Radhe Krishna
Jan 3 2023
After completing meeting Sanskar came out and directly moved towards elevator to go to his cabin which was on 20 th floor. He directly went to his cabin by saying his PA not disturb him untill he would call.
Sara was sitting by looking everywhere as she didn't getting know what to do and ask anyone. At the same time Ragini came there like ger daily routine to check everything.
Ragini saw her looking around with nervous and worried eyes.
"Hi Sara" Ragini said while getting attention of Sara. Sara stood up by seeing her suddenly infront of her.
"Hello mam. woh sorry, I don't know anyone here and not getting where to start so looking for help" she said with low voice while fumbling by bending her head. Ragini smiled by listening her.
"It's ok no problem, I am here why are you taking tension"Ragini said softly with small smile.
"It's ok Mam, I will ask someone" Sara said while lifting her head slowly.
"It's our duty to teach you properly how to do and what to do so you don't need to feel hesitate or nervous and second thing, I might be your superior here but we can become friends right?"Ragini asked while forwarding her hand.
Sara looked at her surprisingly yet amusingly as someone like her wants to be friends with her. Sara looked at her face who was smiling at her then at her hands. She slowly lifted her hand to give. Ragini saw her hand which was trembling little so she held her hand in her hands making Sara smile.
"So now onwards you are my friend. You can ask any help which you need in office as well as outside also. I feel happy to help you" Ragini said with bright smile. Sara nodded her head with little smile by feeling good for getting someone here.
"So now tell me, what help you need" Ragini said while coming infront her system.
"I need to know about what type of interior designs I have to prepare?" Sara asked her yet in low voice.
"That's only your problem, don't worry I will send designs and you just need to make some changes according to the details and give final touch up" She said while making Sara comfortable. Later she explained about some other works related to designs and left to her cabin.
Sara looked at her retreating figure.
"She is so nice" she smiled herself thinking about her then she involved in her work.
Ragini entered Karan's cabin after knocking.
"Bhai" Ragini called him while entering his cabin.
"Yes Ragini" Karan replied removing his head from laptop ...
"Bhai did you hear what was all saying that Boss postponed all meetings yesterday and today also he let Atul to present presentation which he never did before" Ragini said while sitting infront of him.
"Yes I also heard it, something is wrong with him" he said while thinking.
"Then why didn't you ask him" Ragini said while staring at him.
"Do you think he will share with me which he never did?" He said with raising eyebrow in questioning.
"But at least, you can try right?" she said with frown.
"Being his childhood friend, I still didn't understand him why he became like this? Then sharing his problems is far away" he said while getting up from his chair with suffering breath
"Shall I ask Lucky? he might be known" Ragini asked him in thoughtful tone.
Karan raised his eyebrow while looking at her. Ragini gave him what look and Karan nodded his head in no.
"Ok bye bhai" saying this she ran out from his cabin before he started his teasing.
Karan laughed out by seeing her, he knew that they love each other from childhood as they all grown up together because both parents are families friends so they obviously known about them very well.
Sanskar was sitting with closed eyes while resting his head on back of chair, after sometime he opened his eyes after calming his heart beat.
"What happened to me today also? I stopped in middle and my heart started beat fast like someone is coming near me. Arhhh! I don't know I am going mad by thinking about it. First I need to consult doctor otherwise I will become mad definitely" he was talking himself in frustration.
Maheswari Industries
Laksha was working in his cabin, his mobile started to ring which broke his attention. He saw caller ID as it was from Ragini and he smiled and received.
"Hello Ragu"
"Hello Lucky" Ragini replied from opposite side.
"What! a pleasant surprise, you called me in that too office hour" he said teasingly.
"Very funny" she said making faces.
"Ok sorry, tell me" Laksha said with chuckle.
"Woh...by any chance do you know what happened to Sanskar Bhai?" Ragini asked bit hesitantly because she knew Laksha doesn't like to talk to anyone about Sanskar.
"Raginiiiii" he said in bit frown.
"Lucky don't, please I know but it's important. You know from two days he is not attending any meeting properly so asked" Ragini said while letting out suffering breath.
"What?" That only one word came out from Laksha's mouth.
"Arhhh! Laksh you will make me deaf by one day while you keep shouting like this" Ragini said with little angry from that side.
Laksha composed himself from his shock "Ragini, are you saying truth?" He asked in disbelief to confirm as he was not sure about his Bhai because he never ignored his work in any tough situation also.
"Why should I tell you lie? I am also concerned about Bhai" she said making faces by hearing him.
"Ok sorry. Even I didn't have any idea about this, till you told me but yesterday he came early home which he never did before" he said while wondering what might had happened to his brother that his change of behaviour.
"Ok I will try to know about him. Thank you for telling me" he said in gratitude.
"Mention not, he is like brother to me" she said with a light smile.
"Ok bye, see you soon" Laksha said while hanging up the call.
"Bye taje care" Ragini cut the call.
"At any cost I will ask Bhai if he say or not. I will find out about his weird behaviour" Laksha thought himself in his mind and resumed his work.
Karma Industries
It's afternoon all went to have lunch at canteen. Sara was sitting in her working place alone. She was going to open her lunch box, at the same time Ragini came to her as she was passing through corridor and saw her sitting alone.
"Sara what are you doing?" Ragini asked while coming from back. Sara startled bit by listening sudden voice.
"Calm down, its me only" Ragini said while sitting beside her by seeing her scared face.
Sara let out relief sign by seeing Ragini and gave a small smile to her.
"Don't you want to have lunch?" Ragini asked raising her one eyebrow at Sara by seeing her sitting alone.
"Woh... I brought lunch box but I don't know anyone so thought to have here only" she said in her meeky voice.
Ragini was wondering about how can someone be this much innocent?.
"No problem, I am here right then why didn't you call me?"she asked while taking her lunch box.
"I don't know your cabin" she said while lowering her eyes with feeble tone.
Ragini looked at her lifting her head who was taking her lunch box.
"Ok come, we will have our lunch in my cabin, by this you will come to know where is my cabin" saying this she wrapped her lunch and pulled Sara with her towards her cabin.
"Mam, it's ok" Sara tried to protest.
"Not mam, call me Ragini" she said while turning towards her on which Sara smiled and nodded her head in agreement. Both went towards Ragini's cabin.
Sara entered Ragini's cabin with her and she looked her cabin, it's so big cabin. Ragini made her sit on couch which was placed in room and she also sat beside her and started to open her lunch box. Sara was just staring her lunch box should she open or not because seeing Ragini's lunch box with many items whose smell was hitting her nostrils which making her stomach growling. Ragini looked at her who was holding her lunch box. Ragini just snatched her lunch box and started to open it.
"Hmm Ragini.....woh" she was not getting what to say
Ragini opened her lunch box and gasped by seeing her lunch box. Sara turned her face feeling embarrassed.
Ragini looked at her who was looking down.
"Sara, just half Chapati and half box rice?" Ragini asked her in disbelief.
Sara kept silent and Ragini looked at her. Ragini made her look at her by turning Sara's face by her hand. Sara looked at her while her eyes filled with tears but she was trying to control her tears not to let fall down.
Ragini saw her tears which was threatening to fall. Ragini quickly kept lunch box on table and cupped her face.
"Hey! why are you crying? I didn't say anything right? Then why these tears?" She asked softly.
"It's not like that we will get only two times food so at morning I ate half and another half I kept it for lunch" she said while lowering her eyes.
Ragini heart ached by listening her and felt bad for them. She composed herself by seeing Sara's face.
"So what happen? I brought very much right so we can share" Ragini said trying to make her cheer up.
Swara quickly said "No".
Ragini raised her eyebrow in confusion.
"No, you brought it for you. I have this one as I am used to it daily" she said while talking her lunch box.
"No, now onwards you are going to have lunch with me" she said while snatching her box again and kept it aside.
"Ragini... " Sara pleaded through her eyes.
"No means no. I am not going to listen you. Ok tell me don't you consider me as your friend?" Ragini asked with straight face.
"No, I consider you as my friend" she said with low voice.
"Then?" Ragini asked while looking at her face only. Sara kept quite not knowing what to say for her.
"Friends always share their things so I am sharing mine lunch only not anything so that's it. You know why I asked your friendships?" Ragini asked while staring at her.
Sara looked at her by lifting her head because she also wanted to know her because no one was wanted to be her friend with her till now except her orphanage. Sara nodded her head in yes.
Ragini smiled seeing her face "Because you are the most innocent and purest heart. By seeing you first time, I felt some connection with you so wanted to make you friend of mine. You are thousand times better than who will come here to show off " Ragini said while caressing her one cheek.
"You can think me as your elder sister because I don't have younger sister also" She said while smilingly.
Sara's eyes filled with tears again and started to fall seeing her care and affection towards her. No one showed her this much care and affection towards her except Riya.
Ragini got panic by seeing her tears.
"Hey I am sorry. If I said wrong" she said in apology tone.
Sara just hugged her not able to control herself and started to cry. Ragini got shocked by seeing sudden action of her then she also hugged her back and rubbed her back to calm her. After sometime Ragini broke the hug feeling her cry subsiding.
"Hey, why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" She asked being worried.
Sara nodded no "No you didn't say anything wrong. It's just that no one showed me this much care and affection except Riya so got emotinal " Sara said while wiping her tears with her back of hand.
"Don't worry, now I am here to care for you" she said while wiping her tears from her eyes.
"Chalo, now stop this crying session. I am very hungry" she took one morsel in her hand "chalo open you mouth" Ragini said while bringing food morsel near her mouth.
Sara stared at her for second and opened her mouth. Ragini put morsel in her mouth and smiled at her.
Both finished lunch together. Ragini was packing lunch box after finishing lunch.
"Thank you Ragini" Sara said while smiling at her on which Ragini smiled back at her "No need to say thank you and sorry in friendship".
Sara got amused by listening her "Is it rules of friendship?" She asked with surprise.
"Yes it's rule of friendship. One of my brother told me when we were in small" Ragini said while remembering their childhood.
"How many brothers you have?" She asked Ragini out of curiosity as she didn't know why she was asking her?
"I have only one brother" Ragini said while talking water bottle.
"But you said one of my brother?" She asked being in confusion.
Ragini laughed out "another one? he is not my own brother but we grown up together so he is like my brother to me. Do you know who is my brother?" Ragini asked her on which Sara nodded her head in no.
"When you came to interview who was......" She was stopped by door opening sound. Both turned towards door and found to be Karan who was standing while looking at Ragini in confusion.
"See, he is only my brother" Ragini said with smile while getting up from her seat.
Sara was just looking at them like alien as she never thought like this. Karan came inside while staring Ragini and Sara with confusion.
"Bhai, meet my my new friend Sara" Ragini said with bright smile while standing beside Sara.
Karan got surprised by listening her because as he knew his sister doesn't make anyone friends so easily so he was wondering what made her to accept her as her friend and felt something special was in that girl who melted her sister's heart in one meet only.
"Hi, I am Karan" he said while giving warm smile to Sara.
"Sara" Sara smiled at him back with weak smile because she was not used to talk with unknown person especially boys.
"You can ask me any help in this office if you don't understand or something you need" he said softly with smiling face. Sara nodded her head in agreement with soft smile.
"Ok Ragini, I came here to inform you that Boss wants that SR Hospital project interior design sketches by tomorrow morning" he said with seriousness in his voice while looking at Ragini.
"Ok bhai, it will be ready by tomorrow" she told him with confident tone.
"Ok bye, lunch time is over. If boss see us then he will fire us definitely" he literally ran out from her cabin.
"Ok chalo Sara. Did you finish the alteration that interior design which I sent you at morning?" Ragini asked while moving towards her table.
"It's almost completed. Just need last touch up" she said while coming towards her.
"Ok, I will send you one file and go through that file. According that deatils you have to arrange it in file" she said while hand overing one file. "Haa, it should be finished by tomorrow. If we didn't make it ready then he won't tolerate it as I already delayed by two days so if you need any help then ask me" she said with smile. Sara nodded her head in yes with small smile.
Sara started to go while taking her lunch box but stopped in middle and turned.
"Ragini" Sara called her while turning towards her.
"Yes Sara" Ragini looked at her by lifting her head.
"Hmm, Who is our boss?" It came out like whisper but Ragini heard it.
"Don't get scare by him. He is not like what you heard about him but he is strict in work and needs all perfect that's it" Ragini said while shrugging her shoulders.
"But no one knows about him except his name. I just heard only SM so asked that you might be known" she asked while looking at her with low voice.
"Yes, he didn't shown up to outer world so no one knows about him except this office employees. Everyone known him by name SM only, his full name is Sanskar Maheswari" Ragini said while chuckling.
"Sanskar" Sara barely whispered his name.....
To be continued ....
I know you are upset not getting Swasan face off but you have to wait little for that... I can't help it in that because I have some other plan before their face off ... I hope you won't mind to wait till then...
Love ♥️
Prakruti ❤️
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