especially from seeing me with a child. "I had that."
"Really?" Alec slowly walked over to me and put his bow on his shoulder. "Because it looked like you were a little preoccupied and about to get yourself and that girl killed."
"You're delusional." I shoved my kindjal back into my sheath and looked down at the girl. "Hey, kid— come on, let's go find Magnus."
When the girl pulled her head back, Alec crouched slightly and reached over, gently wiping her tears with his fingers and I watched him. He smiled at her softly when she looked at him better. "I'm Alec."
She looked up at me and I softly nodded that it was okay. "He's not one of them."
"Are you two friends?" She sniffled.
Alec and I were quick to answer. "No."
"Come on, kid— we're wasting time." I quickly grabbed her hand and turned on my heel, walking away from Alec. I tried to keep my distance but his long strides kept up anyway.
"Magnus." I called out when we walked into his apartment. I was still holding hands with the girl and Alec was standing on the other side of her.
Magnus slowly walked towards us and looked down at the girl. I let go of her hand and Magnus ushered her to one of the groups of warlocks. "Go join the others, my dear— this is no place for a little girl."
The girl looked at me before she turned and rushed over to the people she knew. Isabelle, caught eye of my dress right away the girl ran off. "Zee!"
"I know." I took out the hair claw from my hair and let my messy strands fall all over. "In my defense— I was too busy killing people to think about your dress."
"This won't do." Magnus was saying and suddenly his hands were moving and a blue spark overtook me. I looked down at myself and watched as the splatter of red vanished and the dampness by my abdomen from the girls tears dry. When I could see them again, it was like I hadn't just killed five men. "Better."
My jaw dropped. "Hey-"
"You looked like a mess." Magnus put his hands up in defense and Alec walked away from us and over to Jace. "I'm just helping you out."
I ran a hand through my hair to find it not messy. "I didn't ask for it."
"I heard what you did for Zoe." Magnus said to me. "You risked your life without hesitation to save a young warlock child."
"I didn't have a choice." I placed my hands at my sides. "They were going to kill her— I mean they were creeping up on her like she was some sort of prey. They enjoy the game— it's sickening how they'd kill a child. I had to step in."
"You always have a choice." Magnus's expression was soft but his tone was sincere. "You're not like the others, Zee Morgenstern— most Shadowhunters protect Downworlders out of sense of duty, but you saved young Zoe because of what was inside your heart."
I wanted to laugh.
I wasn't even sure I had a heart.
"And you can tell that after two seconds of knowing me." I blinked, staring at him blankly. "Are you some sort of psychic or something?"
"Magnus." Clary walked over to us, her cheeks dry and her voice scratchy from crying earlier.
I rolled my eyes and leaned against the couch. "Help her."
Magnus opened his mouth to speak but I continued. "Don't be stupid. My father is impossible to run from— no matter how long it takes, he will find you. Again and again until he digs a knife through your heart. The only chance we have at defeating him is if we find the Mortal Cup before he does and her memories might be the key to that so we need to work together."
He stared at me for a few moments and then inhaled, looking at Clary. "I can summon the demon, but— you must make the demand. Now, I warn you, retrieving your memories will not be easy."
God, I was too good.
I deserved an award for how believable my performance has been since I've arrived.
"She'll do it." I pushed myself off the couch.
"All right— but, we're not safe here, the lair's location has been compromised." Magnus turned and rubbed his hands together. A blue spark escapes them. "Hold tight, everyone, we're about to move."
Magnus moved his arms and abruptly, the apartment was moving, shaking, rumbling. Magnus was sending the warlocks to a different location and keep us together and by the time it all stopped, Magnus, Isabelle, Jace, Clary, Alec and I were the only ones left in his apartment.
Magnus then walks over to Isabelle and pulls out the necklace we had given to him during the trade. "I believe in payment for services rendered— thank you for defending the warlocks."
Isabelle's eyes were hungry. "I couldn't."
"Oh, but you could— and you should." Magnus came behind her and clipped the necklace around her neck. "The Lightwoods have been wearing this for years— and besides, this would look silly on your brother."
Clary clears her throat and looks at Magnus when he steps away from Isabelle. "Okay, how do we summon the memory demon?"
"Are you certain?" Magnus questioned. "Summoning such a powerful demon could be lethal."
"I'll do anything to save my mother." Clary says, standing up more straight and confident.
I shrug. "And it'll be fun."
"Okay— get your team ready." Magnus nodded towards me, then looked at Clary, gesturing for her to follow him. "Come with me."
"Jocelyn was right, your artistry is
beyond compare." Magnus complimented a while later when the five of us walked into the empty room Magnus left Clary in and saw the pentagram she had drawn on the ground.
Clary pushed herself up to her feet and dusted off her hands. "I don't know about that."
"Everyone take your rightful place on the pentagram." Magnus gestured to the pentagram and chose a spot. "We must initiate a bond."
I grimace. "A bond?"
"Yes, a bond." Magnus urged us to find spots around the pentagram. I stood between Jace and Magnus. "Once this bond is sealed, it cannot be broken until the demon retreats— no matter what happens, we must not let go of each other's hands."
"Oh— hell no." I shook my head immediately. "I'm not holding hands with anyone."
Before I could protest further, Magnus and Jace both grabbed my hands and held them in a tight grip. My jaw dropped and I fixed a glare on the both of them, but they returned that glare with smiles of their own.
"I will lead the ceremony, and you all must do exactly as I say." Magnus instructed. "The demon's name is Valak— and at some point, he will ask for payment in exchange for Clary's memories."
"Payment?" I repeated with my eyes narrowed. "What do you mean? What kind of payment will our Greater Demon want?"
"We will see— let us begin." Magnus inhaled slowly. Then, he began reciting spells and suddenly there was wind in the air and there was a force in the center of the pentagram.
"The necklace." Isabelle called out with the wind ripping through her hair. "It's pulsating."
Then, the black fog slammed in the center of the pentagram and the wind grew much stronger. Magnus tightened his grip on my hand and raised his voice. "Valak is among us— do not break the bond!"
"Hold on!" Jace was shouting to Clary.
Clary gasped. "I'm trying!"
"It is time, the demon demands payment." Magnus suddenly said, catching our attention.
Alec questions without missing a single beat. "What does it want?"
"We must each relinquish a beloved memory of the one we love the most." Magnus' words made the blood coursing through my veins run cold.
This could compromise the mission.
Isabelle was first. A memory bloomed from her and displayed in the black fog— one of Alec.
Clary was next, a memory of Jocelyn Fairchild, awake and happy hovering in the fog.
Then, was Jace.
And my entire body stiffened.
The memory was of me— it was recent. From earlier, when he walked into Isabelle's room. I wasn't smiling and my face was blank, but the memory was there.
Displayed in front of everyone.
"No." Jace's voice was a whisper and he was shaking his head. "It's not true."
My head snapped towards him and suddenly our hands were slipping. I think Magnus was shouting and Clary was shrieking but instantaneously we were all thrown apart from Valak. The demon was larger now that it wasn't contained and Magnus was trying to contain it.
Alec was charging towards the demon but Jace was shoving him away, getting swept up by the demon himself. Isabelle was on her feet and grabbing him by the arm. "Jace!"
What an idiot.
"Grab him!" Alec grabbed his other arm and pulled as hard as he could but the demon was putting up a good fight. "He's slipping!"
Isabelle slipped in her heels. "Zee, help us!"
Idiot, idiot, idiot.
I got up to my feet and activated my strength rune. I grabbed Isabelle's whip from her and took a few steps back, slashing it a few times for good measure before whipping it towards Jace and watching it wrap around his torso. With one hard tug, Jace flew forwards and onto the ground.
I notice then that Clary had her dagger out and Magnus was shouting at her. "Clary, if you kill the demon, your memories will be lost forever!"
But she dug the blade into the demon and it disintegrated before it could grab another one of us. Her attention turned to us, while I was pulling the whip from around an unconscious Jace. She joined Alec and Isabelle on her knees on the ground. "Jace— oh my god. Is he gonna be all right?"
"I don't know." Magnus fixed a button on his sleeve. "Does he normally just lay like that without moving?"
I snickered.
"Get up, Jace." Alec brought Jace onto his back and was shaking his parabatai barely and desperately. "Jace— come on, get up."
Useless moron.
I lifted my foot and brought it down on Jace's abdomen— Jace gasped and flew up sitting, his eyes wide and trying to catch his breath. His hand flew to where I stomped on him. "Ow!"
"Oh, thank the Angel-" Isabelle let out a sigh of relief when he sat up and Magnus snorts at how I stomped on him.
"I'm all right— I'm all right." Jace breathed heavily. "I'm just getting my second wind."
His eyes caught mine.
I stared at him blankly for a moment.
Then left the room.
I didn't have the time to care about this.
authors note:
wow i did not think this chapter was going to reach like eight thousand works but here we are
lots to unfold here folks, hERE WE GO:
zee annoying alec by calling him a huntsman in different languages >>>
zee and alec going back and forth with each other because that is absolutely exquisite >>>
zee telling alec he has no idea how foul her mouth can be SKSKSKSKD >>> who knows what i might write at this point, this is getting out of hand
zee casually killing five circle members to save a warlock kid >>>
zee and magnus >>>
zee and izzy >>>
zee and jace >>> him having a memory of her for the memory demon— what does that mean wow
zee having bruises from the torture her mother puts her through :/// cancel margaret morgenstern
but, thank you so much for 1k !!!
vote and comment loadsss
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