Events and Disasters Part 1
Hiro's POV
I felt awful that afternoon. I laid on my bed and just stared at the ceiling. What Penny said to she acted, it wasn't like her at all. She said "I thought you were my friend" but I am her friend! I don't understand.
Then my brother comes into the room and throws a pillow at me, "Get up sleepy head." I groan and put my hands over my face. After all this, I don't wanna get up and go to the school. It's a night class tonight talking all about college...I would be in it if I didn't have to go to high school. Everyone was going and I don't wanna see anyone.
I tried to convince to Aunt Cass that I didn't feel well, but she said I was fine and I was just nervous. I groan again getting my jacket and shoes. I guess I'm going.
When we were all set, my brother and I headed out the door. I thought we would take his motorcycle, but he just went on down the sidewalk. I whined, "Dude, can't we take your motorcycle?" Tadashi turned around to me walking backwards, "Oh come on big baby, it's nice out. We could use the exercise." I stopped and flung my hands up, "We walk to school everyday!"
I decided not to fight with him and just looked towards the ground with my hands in my pockets. I thought of Penny. I remember the first time I met her. There was a ton of people expecting her to show up at the middle school that morning. I had no clue who she was. She came in through the doors and a crowd went around her. She fell in front of me as she was trying to get out of the mob. I didn't know what to say when she was laying there. I asked her if she needed help. She looked up at me. She had the most beautiful sets of eyes, her freckles, her short haircut. She was-is really pretty. I reach out my hand and she grabbed it. The touch of her skin sent a rush through my body. I blush to myself as I looked at her and then we became friends. But now...she doesn't want to be anywhere near me and I have no idea why.
I sighed pitifully at myself. I had something amazing and it's now gone. What a loser I am. I closed my eyes and I put my hood up. I suddenly realized that Tadashi was staring at me just then. He looked concerned, "What's going on?" I shook my head, "I don't wanna talk about it.." Tadashi put his hand on my shoulder, "Hiro, if you tell me maybe I can help." I look up at him and pull off my hood. I guess I should tell him.
Penny's POV
I sat at a desk in the upper floor in the library of the school and Violet sat next to me. I've been quiet the whole time trying to focus on my work and not...him. HE KEEPS COMING BACK IN WHEN I TELL HIM TO LEAVE. I may need to build a wall. I groan and just sink my face into my arms on the desk. Hiro is a piece food. Ugh I can't even think of insulting come backs!
Violet's POV
When I tried talking to Penny earlier about her yelling at Hiro, she didn't tell me anything. This time, I wasn't going to let her get away. I stand up, "I've had enough, Penny!" She stared up at me wide eyed but I continued, "Tell me why you were so mean to Hiro today! You said terribly awful things to him and it's not okay!" Penny grabbed her pencil and looked at the sheet on her desk, "Can we just focus on the assignment?" I tried to press her, "Penny, I-" She cut me off reading her college sheet, "Private rooming. Ooh that be great to get my own room with my own food, bed and no one can annoy me." I turned her chair toward me and stare at her in the eyes, "Stop it Penny! We have to settle this if you like it or not." She was getting irritated as I interrogated her, "Why do you even care? You aren't even apart of this!" I fling my arms up, "Because you're both my best friends! Friends aren't supposed to fight. You never yelled at one of us before especially your 'crush'. I want to settle it before it gets worse."
Suddenly, Penny just starts crying. Not crying but balling! She starts telling me the whole thing with Tip and how she said Hiro hated her. The whole thing sounded so ridiculous! I growl, "That is so unlike Tip. She was such a jerk to you. And second, Hiro doesn't feel that way at all he-," I realized it was Hiro's secret to tell, "he really likes you! Your one of his friends. Tip was probably jealous because you too are cute together. She just wants to rattle you." Penny wiped her eyes, "Y-You really think so? Hiro still thinks I'm his friend?" I nod, "Yes. I know so." Penny stands up and surprises me and gives me a hug, "Thanks Violet." I smile and hug her back, "Your welcome."
I breath in and I smell something that makes me cough. And then Penny coughs too. She says worriedly, "I smell something burning.." I look around and I don't see anything on fire. I go over to the wall and touch it. "Ouch!" I pull my hand away. It was extremely hot! I cough again and look up. There was smoke floating up by the ceiling. I hear a crack. That didn't sound good. Not only is the ceiling breaking but the school was on fire!
Tadashi's POV
I listened to Hiro talk about his problem with Penny. He was really upset about this which was getting me a bit angry for my little brother. "And I have no idea why she's so upset with me! I'm so confused. Is it me?" I shook my head, "No. You have no control over what Penny is feeling right now. Maybe someone hurt her today and was taking it out on you. Don't worry, she doesn't really mean it." Hiro cracked a smile, "You really think so?" I just rubbed his head, "I know so." Hiro smiled bigger then got serious, "Thanks know, always being there for me."
I smile at him and then suddenly a siren started going off. It was coming from the school! I glance at Hiro and then race towards the school. I turn the corner and see a horrible sight. The school was on fire. It was exactly like my nightmare! It came true! I run up closer and breath heavily. I heard screams. We were about five minutes late so a ton of students were in there. I start to head to the door to help but a hand grasped my arm. I look over and see its Hiro. He had fear in his eyes, "Tadashi NO!" This couldn't be happening! I look at the school and at my brother. I say as if quote my last words, "Innocent lives are in there. Someone has to help." I rip my arm out of Hiro's hand and run into the school. There was fire everywhere. I tried to look for students but my sight was getting hazy. Then I hear a low evil laughter. I've never heard it in my dream. Who was it? Then a piece of the ceiling fell on top of me. I yelled out in pain and I started to fall unconscious. Before I did I hear the voice of Hiro out side the building calling my name. I close my eyes unable to move. Was this my fate?
Hiro's POV
"TADASHI! TADASHI!" I stood up and tried to look inside the school. There was too much fire. I grabbed his hat off the ground and continued to scream his name hoping he'd hear me. Then I decided to go in and look for him. I started to run until someone pulled on my arm. I looked to see it was Wilbur. He must have been late too. I yell at him, "Let me go!" I try to pull away from him but he had me a hard grip. I look at the school and watched it burn. My heart sank at the idea that Tadashi is gone. I gave up fighting and dropped to my knees. I look down and Tadashi's cap and tears fell on it. My brother is gone. My only brother.
Wilbur's POV
I was late to the school as I flew in my dad's time machine. I didn't use it as a time machine just transportation. I landed and I noticed there was smoking rising into the air. The school was on fire! I ran over and saw Hiro yelling at the building and suddenly running to it. Shocked, I go towards him and grab his arm. He was struggling, yelling me to let go and I had no idea why. Then after ten seconds, he fell to his knees and started crying.
I felt bad for him worried about the school but I didn't quite know why. I put my hand on his back, "Dude, what happened?" He looked up at me just slightly for me to see the tears smeared across his face, "T-Tadashi...ran in there a-and hasn't came out." He started crying again. I kneeled beside him. It hurt me seeing him like this. I just patted his back, "Everything will be ok..Tadashi's a strong man."
Then I saw all the populars. They were actually going to try to help. Elsa and Jack Frost start freezing the fire so it would stop burning the building. Anna and Rapunzel were locating hurt students and healing them. And Hiccup and Merida were trying to find people on the tip floor and move big chunks of debris. It was was pretty cool to see them help since we thought they were so terrible. I look over at Hiro again. He was trying his best to calm himself but losing his parents and Tadashi being his only brother, it's gotta be hard. I just try to help him the best I can. I hope the girls are okay..
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