How to Speak Fantasilian
Akaron (ahk-ahr-ohn)- a City in Avalora; mainly a mining city
Arbotro (arb-ot-ro) or Arbotro Fentimanis (arb-oht-oh fent-eem-ahn-ees) - a thing of legend; said to be a powerful tree that controls the life of the island; found in Parkane
Arcole (ahrk-ohl-eh)- a City in Narfalk; the Royal family's territory
Asopus (ahs-ohp-oos)- a city in Carleon connecting to the forests in the Disfavoreds
Avalora (ahv-ahl-ohr-ah) - a territory of the Earth Sprites located northeast of Lanteglos and north of Dwanzeig
Avraja (ahv-rah-hah)- Ancient term meaning "Gods be with you"; a blessing uttered before one leaves
Calaris (kal-ahr-ees) - the mythical realm of the gods
Cardina (kahrd-een-ah)- a territory in the west of Umazure populated by Humans; the only Human territory
Cardovia (kard-ohv-yah)- an organization of magicians rivaling Synketros; led by the Heiress
Carleon (kar-leh-yon)- a Banshee territory, north of Cardina and west of Helinfirth
Crescin (krehs-een) - the sixth month in the Umazuran calendar
Dagrine (dahg-reen) - a horse-like animal with shorter necks and typically longer legs; a native species of Cardina
Desara (dehs-ahr-ah)- the Water Sprite territory below Falklirta, southeast of Avalora, and northeast of Dwanzeig
Dwarf- a race in Fantasilia
Dwarven metal - a type of metal that inflicts wounds that couldn't be healed magically because of its properties belonging to another continent
Fairy - a race in Fantasilia
Flower-child - a baby fairy
Fresda (frehs-dah) - a root crop native to Cardina characterized for its hard structure and long shelf-life
Graspel (grahsp-ehl) - a species of giant, flesh-eating sheep native to Carleon
Gulstead (guhls-tehd) - a city in Carleon where fugitives hide out; a mysterious city specializing in Soul Readings and Soul Cleansing
Half-blood- a term for the offspring of a Human and a Fairy or two fairies from different subraces
Helinfirth (hel-een-ferth) - a territory in Umazure that is northwest of Lanteglos, east of Carleon, south of Alkara, and west of Lanbridhr; territory of the shard fairies
Human - a sub-race in Umazure known for their locked synnavaimis and usage of the Escuira Listris
Ice Sprites- an extinct sub-race of the sprites; can control ice at will
Iphik (eef-eek) - an insect native to Carleon, Narfalk, and Alkara; known for their noisy wings that are irritating
Jatoma (jaht-ohm-ah) - Cardina's old name which, in Ancient Keijula, means "blessed"
Jehnasson (jehn-ahs-ohn) - a City in Avalora
Keiju (kehyj)- Ancient term meaning "fairy"
Keijula (-la)- meaning "Fairy Language"; the language spoken by Fairies (duh)
Komery (kohm-ehr-ee) - a city in Dwanzeig
Lanbridhr (lan-breed-eer) - a territory of the Fire Sprites; east of Alkara and north of Avalora
Lanteglos (lant-ehg-lohs)- Umazure's capital where the High Queen and the Imperial Fairies reside; the only neutral territory
Lazoli (lahz-ohl-ee) - the goddess of weaving, oaths, and varichriais; worshipped only in the Narfalkan mythology
Margest (marj-ehst) - a type of ore mined in Carleon; known for its brittle structure
Mirasatra (meer-ahs-aht-rah)- a type of luxury wine in Carleon; high alcohol content
Narfalk (narf-ahlk)- the territory of the Varichriais; located at the south of Cardina and on the west of Peltra
Oaksham - a City in Narfalk; the Industry City where the working class resides
Orayta (ohr-AIt-ah)- a City in Desara; the fishing city
Pidmena (peed-mehn-ah)- the goddess of Death and the Land of Wonders
Rabante (rahb-ahnt-eh) - a City in Helinfirth where the common shard fairies work and live
Rimmon (reem-ohn) - a tree species in Narfalk; famous for its insecticide properties
Rosado (rohs-ahd-oh) - a wine delicacy in Narfalk; really heavy alcohol content
Rudik (rood-eek)- An Umazuran folklore figure that is immortalized in legends for his stupidity; his name later became a basis for expressions
Sylrite (seel-reet) - a type of soft ore mined in Carleon
Synnavaim (seen-ahv-ah-eem; pl. synnavaimis)- the innate ability of a person; consists of the specialty of the race; most often coined as Maxia of Fairies
Trail- a part of the soul in which details everything done with magic; the imprint left by a person
Trailcloaker- a weaving designed to cloak the trail
Trailwhisperer - Umazure's version of a phone; it lets a fairy record messages and transmits it across distances through trails
Umazure (oom-ahz-oor)- an island in the southwest of Fantasilia; inhabited by Fairies, Humans, and a couple of Fallen Races
Varichria (var-eek-ree-yah)- a fairy sub-race whose innate ability is magic weaving and its species have butterfly wings; natives to Narfalk; Ancient term meaning "many colors"
Versallis (vers-ahl-ees)- the Fantasilian currency and is used in trades and other commerce; is divided into shapes (dryde, sigra, selme), color (nosa, fol, kalta), and size (small, mid-sized, and big)
Witch- an Umazuran insult; literally meaning "crone" or "hag"; other variations include: Warlock, Wizard, Mage and the likes
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