Lies and Heartache
Bare with me cause I have no idea how Pitch acts and stuff SOOO lol here we go it's a bit sad a stuff so be ready
Tip's(Pitch's) POV
Hello there. We met at the end of last chapter. If you don't know me, I'm the king of darkness. The one who creates all of your terrifying nightmares. Now you remember. You may be wondering why I'm here. You thought Jack Frost and his imaginary friends defeated me? I guess you were wrong..ugh. Childish brat. I almost wanted to get out of this girls head and destroy him when I saw him in the hall. AUGH. Anyway..back to the plan.
Let's see, it's after lunch and it seems this girl had gym next. So I tried to locate the gym locker room looking for Penny Forester. You may be wondering why I'm going after a average girl like her. Well I have a plan to start at something small and then leap into something bigger when no one is looking. You want to know what that is? You'll just have to find that out yourself.
Anyway, I went through the pathetic drills. I had spotted my victim but I kept my distance. I had to wait for the right moment. I noticed the girl was getting angry when she saw Penny, I was amused by it. Then the class was over and everyone went to get their bags in the locker rooms and go to next class, however; I stayed to have a little chat with Ms. Forester...
Penny's POV
Well after a hard workout in gym today, I was glad to be done and in the locker room. I was about to leave with Violet but Tip grabbed me by the arm firmly, "Penny, I need to talk to you." She seemed a bit on edge but I shrugged it off. I turned to Violet, "Tell Ms. Parker that I'm going to be a little late." She nodded and headed out.
I turned back to Tip with a smile. She seemed like a sweet girl from what I've heard from Hiro. I wish I had gotten to know her before. I gave a little wave, "Hey, Tip, is it? I've seen you in my Math class and-." Tip put her hand up at me, "I've heard enough." I stopped feeling a little insulted but I tried to be positive, "Yeh, it's not important. So, what did you wanna talk about?" She smirked, "You like Hiro Hamada, don't you?"
I blushed at the thought of him, "W-Well..were really good friends." Tip questioned, "You are, are you? Hmm, it seems as though Mr. Hamada doesn't feel the same way.."
I blinked. WHAT? I giggle nervously, "I don't see your point of view.." Tip strolled around and touched the lockers with her fingertips, "I've talked to the poor boy and he sulks about you being on his tail, following him around everywhere. It makes him should I say, in-prisoned." I just stare at her in disbelief as she continued to drown me, "He never loved you, nor even as a friend for that matter. Your just a piece of trash to him." My jaw hanged a little as she said that. That's how Hiro thinks of me? As a piece of trash? I thought I was his friend..
Tip walked up to my face with a satisfactory gleam in her eye. To think I ever thought she'd be sweet. She soon continued, "Poor Penny," she grabbed my chin, "You're worst nightmares are coming true. It's just like the nightmares you've had about your father, how he had left you and your mother behind when you were young." My mouth shriveled. The tears were forcing they're way out, but I kept them in, "How do you know about that..?" She grinned, "A little raven told me.."
I just stared at her. I didn't know what else to say. Thoughts of my dad were returning, and it ached my heart. And the thought of Hiro doing the same, it ripped right through me. Tears went down my cheeks and Tip made a fake pouty face, "Oh..don't cry Penny. You have to stay positive, like you always are." She bopped my nose, "Or..not." Then she headed out the door.
I just slumped into the corner of the locker room and cried. I wept and wept till I couldn't anymore. Why did she have to do this to me? Why did HIRO do this to me? I thought he was my friend and fooled me this whole time that he excepted me. Was it because I was famous? Did he think I was better than him? Too clingy? Too HAPPY? I wasn't so sure but I knew I wasn't going to Language Arts. I quickly sent a text to Violet and told her I didn't feel well and I wouldn't show and also to tell Wilbur I was sorry I wasn't going to practice our parts with him. I didn't mention anything to her about the innocent with Tip.
I then went to the nurses office and stayed there for the whole class period. I tried to convince the nurse that I had a stomachache, but I knew she didn't believe me. Although, she did let me stay, she probably figured I was trying to avoid something, or someone in my situation. I was NOT going to see Hiro. I don't really wanna talk to him for the most part.
Soon school was over and I headed to my locker, which were right next to the cafeteria, in a fast speed walk but also avoiding the mob of kids and waited when they would all clear out. It seemed all clear, but as I turned the corner, I saw my friends standing in the hall talking happily, probably waiting for me. I thought of just turning around and sprinting out the door, but I needed something in my locker for tonight at study hall so I can start college assignments..
I went towards my locker trying to be as quiet as possible, then Hiro turns and sees me. His eyes sparkled when they hit mine, I turned away and opened my locker. Of course, he walks up to me as I grab some of my books and put some back.
He just smiles and I wonder if it was even genuine, "Hey Penny! I was wondering why you didn't show up in class. Why were you not there?" Maybe it was because of you, Hiro. I don't answer as I zipped up my book bag. Hiro looked a little confused as I shut my locker, "Penny? Is..something wro-?" I snapped, "Will you just leave me alone?!" Hiro's eyes went big when I screamed at him. I've never raised my voice ever to my friends, not even my mom. I looked over at Violet and Wilbur who were staring shocked at me. I looked back at Hiro and the hurt look on his face shook me to the verge of tears again. He probably didn't care. I just frowned, "I don't want to see your face ever again, Hiro Hamada. Don't come one step closer cause I'll pretend you don't even exist." I mumbled tearfully enough that he could hear, "I thought you were my friend." I hardened and and turned away with my arms crossed and walked down the hall. I heard Hiro calling out behind me. I tried to block them out but it swarmed in my head and I turned the corner. Why was I so gullible? I let another one in to break my heart. So gullible and foolish..a loser.
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