Locker Buddy and Pitch Returns
Ooh scary stuff coming down now lol! I have Tip here for you DJwolflover16 !
Hiro's POV
Well I heard about Wilbur and Violet's "date" today when we were waiting for the doors to open and it seemed pretty interesting. A scary movie and a magic carpet ride..sounds pretty sick.
I was pretty jealous when I heard from Wilbur when the girls left that Violet had kissed him on the cheek. I didn't believe it, "You're joking." Wilbur shook his head, "Nope. Right here." He pointed at the spot thinking it would sway me. I still wasn't convinced, "Dude, you can't prove that you-." He shrugged and started to open his locker, "I know. You don't have to believe me. I have the satisfaction of the actual event and I'll be able to remember it in the future." It was silent for a moment as we both processed what came out of Wibur's mouth. Wilbur groaned and slammed his locker shut, "Dang it English!" I just laughed. I realized it was about 10 minutes till class, "Well see you bro. Gotta head to my locker." Wilbur waved and started to walk in the opposite direction, "See ya!" Then we headed our separate ways.
I turned to my hall to my locker. I faced it feeling like I accomplished opening it after 2 days of having it. I bumped in the the center of my locker with my hand and it swung open. I was starting to get stuff out of my locker when I heard a voice of a girl behind me, "Hey Hiro!"
It was Tip. I smiled. I've become good friends with her since she helped me open the metal beast. Wilbur is convinced she has a crush on me. I doubt it. I mean, she seemed like the kind of person who would be kind to everyone. Tip just thinks of me as a friend, and I bet she'd help me with my Penny problem. Maybe I should tell her about my crush on Penny and see if she could give any advice.
Tip's POV
I saw Hiro at his locker and my heart started beating fast. I beamed. Hiro looked really cute today! Haha..yeh. I may have a teeny weeny crush on Hiro. Even though I've only met him 2 days ago, he caught my eye when I first laid my eyes on him. I skipped over and said, "Hey Hiro!" He turned to me with a smile and greeted, "Hey Tip." I went to my locker which was right next to him. I opened it and looked over at him and he was getting his stuff in his book bag, "You getting the hang of your locker?" He nodded, "Yep I'm getting pretty good at it."
"Cool." What really did distract me was how excited and happy Hiro seemed. Sure he was always in a good mood around me but more so. I smirked, "Why are you so perky?"
Hiro looked down with a little grin and started, "Can I ask you something?" I clinged to his arm, "Anything." He didn't seem to mind it but I pulled away. He continued, "Well, I like this girl..and I'm not really sure if she likes me back." I grinned inside hoping he was talking about me. Although it's pretty early in the year to ask or even get to know the person. I leaned against the locker, "Who is it?" Hiro looked as if he were going to hesitate but didn't, "I think you may know her. Penny, Penny Forester. I've liked her since I met her in 7th grade and I wanna see if she liked me."
My heart sank when I heard him say Penny. I thought he'd like me too, but more the way I did. I forced a smile, "Y-Yeh, I know her. She's in my gym class. Maybe I could talk to her for you." Hiro brightened, "You will?" I nodded too hurt to say anything. Hiro felt his hair, "Oh man, you're awesome!" He gave me a high five. He shut his locker and turned to me, "I gotta get to class. I'll see you later?" I nodded again and he walked off.
I stared off at him till there was nothing left to look at. I decided I head to my class as well. I don't know why it bothered me so much but it did. It got me..ANGRY. I suddenly felt a form of fear but mostly anger take over me. I recognized this before. Something I've felt once in my nightmares. It crept into me and I started going hazy. I held my head and groaned. What was happening to me? I-I didn't feel like myself. Something was taking control. Argh! No one was around anymore so I had no one to support me. I don't know what to do till everything went dark.
Ah..much better. Now, to create another child's nightmare.
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