When you're hurt p2/ when he saves you p2
Levi's Point Of View
"(Y/n) stay strong please" I weakly say as I see her almost lifeless.
"I'll try Levi, I'll try." She says before the darkness consumes her.
"God damn it! Let's go already!"
"Were trying! Hold on!" Erwin screams in response.
I lift her into my arms as I command my horse to bolt it to the infirmary.
I put her paling body down onto a bed as I grip her hand.
"C..can you help her?" I ask weakly
The medic working nods, "what's the issue corporal?"
"I d..don't know... she was almost eaten alive but then she got bitten in the side, and started coughing up blood." I reply
"It sounds like there's internal bleeding. Where was she bitten?" The medic asks me coolly.
"Right here, and all the way down her waist." I say pointing on my own body.
The medic looks me in the eyes, "you need to be strong, be the captain we all know you are."
"That's right. I'm a strong, skilled, and trained soldier. Keeping calm in these situations help the issue." I respond
"Good job. Please prepare yourself for what I have diagnosed." The medic says
"Yes." I reply
"During the feasting, the Achilles' tendon was torn. During the bite, the teeth might not have drawn anything. However the pressure increase caused the kidney was torn, releasing all of the generated bile into the rest of her body. It will take a few surgeons, and many weeks of recovery, but we can save her."
I was awestruck. Knowing that (y/n) could be potentially in danger, I couldn't process my thoughts.
"Corporal?" The medic asks
I snapped out of my thoughts, "yes, whatever it takes."
"Good, we will begin on Commander Erwin's command." The medic responds
"To hell with Erwin! I'm the captain, I say begin!" I yell. I take in a deep breath, "my apologies, I am pushed to my limit at the moment."
The medic looks at me, then (y/n) then around, "all available surgeons, to the O.R."
"Thank you." I say happily
"Please be patient, so many things went wrong that this will take a long time." The medic replies shutting the curtain
"LEVI!" Erwin's booming, angry, voice is heard from the distance. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO STAY WITH US!"
"Well excuse me commander! It's not my fault one of my comrades was on the brink of death!" I say emphasizing the last part
Erwin glares at me as Armin is dumbfounded.
"Will she be okay?" Armin asks me worriedly
"I don't know. All we can do is hope. If you'd like, you can stay here with me and you're excused from cleaning duties for today." I reply. Disbelief in my voice.
Armin smiles at me and sits on the bench next to me.
"I'll stay with you any time!" He says happily. He begins kicking his legs like a child. I would never admit it, but I like to think of him as a son.
(YAAAAYYY PAPA LEVI!!) i smiled at him as I asked him straightly, "Armin do me a favor."
"Yes corporal! What is it?" He asks worriedly
"Never change." I reply laying back, shutting my eyes. I peeked open one of them to see Armin flustered, with his head in his hands.
"W..what do you mean?" He asks in shock
"Don't change your ways. Just stay who you are, I honestly think that it's incredible." I reply
"H..heichou... from you... I just.." he begins
"Wait. I hear something." I command, cutting him off.
"Peep, peep, peeeep, peeeeep, peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."
"No." I say weakly. I jump up only to be stopped by Armin.
"T..there's nothing w..we can do now." He says as tears swell his eyes.
"We have. to try." I say emphasizing every word. We both rush in there, as we heard the glorious words.
"Charge 200." The medic says with the defibrillators
"Step back. Now." I order
"Clear!" Puffmpt
"Please be alive, I can't last here without you. You keep me going." I think
"Please." Armin mumbles.
"Peep, peep, peep, peep."
Armin looks at me, letting all of his tears flow. Out of habit he hugs me. His eyes widen in realization, as he draws back.
"S..sorry!" He squeaks
"I think we could all use a hug every now and then. Don't you agree?" I reply with a grin.
Le time o skip o
The medic comes out of the room as I am sitting anxiously, and Armin is upside down on the bench. He stumbles and falls over, causing his cape to fly over his face.
"Uhh a little help here?" He asks
"Wake up. Time for school." I say with a snort as I help him.
"Hey! Don't tease!" He says with a pout
"Sorry, sorry. How is she?" I ask anxiously
"Why don't you have her tell you?" The medic replies with a grin.
They rolled her out on a bed and there she was, weak and pale. Yet she still greeted us with a smile.
"H..hi c..corporal. H..hi a..Armin." (Y/n) said weakly
I stood wide eyed as tears swelled in my eyes
"Thank you.. thank you so much." I manage
"It's my pleasure." The medic responds "you have a long road to recovery, how about you and them go to the cafeteria. You're free to sit up now."
"Food?" She asks excitedly, causing everyone to laugh, even me.
"Yes, food." Armin said with a smile, as tears stained his face.
"Come here little muffin." She said sweetly. Armin obliges as she wipes the tears off of his face and hugs him.
"My god (y/n) we were so scared." Armin said sobbing.
"It's ok. All I want is food so let's go." (Y/n) says
Thank the goddesses, she was alive.
Author pov
Eren doubled over in pain as Levi looked defeated. (Y/n) was close to the rocks.
"I'm coming mom and dad." She thought with a smile.
Suddenly a clank was heard as a familiar, blonde, cinnamon roll swooped in on ODM.
"What were you thinking?" He yelled worriedly
They reached the surface and everyone rushed over.
"Stay back." Armin ordered as he looked at you.
You had tear stains, puffy hair, red eyes and a pale face.
"I just.... why?" He asks hurt
"The only way out of this hell was suicide..." (y/n) continues. "Eren is a dick and no one else but Conny, Sasha, Hangë and corporal Levi bothered to say anything!"
"It's okay. I'm so sorry..." Armin said as he hugged her
His soft skin and warm embrace made her feel better. Eren rushed over as if saying "get off my girl".
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! Can you ever forgive me? If you felt this way you could've just dragged me away! I can't deal with this. I'm so sorry!" He yelled while sobbing.
(Y/n) looked at Armin, then Eren. Her eyes asked permission as Armin nodded. She let go of Armin and latched on Eren. He was taken aback (hopefully that's English.) as he sobbed hardly. Everyone stared at them as they hugged each other and sobbed.
"You'll never know what this means to me right now." She said softly
"Please be my friend again. I can't cope without you." He replies in a whisper
"Yes." (Y/n) stated without thought.
"Back to work everyone. Leave them be." Levi said, sounding remorseful.
After about 15 minutes of hugs they got back up and went back to camp.
"You ready?" Armin asks inside the cafeteria
"For what?" Eren responds with curiosity
"We we're going to go bird watching." Armin said happily
"Can I stay with (y/n)? I promise when she is all better we can go." Eren replies sounding happier than ever.
"Oh yeah! Of course!" Armin squeaks
"Thanks Eren. You may be a little shit, but your our little shit." (Y/n) says with a smile.
"Gee thanks." He said plainly
"Oh hush!" She orders
No ones pov
"I'll get you for this. Armin and the captains are on their way to save me right now, then you can finally come out of hiding C-" then you were knocked out.
Armin and the others were on their way, faster then the speed of light.
Time skip cuz , I've had a long day and I'm tired af.
When you woke up, you were tied in a different position, and were hooked up to a strange machine.
"Well good morning sunshine!" She said happily
"Hoe shut the fuck up." You ordered
"That's not how you talk to your queen (y/n)!" She sing- songed
"You can kiss my ass Christa!" You yelled
"Silly girl. You messed up big time." She said glaring at you. Suddenly a jolt of electricity was sent through you, causing you to scream in pain. One minute passes, than two, then five.
"Having fun?" She hummed "I'll bring you some food and water so you don't die." She said shutting off the machine
She leaves the room as you start crying softly.
Meanwhile Armin and the others reach the location of your captivity
"Stay alert, use all of your knowledge against her." Levi orders
The 3 make their way to a small window to see you strapped on a table, screaming and crying, as christa manically laughed. The controller in her hand was running.
"On my call we ambush. One through the door, one through the window and one from the roof.
Armin grab (y/n), Erwin grab the remote, and I'll take care of slut McGee over here" Levi ordered (IM DECEASED)
"One. Two." Levi began as Erwin jumped to the roof and Armin rushed to the door. "Three."
The three began their attack, Levi on Christa, Erwin grabbing the remote, and Armin trying to undo the cuffs.
"Damn it! Hange is good with this stuff!" Levi yells angrily.
Finally Armin pulls them with all of his strength and the cuffs pop off. He grabs you and jumps out of the window.
"(Y/n)? Say something please." He says with tears welling his eyes
"I. Fucking. Hate. That. Slut." You said weakly
"Oh my god!" He yelled hugging you. "She's okay!" He called to Erwin, who told Levi.
"GET BACK HERE!" Christa yelled, running out of the door. Armin continued to hug you and cry. When Christa came up to you and Armin, he just lifted his arm and socked her straight in the face.
"Corporal Levi come take her." Armin whines
"Damn Arlert. Who knew?" Levi said shocked
"Just please take her!" He yelled.
Armin looked at you sleeping, you shot awake crying.
"No! No more blade!" You yelled
"Shh.. it's okay.. I'm here it's okay." Armin said comforting you.
You cuddled close to him and fell back asleep
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