Back To School
Hiro's POV
Hiro Hamada check his watch again. Come on! It's been 5 minutes and his friends haven't shown up yet. He hasn't seen them since their Thanksgiving party the weekend.
He stomped his foot impatiently. He couldn't be anymore patient. He felt very awkward standing by himself outside the school.
Then he saw Wilbur Robinson, his best friend. He smiled. FINALLY! Wilbur ran up to him and they both did their not-so-secret handshake. Was it just him, or was Wilbur more antsy than usual.
Hiro just smiled and greeted him, "Hey Dude!" Wilbur shifted his weight on one foot, "Hey Hiro! What's going on?" Hiro looked over at the building next to them, "Just waiting for school to start. You?" Wilbur nodded, "Same."
Wilbur then looked over Hiro, turned all around as if he was looking for something. Finally helps Hiro understand what he was doing, "Where are the girls?"
Ugh! That's why he's acting weird. He wants to see his Juliet, Violet Parr. Why does he have to always want her around? Hiro was right there. Well Romeo, you're gonna have to wait. All he did was just shrug and replied, "Beats me. Don't keep track of them."
Suddenly Hiro hears Violet Parr with her sneaky tone, "Right here boys." Startled, he jumps while Wilbur tries to become smooth. "Hey Violet!!" Hiro again says he TRIES. Wilbur coughs and tries to fix his greeting, "What's up?"
Violet becomes visible to them, since she has the power to be invisible. Then she answers, "Just going to school like you guys are.."
Wilbur nervously looks away, "Oh, heh heh right."
Hiro smirks and cocks, "I take college courses." Violet rolls her eyes and commands, "Stop bragging!" Hiro crosses his arms looking at the flamed Violet, "Sorry, can't hide my ego." Wilbur seemed to be getting mad at him to as he says, "Yeh ok."
Hiro casually looks over at the side walk and roads but couldn't find what he was looking for. Where's Penny? He decides to ask Violet since she was her best friend. He calmly starts in the most naturalist way he could, "Soo..Violet, where's Penny?"
"Probably just getting out of school, why?" Violet weirdly looks at him while Wilbur secretly gives him a sly grin. Hiro felt like he was burning up. It wasn't because he LIKED Penny or anything...IT WASNT. Hiro rubbed the back of his head, "Just asking cause we're all here and she isn't."
Wilbur raised his finger. "Or-." Hiro looked at him in a stern way, "Shut it." Wilbur raised his arms at him, "Whoa sorry! I was just gonna say that she might be late or something." Hiro didn't believe it. "Sure you were." Hiro could tell that Violet had enough, "Guys, stop." Wilbur apologize, "Sorry." Violet smiled, "You're forgiven."
Penny Forrester bounced next to Violet giving a warm grin. "Hey guys!" He warmed up at the sound of her voice. She smiled and looked at him, "Hiro!" Penny pounced and wrapped her arms around her next victim, Hiro. He tried not to faint at the squeeze of the snake. He could tell that the other two were staring..
Wilbur's POV
So Penny shows up and screams, "HIRO!! OMG MY BAE!! COME HERE COME HERE!!" ...Not really, but that's exactly what she was thinking. Then she hugs Hiro as if he was a rag doll as he's trying not to die.
Obviously PENNIRO was happening. A idiot would even see it! I look over at Violet. She looked as annoyed and uncomfortable as I felt. Sigh* I wish Willet would happen too..
Soon Penny stops strangling Hiro and I looked at him and give him "The Look" which is pretty much the look we give to anyone who we think has a crush. Jelsa anyone?
Hiro sees me give him The Look and he looks down but then looks up at me giving me a nervous grin.
Soon his nervous smile turns into a huge grin as he looks at Penny's outfit. I look too and I could see why Hiro was practically drooling. She looked..kind of cute. ---DID I JUST THINK THAT?? OH GOSH EWWW!! GET AWAY GET AWAY!!
Violet's POV
As soon as the two love birds stop hugging, Hiro literally starts staring at her..and so does Wilbur! UGH!! Why did Penny have to be so pretty and have a great fashion sense??
She was wearing a short(NOT TOO SHORT) orange dress with leggings. She had white stripes going down the waist line and a cute little 3D flower at the corner of her dress.
It was really cute...too cute. I love Penny and all but why does she have to snatch the guys up and leave me at the tail end? I'm not jealous or anything..I'm not!
Hiro with a big smile on his face complements, "Wow..that's looks r-really good on you."
Penny blushes(so crushing, hopefully), "Thanks Hiro! I got it from my grandma in Hollywood. She made it."
Hiro was amazed, "That's cool! The only thing my Aunt can sew is holes into socks." They both start laughing. Now I just feel ignored.
Penny POV
I laugh at Hiro's joke and he joins in. I never realized till then I haven't really said hi to Wilbur and Violet. I guess I was too distracted..
I wave to the two, "Hey guys! It's so nice to see you!" Violet looked a bit upset but if she did, she was now ok since she gave a smile to me. "Hey Penny, how did the weekend go?"
I'm glad she wasn't angry anymore, "Good. But Bolt got a hold of my phone Saturday and almost broke it. Thankfully he didn't but I have to be more careful where I leave it."
Violet nodded that she could relate, "Yeah, Dash sometimes takes my phone and tries to text my contacts. It's so annoying.."
Hiro questioned, "Is that why you texted me, 'Hiro I love you! You're my SENPAI for life!!!'?"
Violet groaned as I giggled. Wilbur pulled out his phone, "Or that time you texted me, 'Violet loves you so much that he wants to kiss you right now.'?"
Now I'm laughing hard now! You know why? Cause I took Violet's phone and sent that to Wilbur. It was Hiro's idea and I followed along with it.
I secretly high five Hiro behind my back who was trying to hide his giggles.
Violet just groaned again, "Dash.."
Suddenly the bell rings and kids are flowing inside the door and I tell them, "I guess it's time to go." So then we headed the herd to our classes.
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